Hollywood Drawing

~: fifty three - racism

John and Wayne, who looked puzzled, followed Jimmy back to the small conference room and watched him turn on the TV and switch to NBC.

"Here is the NBC News report, just now Ms. Halle-Berry was interviewed that young director Wayne Greenberg had sexually harassed him and was severely racially discriminated against!

Wayne Greenberg\'s last film "Happy Death Day" has just been released worldwide. This small production with an investment of 1 million US dollars has just harvested a box office of 120 million US dollars from more than 60 countries around the world!

And is this newly graduated director of 100 million yuan really a pervert and racist? The following is the real-time picture of our reporter interviewing Harry Berry! "

"Ms. Berry, you said you were sexually harassed and racist by Director Greenberg?"

Harry-Berry said in a positive tone: "Yes, in the director\'s office at Warner Studios."

"Excuse me, can you tell me why you went to his office?" NBC\'s memory was like cooperating with her, looking for a motive for her behavior.

Harry-Berry\'s face was embarrassed at the right time. "Because Director Greenberg asked me to audition, he said that my audition on the first day was not very good, and I hope to perform again."

"Ms. Berry, what did he do to you? Why do you call him racist?"

"He asked me to take off my clothes and kneel on his..." Having said this, she deliberately closed her mouth and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Seeing her choked up, the female reporter encouraged her with some indignation. "It\'s okay, Harry, tell what happened to you, it\'s over, the public has the right to know, and fans need to recognize this scum."

Harry-Berry wiped away his tears, plucked up the courage and continued on to the camera: "He told me that as long as I was obedient and served him, I could give me the role. You know, I want to win the role by my own efforts, I don\'t want to.

Seeing that I didn\'t agree to this kind of deal, Director Greenberg wanted to tear my clothes off. I avoided him and tried to escape. "

"And then, Harry, be brave and say it all." The reporter continued to encourage her just right.

"Then she called me a nigger! A **** of a son of a bitch! He also threatened me that if I walked out of this office today, he would block me with the agency, so that I would never have a movie to shoot!"

With a "pop", Jimmy turned off the TV and looked at Wayne with a pale face.

"This bixxh!" It wasn\'t until Jimmy turned off the TV that Wayne realized what was going on. He realized for the first time that this matter was wrong, full of conspiracy.

"Director Greenberg!" John looked at him seriously. "Did you do those things? It\'s very important. I need to know what you did to communicate the PR approach to the company."

"I haven\'t, I\'m not that smart yet." Don\'t say he hasn\'t done it, even if it\'s true, he can\'t admit it at this time.

"She did come to my office that day, but contrary to what she said, I couldn\'t do those mindless things."

In this country, you can smoke leaf cigarettes, you can have a chaotic private life, even promiscuity, or even curse at the president and congressmen, the only thing you can\'t touch is racial discrimination.

Especially in the fame and fortune circle of Hollywood, if you are identified as a racist, it is equivalent to giving up your career completely, because the public will never pay for the works of a racist.

Because Jimmy ran in from the studio door, his face was always red after strenuous exercise. After turning off the TV, he asked uncertainly:

"You really didn\'t do anything to her? You know, this is a big problem, it\'s definitely a big problem that affects your career, you have to confess to me!"

"I didn\'t do anything, let me think about it alone." Wayne habitually lit his cigarette and took a deep breath. "John, please announce to the crew that today\'s work will stop here, and continue shooting tomorrow."

John and Jimmy looked at each other and left the conference room together, leaving him to think alone.

"John, talk to the crew, tell them to turn down reporters, and now Warner Studios must be full of reporters." Jimmy reminded the production manager that these reporters are like sharks that smell blood, especially those who Gossip tabloids.

"I will say it, but the effect cannot be guaranteed." John shook his arm helplessly. There were dozens of staff in the entire crew. No one can guarantee that no one is talking nonsense.

And there are several African-Americans in the main cast. These glass-hearted people are always very united at times like this. Wayne is right to not show up first.

Now it seems that whether this film can continue to be filmed is a big question.

At this time, almost all the crew members had already received the news, and several African-American actors also sat together and discussed in a low voice. After John announced a temporary holiday, everyone walked out quietly in a weird atmosphere.

When they came out of the studio, everyone found that reporters had blocked the door, and NBC even drove a news truck here.

Among them, the most conspicuous one was Will Smith. As soon as he went out, he was surrounded by a large group of reporters before he even reached the parking lot. Even if Warner\'s security guards desperately stopped him, he was still unable to move an inch.

