Hollywood Drawing

~: Playing

The theater suddenly became very quiet, the light from the old-fashioned projector was dim and yellow, and hundreds of people turned their attention to the curtain at the same time.

The opening animation that first appeared is always the icon of Warner Bros. full of historical precipitation, several old studio houses have become classic shield-shaped logos, and the eternal piano background music.

A few seconds of animation slid past, followed by a sudden black screen with the huge DC letters, followed by a deep, dark line of letters that fans are already familiar with, "Wayne Greenberg!"

Since Hollywood entered the 1990s, once these three opening signs appeared, it meant the appearance of a fine movie, and at the same time, it also meant the appearance of another movie fans\' carnival. The name Wayne Greenberg is now the popular movie fans. A sign of conscience movies in the eyes.

The darkness on the big screen faded away, and the movie officially started. The dark background of the entire curtain turned into dusk after sunset. The camera\'s perspective was suddenly pulled into the sky, and groups of bats flew by in the dusk, and they formed one. The giant bat, this is Batman\'s classic logo.

Before the story began, the screen of the film clearly told the audience that this film was about the birth of Batman.

In the end, the swarms of bats slowly pulled away, forming the name of the film: Batmanbegins, which is "Batman: War Hour"!

For a long time, Wayne felt that this translation better interprets the core of the film than The Mystery of Xia Yingying, and it is more in line with the first Batman song that he has modified.

As advertised, under Wayne\'s lens, "Batman: War Hour", as the groundbreaking work of the three dramas, seeks to accurately capture some of Batman\'s ultimate problems, and tells them in an almost allegorical mode. Audience, why this hero is the highest role model for 80 years since the birth of superheroes.

Without him, that\'s the so-called "no-kill principle"!

As soon as the scene of the film turns, the film opens with Bruce Wayne and Rachel as teenagers, two childhood sweethearts playing in the garden, but unfortunately, little Bruce Wayne fell into a deserted dry well and fell to the ground. A cave under the house.

Just as little Bruce Wayne was waiting for rescue inside, a group of bats rushed towards him, frightening him into a panic. From then on, he had a huge psychological shadow on bats and darkness.

This is very important and is one of the biggest changes in Wayne. When the original Christopher Nolan arrived here, he used the editing method to disrupt the timeline, directly pulling the lens to Bruce Wayne\'s adulthood, and then using the constant flashback Flashbacks brought a more subtle Batman story to fans of that time and space.

But Wayne didn\'t do that. He directly used the linear narrative editing method he was best at, which is to start the story from beginning to end according to the timeline.

These two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Wayne\'s way of telling stories is more suitable for the public, because this narrative method does not require the audience to use their brains. As long as their eyes follow the film, they can understand the director without careful consideration. What to say.

The reason for this is also very simple, that is, to expand the viewing group, even children can understand it at a glance.

Why was Marvel Dafa so powerful? It doesn\'t matter if Marvel\'s superheroes are naive or not, even if saving the earth is like an appointment with elementary school students, but because of its simple plot line, it can be understood by more groups, and it will burst out every time. box office.

Of course, Wayne can\'t follow Marvel\'s childhood style, but he can still make the story simple and easy to understand and restrain his desire to show off his skills.

The film was still showing. After little Bruce Wayne fell into the dry well, his kind father Thomas Wayne picked him up and told him the words that affected little Bruce Wayne in his life:

"Why do we fall? Because then we can learn to stand up!"

Obviously, the young Bruce Wayne still didn\'t understand this truth, the bat and the dark shadow had been lingering in his head.

After the film, I briefly explained the identity and background of Thomas Wayne. Old Thomas is equivalent to the richest man in Gotham City. In Wayne\'s version of Batman, Thomas Wayne is a complex character with a very high reputation. And fame, on the one hand, with the characteristics of capitalists.

In Gotham City, the "simple folk customs", the people at the bottom were embarrassed several times, and they were all supported by Thomas Wayne alone, so he built an elevated railway train, connecting the whole city, and the center directly connected to Wayne, the symbol of Gotham City. building.

Old Thomas wanted to use this method to reconnect people from all walks of life and bring Gotham City back to life.

But while the camera continued to advance, all the audience invariably thought of the previous work "Joker". Through the background supplement of old Thomas in the previous work, everyone understands that this is a complex capitalist, and the poor life of the people at the bottom of Gotham City is more or less related to him as a capitalist, but he has a kind heart.

After that, the plot entered a point that everyone was familiar with. The Wayne family appeared in the theater to watch the opera. People in the theater were in suits and leather shoes, but there was chaos outside the window.

