Hollywood Drawing

~: recommend"

Parking the car at the manor, Wayne walked into the living room under Nina\'s worried eyes. When he just came in, dozens of reporters from large and small media surrounded the house.

The first thing he did when he got home was to call Hela and ask her to contact the security company as soon as possible and hire a few security personnel. His home is too big, and no one can guarantee what those extreme personnel will do.

Naomi also came downstairs and sat with Nina, looking at him worriedly.

"Nami." He was a little surprised to see the blonde beauty sitting across from him. "You should go back to your own apartment now, instead of coming here. I think your agent should have told you how great it was."

Naomi shook her head and said in a relaxed tone, "I fired her, now you need someone on your side."

Wayne smiled, genuinely, this was the first good news he heard today.

"What should we do now? When I came back, the African-American actors on the crew were in a bad state." Naomi\'s tone was full of worry, she felt that the film might die prematurely. "If things don\'t go well, I\'m afraid those African Americans will..."

"Don\'t be afraid, we can use the contract to talk." He didn\'t worry about this. There are still a lot of smart people in Hollywood. They know that before things are finalized, they must not be distracted.

"Did that son of a **** keep talking nonsense?" Naomi was so angry that she turned on the TV and watched the news as soon as she came back. "She has no evidence at all. Why does all the media believe her and speak from her position?"

"This kind of thing doesn\'t need proof, Nami. As long as I can\'t prove that I didn\'t do it, the public will naturally be on her side." Wayne has seen through this long ago, no matter who planned it all, It can be said that it hit him directly in the seven inches.

Now all he can do is to stabilize himself, don\'t panic, and slowly wait for the heat to pass.

Early the next morning, various tabloids, fearing that the world would not be in chaos, reported the incident with sensational headlines. Except for the media related to Universal Pictures, the big media and newspapers are still relatively conservative, they just reported what happened.

There is a reason for Warner Bros., after all, this giant still has a lot of face.

And those tabloids are different. They like the dog-blooded news that can stimulate the public. This time it is obvious.

"Shameful racist..."

"He seriously lacks respect for women, and is a perverted madman..."

"Wayne Greenberg, shameless discriminator..."


All kinds of similar titles, throwing money on Wayne\'s head as if not pulling him into the abyss, these tabloids will never give up.

Sitting in the car driven by Nina, he threw the newspaper in his hand behind him. His mood was very stable, and he had already guessed the result.

Having said hello in advance, Nina drove the car directly into the studio and parked in front of the studio. After getting off the car, John was already waiting for him, obviously things were still fermenting.

As they walked in, John said, "There have been protests from organizations of color, as well as women\'s federations, women\'s equal rights groups, and the like, which have published appeals in newspapers to unite women in their desire to use legal means. .

Things are very troublesome, we are too passive now. Warner did its best to suppress the coverage of the big media, but it didn\'t do much for Comscat\'s TV networks and newspapers. "

"That\'s enough, John." Wayne was not as angry and panicked as he thought, and his calm expression was always on his face. "We will focus on shooting first, and the popularity will not always be so high."

The good news is that the cast and crew came to work early in the morning, and the main African-American actors did not shirk their leave because of this.

The bad part is that the filming has not been very smooth from the beginning, and all kinds of work mistakes will occur in the scenes that are too simple to be impossible. Wayne patiently waited for the crew to run in. In his heart, nothing was as important as making a good movie.

In the morning when everyone was absent-minded, only three shots were taken. No one could do anything about this sudden accident.

When everyone was resting at noon, Jimmy brought two more newspapers, threw them on the table, and said helplessly: "Mel Gibson was interviewed by reporters, and he said that you are a little boy who has not been educated. Those words must have been said, and I ask you to apologize to the public as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, he took a sip of water, pointed to another newspaper and said: "Hey, this is what Morgan Freeman and Spike Lee said in an interview, they said they would unite all African-American groups and treat you sue."

All right now, all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods have popped up. As long as they don\'t like him, they have to step on them. Sure enough, the principle of life in this circle is to step on the low and fall into the trap.

"Hey, it would be great if we had evidence. That **** dared to talk nonsense because he knew that there was no one else in the office." Jimmy sighed. What happened in the past two days made him exhausted.

