Hollywood Drawing

~: 278 - Who is Bruce Wayne

The film is still moving forward. The relatively bland plot in the first half of itself is also in the classic scenes that are deliberately arranged, and in the linkage scene with "The Clown", which makes everyone immersed in the film and watch it with relish.

With repressed emotions such as self-blame, guilt, unease, etc., Bruce Wayne left Gotham City and went to Princeton University, the fourth oldest in the United States, while his father\'s Wayne Group was handed over to the board of directors.

When Bruce Wayne learned that the gangster who killed his parents was going to hold a hearing, he hurried back to Gotham City from the university. His only purpose was to kill the gangster himself in a way of revenge.

Compared with the original film, Wayne also made a slight change here.

On the big screen, the robber who shot and killed the Wayne and his wife is being tried in court. The murderer looks down and out. The lawyer\'s defense is that the murderer has no money to eat. He was forced to choose robbery because he was emotional. With a gun, the murderers all looked like weak people throughout the trial.

Originally, Bruce Wayne planned to take revenge himself, but he came unexpectedly and inadvertently, but the murderer was killed in the courtroom by Carmine Falcone, the biggest gang leader in Gotham City.

This is the first time that Bruce Wayne has murdered. What is the "no-kill principle"? Especially with "killing one\'s life as a matter of course" to overview the history of human development, it seems acceptable that Bruce Wayne chooses to kill to avenge his parents.

The first half of the film has reached a critical moment. What Wayne mainly shows here is that Bruce Wayne, who has not yet been tempered to become Batman, is like every normal person, and he also has the joys, sorrows and sorrows of normal people.

Therefore, in the first Batman film he shot, in the film describing the origin of Bruce Wayne, he focused on presenting the starting point of the formation of the "no-kill principle" directly in front of the fans, with the most direct, most vernacular, and most in-depth. mode to express.

Batman is full of humanity, the audience will not feel distance, and will experience his joys, sorrows and joys together.

When Bruce Wayne was a teenager, his father was a millionaire, giving out a lot of money to give back to the society, building railroads, and helping the poor as much as possible during the Great Depression.

Then, they were killed by an ordinary robber.

This robber, if you know Batman comics, you will know his name "Joe Zier", an ordinary social gangster, without ability, no wisdom, no life.

Three no characters, even going to crime is simply doing some low-level things like beating, smashing, and looting. The reason for shooting the Wayne couple was because they had no money in their pockets, so they grabbed some money and went out for a cigarette and a drink.

It\'s as simple as that, he didn\'t even describe anything in the film about him and the gang, he was just an ordinary little thief who couldn\'t be more ordinary.

Many fans at the scene are DC fans, and they think more.

In the comics, Batman has repeatedly suspected that the death of his parents was premeditated and planned. This has a very strong performance in the Owl Court storyline, including some branching storylines.

But the truth is, when Batman accidentally sat on the chair of Metron and became aware of everything, he once also explored the mind of the hateful murderer who killed his parents for the first time.

There is nothing, just an old criminal who is over fifty years old, lonely and useless. After serving his sentence, he eats and waits to die in a dilapidated and dilapidated building.

The world is so ridiculous, and the reason is so ridiculous.

Gotham Giants, the world\'s top super-rich, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, the Wayne couple died at the hands of one of the most common and most common gangsters.

Even ordinary movie fans who have no research on comics have a sense of deja vu absurdity to this scene.

The film "Joker" tells the origin of the clown. Under the absurd trick of fate, the helpless clown finally fell into despair. Despair turned him into a crazy spokesperson.

Like two sides of a coin, Batman and The Joker were born in almost the same way.

So at the beginning, he was confused and puzzled. He tried to take out a pistol in court and directly kill the criminal.

Wayne made a plot here, Joe Zier was killed by the gangster, on the grounds that he was just boasting in prison that he could play tricks in front of the black boss.

Seeing that the gangster who killed his parents died in front of him, Bruce Wayne silently watched everything that happened, and on the way to the car with Rachel, he frankly thanked Carmine for sending someone to kill the gangster.

This topic obviously caused different opinions from childhood sweethearts. Then Rachel and Bruce Wayne had a disagreement on whether the rule of law in Gotham City existed in name only. Rachel took him to the bottom world of the city in a fit of rage.

There are countless homeless people living here because of the Great Depression. And Gotham City, which was dying, was being robbed by Carmine at this time, doing all kinds of evil.

Rachel wanted to tell Bruce Wayne that although Carmine didn\'t kill his parents, the reason why the gangsters dared to take advantage of the chaos to loot and kill, and Carmine\'s growth of crime in Gotham City, has something to do with it. not open relationship.

After that, Rachel parked the car in front of a restaurant where Carmine frequented, provoked Bruce Wayne, and went directly to thank him.

At this time, he showed the pistol in his pocket and told Rachel that he had actually put his revenge plan into action, but it was only one step too late.

"Clap! Clap!"