This is obviously the end of "Joker" and the starting point of the Batman story.

During the performance, little Bruce Wayne saw the demon-like bat shape on the stage, which reminded him of the fear of swarms of bats again, and his little face showed a painful look.

"Wonderful setting!" Bella Grant, who was sitting in the media area, sighed involuntarily when she saw the opera. Despite her status as a well-known reporter and editor-in-chief, she has always been a senior movie watcher, and the reporter and editor-in-chief\'s own job , and brought her good knowledge.

The photographer sitting beside her turned his head, not understanding why the opera in the film became a wonderful setting. In his eyes, it was just a foil to the origin of the story.

And the story of the killing of Batman\'s parents, probably no one in North America does not know, so he turned his head suspiciously and looked at his old partner. "What\'s the meaning?"

Bella-Grant rolled her eyes, moved her upper body closer to him, pointed to the opera on the big screen, and used a voice that only the two of them could hear to spread the knowledge of movie viewing to her companions.

"The opera that appears in the film, called Mephistopheles, is a famous opera by Botoi in Italy. The plot is adapted from the timeless classic "Faust". It is about an aged Faust, The story of a young Faust who made a deal with the devil Mephistopheles and wandered the world."

"My God." The photographer gave her a surprised look. "I didn\'t expect you to know so much, but what does this have to do with the movie, I don\'t understand why Wayne gave a background opera, so many shots."

"Shut up." Bella Grant gave a light drink, glanced at her ignorant partner, and continued: "The latter is what matters, the opera that is being staged now is "The Demons" in Act Two, Scene Two Feast Night".

Well, to put it bluntly, the devil is on the throne, and the demons are celebrating to make way for Mephistopheles. Pay attention to the devil shapes, which Wayne specifically visualized. What do they look like? "

The photographer blurted out a word. "bat?"

"That\'s right." Bella Grant said excitedly: "Wayne deliberately let the devil and the bat merge into one, just to draw out little Bruce Wayne\'s fear and add convincing to the origin of the story."

As soon as her voice fell, little Bruce Wayne on the big screen couldn\'t take it anymore, and began to beg his father to leave early.

Seeing this, the beauty editor-in-chief raised the corners of her mouth proudly, she knew that her analysis was right.

Originally, she was a little disappointed with the movie from the beginning to the present. She felt that Wayne told the story too superficially in order to take care of more fans\' viewing experience.

But after this scene, she understands that Wayne Greenberg has not changed. It not only takes care of the story line of popular fans, but also gives fans who like to explore art a point of excitement.

Basically, fans of every type can find the director\'s sincerity in the film, and the overall dark photography style of this film did not disappoint **** fans who like his personal style at all.

"This movie is just the right combination of business and art!"

The photographer never understood the excitement of the beauty editor-in-chief. Seeing her nervous appearance, he shook his head and continued to focus on the movie.

The following is the classic scene. After the Wayne family came out of the back door of the theater, they were walking in the alley and were suddenly called out. "Hey, Wayne! You TM are self-inflicted!"

When the old Thomas family turned around, a man wearing a clown mask pointed a gun at them, two shots rang out, and Bruce Wayne was orphaned.

"At least I understand here, isn\'t this the scene at the end of "Joker"?" The photographer muttered, a look of sudden realization appeared on his face.

It\'s not just him~www.novelhall.com~ Almost all the fans in the audience have the same look. For the fans watching the premiere here, who hasn\'t watched "Joker" several times?

This is a classic scene, no matter any Batman movie or comic, there is a similar scene, little Bruce Wayne watched his parents get killed.

Here, in order to undertake "Joker", Wayne did not design the most popular method of robbery, but put a clown mask on the shooter.

However, in this scene, there are several essential elements that will appear, and Wayne still keeps it. "Wallet", "Alley", "Coat", "Pistol", and "Broken Pearl Necklace"!

So, in the heart of little Bruce Wayne, it was because he asked to leave the venue early, which led to this tragedy. He believed that he killed his parents.

This also made him bear indelible grief and trauma. This tragic memory was intertwined with his fear, and it turned into a shadow area that could never be erased in his heart, and it followed like a shadow.

Not to mention senior film critics and the media, even ordinary movie fans who are watching the movie at this moment can feel the pain of little Bruce Wayne, because of Wayne\'s special design and the connection to "Joker", all movie fans start again Trapped in the story rhythm he does best.

That is to pull the audience into the world of the protagonist of the film, and let the audience experience everything that Wayne has prepared with empathy.

The director who relies on movie storytelling to achieve this effect is the only one in Hollywood of Wayne. This is his indelible mark of a master!

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