When Nina heard his complaint, she suddenly let out a sigh. Without saying hello, she ran out in high heels, got in the car and left the studio.

"What\'s wrong with her?" Jimmy was taken aback and asked Wayne suspiciously.

"I don\'t know, maybe there\'s something urgent." At this moment, he didn\'t care about Nina. He would focus all his energy on shooting, so as not to think about it.

Just as the noon break was over and Wayne was about to start working in the afternoon, Nina walked into the office, holding her bag in her arms with a mysterious expression.

Under the puzzled eyes of Jimmy and the others, she took out a DV from her bag and put it in front of Wayne.

"The DV you gave me was out of power when I brought it back that night, and I haven\'t watched it since. I just remembered that when I left your office, I took a selfie for the two of us, and the battery was out of power. Yes DV has been working.

I just went back to confirm and it was still out of power, but after I switched on the battery and turned it on, the picture inside was absolutely amazing. "

Hearing her explanation, Wayne quickly opened the DV, yes, there was only this long video in it.

Jimmy also moved closer, and the three heads were all staring at the small screen above. The first thing to appear is Nina\'s stinky selfie, and it doesn\'t take long before Halle-Berry walks into the office.

Compared with the film camera, the picture that happened later was not as clear, but it was still clear for people to see what happened, and even the words they said were recorded very clearly.

Seeing this, Wayne let go of all his worries. Regardless of Jimmy who was staring at the screen, he stood up and gave the little assistant a hug, whispering in her ear.

"Thank you, Nina, thank you."

"Oh! Boss, you\'re welcome, how is it, I don\'t have to worry about losing my job this time?"

Yes, Nina is most worried about losing her job. She needs this high-paying job now to help her family. Otherwise, she wouldn\'t let a big Wall Street company do her internship and become a small assistant.

"Of course, you saved all of us!" Looking at this ordinary-looking face, even the freckles beside her nose, he felt so playful and vivid now. "As long as you want, you don\'t need to worry about this problem in the future."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head, looked at his agent and said, "Go, John, secretly call over, let\'s discuss how to use this thing."

With this practical and effective evidence, he can now be said to be invincible, so his ideas began to grow. Wayne has never been a good gentleman who is easy to talk about. He wants to find a way to teach those who are doing things a good lesson.

A profound lesson.

"Wayne, what are you going to do?" After watching the video, John relaxed and leaned back in his chair. He was under a lot of pressure. "I want to make a copy of this thing and take it back to Warner. Whether it\'s through our own media newspapers or TV networks, this farce can end immediately."

Wayne tucked his cigarette fingers and lightly lit the table. "No, John, you can make a copy and take it back~www.novelhall.com~ but don\'t be in a hurry to release it. In two days, I want to know who is behind this plan, and I can\'t be beaten passively."

"Wait until they can\'t help but jump out?"

"Yes, there will be people who can\'t help it. I\'m a director, not a public figure standing in front of the stage. If they don\'t jump out and stab me in the heat, they won\'t hit me so easily."

Jimmy was a little worried, with a look of fear on his face. "Don\'t play with fire, get out as soon as possible is the most important thing, your energy should be all on shooting."

"Don\'t worry Jimmy, with this thing, we are on the opposite side of failure, and it is absolutely impossible for them to overturn it again." John knows the power of this short ten-minute video, it can definitely destroy a lot of people.

"In this way, I will stay in the studio and continue filming. John, you bring a video back to Warner, and use your company\'s channels to release the news, saying that I have key evidence, and I will be interviewed in two days, release this evidence, see Let\'s see if we can blow up some big fish."

Wayne\'s idea is very simple. He wants to figure out who is messing with him. It is absolutely impossible for Harry Berry, who is still a young actor, to blow up the topic at once.

Now he may not have much to do, but the days are still long, and there will always be a chance to give the other party a chance.

It can be clearly seen that the people behind the scenes are trying to kill him with a stick. If racial discrimination is really set on his head, the best result will be to make niche films in Hollywood, and it is impossible to direct commercial films. Opportunity.

"No problem, I\'ll go back now." John obviously wanted to take advantage of this farce to make things happen, and he already had a rough outline in his mind. "I will go back and discuss with the publicity department, release the news that we have evidence in our hands as soon as possible, and try to blow up the fish as soon as possible."