"Mr. Smith, does Wayne Greenberg use racial slurs against you?"

"Will, talk about the racism of director Greenberg..."

"Will you speak out in support of Harry-Berry? After all, you are the same skin color..."

Countless voices poured into Will Smith\'s ears, but he kept his agent\'s instructions in mind, and said nothing, and now he will definitely not express any opinion.

Under the protection of security, he walked silently to the parking lot.

Inside the studio, Nina took the phone, walked into the small conference room, and woke up the thinking Wayne. "Your mother\'s phone number, boss."

He took the phone and put it in his ear, listening to his mother\'s caring advice.

"Mom, don\'t worry, I will solve this matter, yes, I didn\'t say those words or let her do those things, okay, I will solve it as soon as possible."

Hanging up the phone, Wayne sighed. Even the mother who was far away on the farm in the suburbs called, which shows how big the trouble is. The outside world must be full of news about him now.

Jimmy also opened the door and walked back, sitting beside him. "I just asked the company and Halle Berry fired her agent a day ago for William Morris, the bitch."

"Don\'t worry, Jimmy, this is a lot of weirdness. Even if she wants to expose my racism, why did it take two days for the interview? There is a problem here, and which media was the first to spread the news on a large scale?"

Jimmy and Nina said the answer together: "NBC!"

Wayne has never lost his composure. Panic can\'t solve any problems. What he has to do now is to think clearly about the cause and effect and find a way to restore public opinion.

"I just turned on the TV and watched it again. Only the media TV station under Conscart is reporting on this matter on a large scale. What does this mean?"

"This is a premeditated smear, Conscarter, Cons... Universal Pictures?" Jimmy reacted immediately.

He didn\'t run away. According to his own inference, it was also the work of Universal Pictures. Only this Hollywood giant can launch so many media, and it is the parent company\'s media. This is to kill him with public opinion.

"Jimmy, I\'m not suitable for the road right now. You can communicate with Warner to see what they think. Nina, let\'s go home first, and I have to think about the solution."

After Wayne finished speaking, he snuffed out the cigarette in his hand, stood up and prepared to go out.

"Wait, Wayne." Jimmy stopped him and asked cautiously, "What about the filming problem? Will it continue tomorrow?"

"Continue, as long as the end of the world has not come, the filming work cannot be stopped, and the progress must not be delayed."

When Wayne\'s electric car came to the door, all these media reporters, big and small, swarmed to block him, and countless microphones and recorders were placed in front of him.

At this time, he didn\'t say a word and moved forward. He knew that there were many mistakes in what he said. This kind of thing has always been the underprivileged group standing on the moral high ground.

Under the protection of seven or eight security guards, a reporter asked a question loudly when he was about to squeeze in front of the car.

"Director Greenberg ~www.novelhall.com~ Shouldn\'t you apologize like Harry Berry? Shouldn\'t you apologize like the public? People of color all over North America are waiting for your apology! Discrimination Are people of color your family\'s influence on your education?"

He was already about to get into the car, but when he heard this, Wayne immediately gave up and walked forward, turning his head to look at the reporter with cold eyes. That\'s right, this is the female reporter who interviewed Harry Berry.

Seeing him stop, the reporter immediately put the microphone in front of his mouth, she hoped that the young man would be provoked and say something thoughtless.

"You\'re so sure that what Halle-Berry said is true? So you\'re sure I racist against her? What evidence do you have, just say that, apologize? I\'m sorry it\'s impossible to apologize, I didn\'t do anything."

After speaking, he immediately got into the car and slowly drove forward under the protection of the security guard. Just when all the reporters thought he was about to leave, he stopped the car abnormally.

Wayne lowered the car glass and asked the female reporter, "What\'s your name?"

"My name is Jeffrey Cass, are you going to threaten me? Director Greenberg." Hearing Wayne ask her name, she was almost overjoyed. After all, the young man couldn\'t hold his breath.

"Ah, you can understand it this way, Ms. Cass, I will mail you a lawyer\'s letter, and you must be responsible for your own words."

After speaking, without waiting for her response, he raised the glass and slowly accelerated away.

He never wanted to care about these small characters. When such a big thing happened, he didn\'t bother to care about them. But what she said about the Wayne family completely stabbed his nerves.

In this life, he can be said to have a perfect family. He loves his father and mother very much, and will never allow anyone to slander them.