Hollywood Drawing

~: fifty-five - be a man to play with the camera

Halle-Berry has been very high-profile these two days. She has never experienced such attention. Everyone is sympathizing with her and praising her for her brave character.

A lot of media attention even gave her the illusion that she was already popular. Originally, she didn\'t have the guts to do this, but the promise of the global executives made her completely put down her concerns and decided to take a gamble.

The matter is not complicated. It was a trivial matter that she failed the audition, but just when she was about to go to the next set to look for an opportunity, Adam Goodman of Universal Pictures contacted her.

In this intriguing circle, Harry Berry could not easily believe his promise. With the assurance of Morgan Freeman, who is also African, she met the mastermind of the whole thing, Phelan Goodman. , an executive of that giant company.

Maybe Harry will have doubts about Adam, and seeing Phelan Goodman, she absolutely believes that she can benefit from this.

Compared with his own father, Adam\'s little tricks were definitely child fights. As soon as Phelan made his move, he immediately wanted to destroy Wayne Greenberg. Phelan has never forgotten the little director who dared to point at him and threaten him.

But Halle Berry had just been complacent for two days when she received a call from Phelan, asking her to come to a club in West Hollywood right away.

Just as she sat down with a puzzled face and looked at the Goodmans and Morgan Freeman, Adam stood up eagerly and asked her, "Harry, did you go to Wayne Greenberg\'s office that day? Is there anyone else present?"

"Impossible, it\'s just the two of us in the office." She was sure of this, otherwise she wouldn\'t dare to talk nonsense to the media. "I promise it\'s just the two of us, what happened?"

"There\'s no reason." Faerun muttered softly. "Is it really a bluff?"

Adam took two steps back and forth with an ugly face, and then said to her: "Just now, the media under Warner Bros. broke the news, and Wayne Greenberg has key evidence in his hands, which can prove his innocence."

Harry-Berry\'s first thought was that someone eavesdropped on their conversation, but it was impossible, she was sure that the little assistant had gone far.

"Is there anything like a voice recorder in his office? No, no, it\'s impossible. He wouldn\'t have foreseen this in advance, and he couldn\'t have prepared in advance." Phelan Goodman asked Harry , but rejected it.

"When is he going to release the evidence?" Harry-Berry asked nervously, if the other party really had solid evidence, she would be really ruined.

"Two days later." Adam asked her irritably. "You are recalling carefully, are you sure there is really no evidence left behind?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I can be sure that he definitely has no so-called evidence!" In fact, she is still drumming in her heart, and Warners dare to release this news with absolute certainty.

For this matter, she fired her agent and signed a new agency under the leadership of Phelan. The other party also promised to give her an important role in the global first-line project.

And through the hype about this incident, her name was known all over North America in a short period of time. It can be said that in addition to the follow-up benefits, she has completely got what she wanted.

Why did you come to Hollywood? Not even fame, fortune and money, in two days, Harry Berry\'s name became well known to everyone. Her character of bravely facing the power has also won the favor of countless women.

Now if things really turn around, it is absolutely impossible for me to get out of my body, and even if the career that has not started is gone, even if I return to the modeling and fashion circle, it will become impossible. The most important thing is that there is a high possibility of being sued by the other party. The bottom layer like her knows best how the rich toss the poor.

"Then what do we do now? Wait and see if he has any so-called evidence?" Harry-Berry asked them anxiously with a frightened expression on his face at the right time.

She knew that if Warner really had evidence, the three people on the other side would definitely abandon her without hesitation, as if she had never known her. Now she has to find a way to save herself.

Morgan-Freeman didn\'t speak, and his expression didn\'t even fluctuate much, he just thought quietly. The representative of the gentleman in the eyes of fans, the most elegant black old man looked at Harry and said:

"Go back first, I think they are talking nonsense, as long as you confirm that there is no evidence, Warner may be brewing other things to divert public attention.

Don\'t give interviews these two days, keep your mouth shut, and wait for our news later. "

"Okay, I\'ll wait for your news." Harry picked up his handbag, with a worried look on his face, and hurried out of the clubhouse.

It wasn\'t until she got into the car that she angrily threw her bag behind. "Bastards, they\'re all bastards. It\'s not that easy to abandon me. You want me to do it all by myself? I\'m going to drag you all into the water! Son of a bitch!"

After speaking, he started the car with a vicious look on his face and went straight to Burbank.

The bright sunshine in Los Angeles was slowly falling, and the actors who had just finished their day\'s work in the evening sat on an electric car and headed out of the studio.

