Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and eighty - different things

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One of the most important purposes of a movie premiere is to create momentum, from Warner Bros. spending a lot of money to inviting many influential guests to the stage, all of which are actually to create greater popularity and media discussion for the upcoming movie.

Naturally, a press conference is indispensable for the premiere of the film.

On the second floor of the Hollywood Chinese Theater, a news room was temporarily set up. Reporters and related staff from more than 150 media outlets crowded the temporary news room. At the forefront, a long table is reserved for the main creator of the crew.

The press conference site was fairly quiet. When Wayne and Bruce Rosenblum came in, all the reporters and creative staff were ready, just wait for the two of them to arrive and start.

In the movie "Wonder Woman", Angelina Jolie is the center of all the shots, and she is also the absolute protagonist who does her part. Basically, the reporters in the press room know that the actress is likely to rely on this film. Bit soared.

The previous year\'s "Charlie\'s Angels" and this year\'s "Wonder Woman", this **** actress with a protruding face and a hot body can be said to have embarked on a career fast track.

However, almost all the eyes and attention of the media reporters, after the Warner Bros. staff announced the start, fell on Wayne, who had just sat in the middle.

Almost all relevant reporters who were present in the media industry knew that this "Wonder Woman" was destined to attract more attention than expected, because this film is quite different from the works directed by Wayne before.

"Wonder Woman" is different from what fans, media, and film critics have guessed around the world. The film is not like Wayne\'s previous superhero movies at all. It has neither a deep dark style, nor a strong DC religious mapping, and even The discussions of human nature and social issues that are indispensable in Wayne\'s films have simply disappeared this time without a trace.

"Director Greenberg, may I ask?"

In the front row, a middle-aged white female reporter from The New Yorker stood up first. As everyone expected, she did not target the glamorous heroine, but instead aimed the gun at the film director for the first time.

"After the film premiere just now, we all saw that this is a film about the birth of Wonder Woman Diana Prince. But this film is quite different from your previous works. Can you talk about it? Talking about, why did you choose to shoot "Wonder Woman" into a work similar to summer popcorn.

As we all know, movie fans in North America and even around the world are all looking forward to the heavy temperament in your work. Do you think fans can accept such a work with serious homogenization of popcorn attributes? "

As soon as the reporter\'s first question came out, the host of the press conference wanted to stop it, but Wayne smiled and narrowed his eyes, waved his hand, and stopped the host\'s next move.

The scene was eerily quiet for a moment, followed by a humming sound, with a large number of reporters whispering, obviously no one expected that the questions from the "New Yorker" colleagues would be so sharp, it can be said that they did not save any face for Warner Bros.

"Unless you know the needs of fans better than I do."

With his hands folded on the table in front of him, Wayne bowed his head slightly and said to the microphone on the table with a smile: "In fact, I have never said in any public place what kind of film I will definitely shoot. Of course, It also doesn\'t mean that the standard I shoot is infinitely wide."

As soon as he finished speaking, before he even finished speaking, a reporter from the "Roshen Times" sat in the front row and immediately asked spiritually: "Director Greenberg, what are your standards for filming and making films? "

There was a look of satisfaction in Wayne\'s eyes. He secretly glanced at the reporter who took up the topic, and planned to say hello to Warner Bros. after the press conference was over.

"There is only one criterion, and that is a movie that fans love."

Speaking of this, he helplessly spread his hands to all the reporters, and then said: "Don\'t ask what kind of movie fans love, and don\'t wonder if this "Wonder Woman" will be favored by fans, listen , guys, unless one of you knows more about what fans want than I do."

It seems to be a mocking response to ease the atmosphere of the scene, but it is not that the reporter is stupid and continues to be serious on this issue.

Regardless of whether Wayne, who is sitting in the very center, is changing the subject, no one can deny what he said. In this temporary press room, there is indeed no professional who understands the needs of fans better than Wayne.

Not to mention this temporary press room, even if the scope is expanded to the whole of Hollywood, there are probably not many people who dare to pat their chests and abdomens and say that they know more about what movie fans like than Wayne Greenberg. This is a business society, so the measure of success is the market performance achieved in the past.

"Wayne, can you talk about the reasons for your sudden change in style."

After a burst of laughter, a reporter with an "Entertainment" magazine pass on his chest stood up and asked politely. "You know, when I was watching the movie, it was almost hard to believe it was your handwriting, God, Wayne Greenberg actually started adding humor to the movie. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

In fact, to put it bluntly, this question is not much different from the first one, but compared to the first reporter who is obviously provocative, this guy is much smarter.

"Alright alright."

Wayne shrugged and raised his hands in a surrender gesture in front of all the reporters. Then he thought about it for a while, and replied to the microphone in front of him: "When I decided to shoot Wonder Woman, I was actually thinking about a question, how to make more non-DC comics fans understand, And love this superhero like no other."

After adjusting his sitting position slightly, he looked at the crowd of reporters in front of him and continued: "As we all know, when people mention superheroes, the first thing that flashes in most ordinary people\'s minds are always Superman, Batman and Flash. Yes, even if you are not a fan of DC Comics, you must have heard their stories more or less.

Compared with Superman Clark Kent, Batman Bruce Wayne and Flash Barry Allen, although Wonder Woman Diana Prince is one of the three giants of justice, in terms of public understanding, there is actually no so high. "

Hearing his answer, many reporters at the scene nodded lightly, which was absolutely right. When people usually mention superheroes, the first thing that always comes to mind is Batman, Superman and Flash. Who makes these three famous all over the world?

Wonder Woman is relatively embarrassing. In the comics, she is one of the three giants of justice and an extremely heavyweight character. However, in reality, the public is often more likely to ignore this character and focus all their attention on characters such as Superman.

"Don\'t question my rhetoric, because I commissioned Warner Bros. to do a lot of market research when I was preparing for the film "Wonder Woman."