Rachel didn\'t say a word, and slapped Bruce Wayne twice. The slap woke the dreamer. He decided to throw away the pistol and confront Carmine alone.

"Well, it\'s here. I beat Christian Bale so hard." Naomi Watts hugged Wayne\'s arm in the dark, leaned on his shoulder and watched the movie, whispering in his mouth recalling the shooting past. "I remember this scene. You seem to let us shoot for a whole morning. I beat the male lead\'s face with makeup to cover it up."

"Nami, that is, Christian, has a good temper."

Wayne glanced at her helplessly, approached her ear in the dark and said, "Any famous actor would not be willing to accompany you to play like that, they would end the filming as soon as possible and ask you to go back. Practicing alone on a trailer."

Naomi Watts rolled his eyes at him. "That\'s not necessarily. Don\'t think I don\'t know. Christian is actually very proud. If it wasn\'t for your face, he would not be so easy to talk about as a male protagonist."

"As you think."

The two slaps here, Wayne is actually using Rachel\'s mouth to tell all the audience the core of the problem. It\'s not \'You can\'t get revenge. \' but \'Don\'t let this revenge of yours ruin a good man, the wicked, that\'s what they want to see. ’

In the film, Bruce Wayne entered the restaurant and told Carmine that he was not afraid of him, and the gang boss broke his young ignorance with just a few words.

It directly pointed out that the fear in his heart did not come from whether he was afraid or not, but whether he lost it or not. And pointed a gun at him and told him that if he wanted to, he could kill Rachel and the housekeeper Alfred, which would definitely make him suffer.

This also tells the audience that Bruce Wayne will become Batman in the future, and one of the motives for choosing to hide his identity is that he needs to protect the people he loves the most.

Then Carmine\'s subordinates beat Bruce Wayne, and kept taunting him. As the proud son of Gotham City, it\'s no big deal to lose both parents. You still don\'t understand human suffering and the real criminal world.

It was these words that completely stimulated Bruce Wayne. He decided to run away, let go of his prominent family status, go deep into the lives of the real people at the bottom, and even take the initiative to integrate into the criminal world to feel the primitiveness of sin.

With the confusion of these questions and the fear of the unknown, he started a spiritual journey and began to try to understand "why my parents died when they tried to do good deeds, and what method should I use to save this city that seems to be in total failure."

Young Bruce Wayne believes that only by experiencing the true feelings in person can he hone himself and understand how to truly save Gotham City.

So in the end, he traveled all over the place and was finally put in a prison, and violent friction with his fellow inmates became the norm.

At this time, a man named Henry Duka appeared in front of him, and the destined master and apprentice finally met. And the soul teacher who was destined to tell him that the Alliance of Shadow Warriors can make Bruce Wayne stronger.

In this way, the Shadow Warrior Alliance chose him, but he did not know the truth of the organization, so he decided to follow Henry Duka to open up the so-called path of justice.

After Bruce Wayne left the prison, following Henry Duka\'s instructions, he picked a blue flower from the glacier mountain, went to the Shadow Warrior Training Academy on the mountain, and met the legendary leader of the Shadow Warrior Alliance.

From here, the rhythm of the film has accelerated sharply. The background of the story to be explained has been set. The film has also entered the second half, and action scenes have begun to appear frequently, and these scenes are also the most likely to attract fans.

So, the big selling elements of summer popcorn movies are always exciting action scenes, grand special effects scenes, and a **** vase that fits the theme of the movie. With the addition of these things, fans can even ignore the logical loopholes. The best person who has done this is the explosive shell who has already debuted.

In "Batman: Hour of War", Wayne also added these elements for the first time~www.novelhall.com~ However, he was still very careful to ensure the logic of the story before adding more fans\' favorite parts.

Just like the footage that is being shown, Bruce Wayne learns various ninjutsu and fighting techniques. Everyone knows that these are important experiences for him to grow into Batman.

But more importantly, the soul teacher Henry Duka let him experience the fear in his heart, and let the fear and himself become one, and let himself become the fear, in order to conquer the fear.

In the first hour of the film, the film fully explores and deciphers Bruce Wayne\'s backstory, without donning the iconic bat cape or fighting scenes.

Despite this, Wayne\'s rhythm of telling the story has not slowed down. He has already compressed enough various foreshadowings in the front, and using all the favorable conditions that can be used, the audience has been attracted by the beginning.

There are many stories of Batman, but telling the story of Bruce Wayne before he became Batman and giving all the origins of becoming Batman, Wayne is the first to do so, which is also the point of attracting the audience, let The movie doesn\'t look boring.

In this way, it also allows the audience to really understand who Bruce Wayne is, a quality that no film of the past has been able to capture, including the Tim Burton two.

But starting from the Shadow Warrior Alliance, everything has entered the link of finding the answer, and the intense action scenes also allow the fans to gradually release the feelings of bitterness and hatred accumulated in the previous part.

Everyone knows that the last half of the plot is the most enjoyable moment.

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