Wayne was not in a hurry to leave. He was arranging the shooting plan. The shooting work in the past two days was very difficult. He understood that the crew\'s hearts were fluctuating and everyone was not working.

There is no good way to do this kind of thing. You can only make do with it for two days, and it will be regarded as a tacit understanding of the staff. As long as the video is released two days later, the crew will soon return to normal.

Now everyone is worried, worried that this film will die prematurely, and they can\'t work with confidence at all.

"Dang, dang. Boss, someone is looking for you!"

Nina knocked on the door and came in with a very strange expression. Looking at Wayne who was looking through the scenes, his voice was also very strange.

"Now?" He glanced at the assistant who wasn\'t quite right, but he didn\'t take it seriously. "Let him come in, you pack up, we\'ll go home immediately, Hela contacted the security, and will be there today."

Nina opened the door immediately, and Wayne saw the black pearl walking in.

"Excuse me, can I talk to Director Greenberg alone?" Halle Berry looked at the assistant.

Wow, hearing some familiar words made Nina almost burst out laughing. Although he didn\'t know what the other party was going to do, it was obvious that his boss\'s fish-frying plan had yielded results from the very beginning.

"Go, Nina, don\'t worry, help me close the door." Wayne understood the reason for her expression just now, and felt absurd to himself. "Ms. Berry, what\'s the matter with me? I\'m very busy, just say something!"

After he finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment, and smiled unconsciously. He said this last time.

Looking at Wayne facing her with ease, Harry was very sure that the other party must have mastered something. She knew that Warner Bros. could not speak for the director without seeing tangible evidence.

"Director Greenberg, I\'m here to apologize. I know that I said something I shouldn\'t have said, and let your reputation be ruined."

"Tell me about it, Harry, I don\'t have time to listen to your apology." Wayne interrupted her with a wave.

"Okay, I admit that what I said to the media was false. Someone made me do it on purpose." She looked at him while saying that, and saw that his face was always the same, and there was no surprise.

"And then, Harry, go on."

"I want to know what evidence you or Warner have in the hands! I have to know first before I can tell you who planned all this."

Harry-Berry stared at him eagerly, she still had a bit of luck in her heart, and wanted to know where she lost? Can the evidence in the other party\'s hands destroy her?

"Let\'s put it this way, I didn\'t ask you to say it. If you don\'t want to, you can leave at any time." He really didn\'t pay much attention to Halle Berry\'s words.

As long as the video is in the hands of the media, this woman will definitely tell the media who is behind it. He will never think highly of the names of these people. In order to reduce the damage, she will bite everyone out by herself.

Now the situation is very obvious. When the planner is not sure if he has the real thing in his hand, he has already started to prepare for the way back. This woman will definitely be abandoned. Just when they saw that there was no way they could keep Halle Berry shut up!

"Okay, Director Greenberg." Seeing that Wayne really didn\'t care about her words, Harry continued eagerly: "It was Adam Goodman who contacted me, Phelan- of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Universal. Goodman orchestrated all this, and Morgan Freeman was involved."

"Then what do you mean by coming to me? It seems that they are ready to abandon you now."

"How can you let me go? Mr. Greenberg!" Halle Berry stared into Wayne\'s eyes, hoping to see a little mood swing, and if there was a chance, she wouldn\'t use the last resort.

This sentence almost made Wayne laugh again. "Do you think it\'s possible? Just because of your nonsense, this incident almost ruined my career. What would be the consequences if I were labelled as racist and abusive?"

Harry gritted his teeth and gave up the last hope. "If I have a way to solve this, I can help you find out who\'s behind it.

As long as you let me go, I will tell the media that I was coerced by them, that they threatened me to do everything, and I can even testify against them directly in front of the media. "

"Not enough, Harry, these are far from enough." Wayne rubbed his chin and said while thinking: "Well, I\'ll give you a chance, you need to go back and get Phelan Goodman to participate in this in two days. evidence of the incident."

"Evidence?" Harry was stunned after hearing these words.

"Yes, I want Phelan Goodman\'s clear and complete video evidence. Well, let\'s show you this first." He took out a small tape and put it into the VCR.

Looking at the picture that appeared on the TV, Harry only felt a chill down his back. She didn\'t even know when the other party recorded it.

"How\'s it going? Take this camera, whether you put it in your bag or whatever, and go and capture the evidence that Phelan planned this incident." Wayne took out the small DV and put it on the table superior.