Hollywood Drawing

~: 276 - "The Joker" Arthur is here too

Seeing that the actors behind had already walked on the red carpet, Bella Grant spoke faster and said to the strong Batman in front of him:

"The last question, Mr. Bell, for playing such a well-known character and having two successful previous films, there will definitely be movie fans, then compare you with Michael Keaton, you have the confidence to surpass him and become another screen classic. ?"

"Of course." Christian Bale shrugged, and the expression on his face also turned into a joke. "I mean, there\'s no need to compare, you know, Michael Keaton\'s Batman has also affected a lot of people, and I have a lot more to do."

Withdrew the held microphone, Bella Grant nodded to him. "Okay, thank you for this interview."

After the interview, Christian Bale did not leave in a hurry, but stood outside the interview area and waited, letting Naomi Watts walk into the theater first.

Today’s Easter eggs are definitely more than that. Warner Bros.’s distribution department and PR department have racked their brains for this grand show, trying to maximize the influence of this film and try not to give competitors the slightest chance. .

The main creative team stepped onto the red carpet one after another. Everyone knew that time was a little tight. At first, there were too many fans at the scene, which delayed a lot of time, so everyone tried their best to hurry forward.

After all the core creative members had entered the theater, thousands of people at the scene suddenly discovered that Batman, who was wearing a black Kevlar armor, did not leave the red carpet, but had been standing at the end of the red carpet waiting for something.

The final mystery was also quickly revealed. A Bentley slowly parked on the other side of the red carpet, the door was pushed open with a "click", and an unexpected figure walked down.

The first thing that appeared was a pair of red trouser legs, followed by an exaggerated red suit that caught everyone\'s eyes. The jacket on the upper body was not buttoned, and the yellow vest inside was also revealed.

With his hair neatly combed back, with a painful and wanton smile on his face, he stepped onto the red carpet with a louder scream.

That\'s right, it\'s Arthur the Clown, or Nicolas Cage.

At this time, although he didn\'t have any makeup on his face, the familiar face and the painful and wild smile all evoked everyone\'s memory. It was this character who exploded the North American movie market as well as the global movie market.

Under the gazes of people and the camera, Nicolas Cage walked up to Christian Bale, put his hands in his mouth, and pulled the corners of his mouth upwards, making that classic once again. action.

Next to him is a camera arranged by Warner Bros., which clearly recorded the interaction between the two.

"Hi, Bruce." Nicolas Cage looked at the Batman in front of him, and said in a familiar tone, "Remember how I taught you to be happy? Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye you\'ll grow old So big!"

After he finished speaking, he paused and saw that the photographer made a secret gesture to him, then put away the hard-to-maintain performance state, and walked into the theater with Christian Bale.

Warner Bros. has long thought about it. In order to use the least amount of money and maximize the results of publicity, the best way is to smash the popularity of previous films.

This time, I brought Nicolas Cage here to evoke the memories of those movie fans, remind them of how they felt when they watched the movie, walk into the theater again, and contribute to the film\'s box office.

"Thank you for coming here, Nikolai!" As soon as he entered the door, Wayne took Nicolas Cage\'s hand. As the host, he had always greeted the guests at the entrance of the theater.

"You\'re too kind, Wayne."

After two years of great popularity, Nicolas Cage has figured out a lot of things. If it wasn\'t for the strict requirements of the other party, I\'m afraid he wouldn\'t be as famous as he is now all over the United States.

"When Warner Bros. notified my agent, I turned off all my work and tried to get back to where I was when I played Arthur. It would be nice if I could help you."

Now Nicholas Cage is obviously more mature, and his literary style is almost invisible. Between the lines, he no longer has the arrogance he used to be.

"Of course, you helped me a lot."

A few people chatted while walking to the movie hall. Today\'s time is a bit rushed, but the screening of the film cannot be postponed. Not only the premiere in Los Angeles, but more than 2,000 advance shows will be opened at the same time in the United States.

On the way to the theater, Wayne not only chatted with him, but also inadvertently asked him about the interesting things he had been in the film crew for the past two years.

Yes, the second Batman movie will definitely introduce the Joker, but whether to continue playing the role of Nicolas Cage, Wayne has been undecided.

This actor is very famous now. To use him, he will have to pay a lot of money. Moreover, Nicholas Cage is not a small person now. When he shoots, whether the other party has time and whether he can make time is also a problem.

In fact, he still has a backup candidate, that is, Li Guohao, who will film when there is a show, and give him action guidance when there is no drama.

When he entered the theater and sat in the middle of the first row, Wayne threw the idea out. It was still very early, and it was a bit too advanced to think about it now. The primary goal was to take care of the current movie.

Taking advantage of the fans behind him entering the venue one after another, Jeff Robinoff turned his head and said to him softly, "I\'ve received several calls from Townsend Rothman these days."

The sound of the theater was a bit noisy, but the two of them were sitting close enough that the words of the CEO of Warner Bros. were clearly heard in Wayne\'s ears.

Seeing the dark color of interest, he continued: "He made several calls and wanted to ask me to talk. This future Fox CEO has other thoughts."

Without waiting for Wayne to speak, Naomi Watts next to him asked curiously, "Is it because of the schedule of "Batman: Hour of War" and "Die Hard 3"?"

Wayne also looked at Jeff Robinoff with equal concern. He glanced at the Australian girl and said: "Yes, Townsend Rothman\'s meaning is very clear, I hope we don\'t enter a disgusting situation of competition and reduce each other. A little trick to smear."

From this point of view, the public relations department of Warner Bros. must have done a good job. The publicity advantage of "Batman: The Dark Knight" is too great.

On the contrary, as soon as his film was attacked, he couldn\'t sit still. The scandals about Bruce Wesley\'s private life and the gossip news about the suspected smoking of contraband gradually increased in the past few days.

Wayne sneered and said nonchalantly, "How is that possible? We have an absolute advantage now, and there is no need to negotiate terms with them."

In his opinion, although the other party\'s film is not a soft persimmon, there is a high probability that it will not be able to compete with his own film. Whether it is the trend of public opinion or the popularity of the film, even if it is compared to the production quality, he is confident that he can completely beat the other party.

Now the production concept of this Batman is at least ten years ahead of ordinary Hollywood commercial popcorn films. Anyone who has watched the earlier films can clearly feel this, otherwise Bruce Rosenblum would not That said, the film perfectly balances commercial and artistic attributes.

In Wayne\'s mind, let alone the mid-May schedule, even if it was the Memorial Archives at the end of May, he wanted to touch "Braveheart"!

This film, Gamel-Gibson, is indeed famous, and it can be said to be the peak starting point of the other party\'s career, but it has come across a film like Batman, who has not taken the usual path, which impacts the concept of movie fans, no matter how many weeks they meet. , and the ability to wrestle with the opponent is definitely there.

Jeff Robinoff spread his hands and said with a playful look: "Yes, that\'s what I told Townsend Rothman directly, but he obviously had other ideas, he was just listening to me in advance. ."

"Other ideas?" Wayne asked in surprise. The production companies of the two films could not wait to fight. At this time, the other party could have other ideas. This kind of awareness was also surprising.

"Yes, the meaning revealed in his words is obvious, that is, "Die Hard 3" will definitely withstand our impact, and he hopes that our two companies will join forces next week~www.novelhall.com~ to squeeze "Brave" The opening of the theater line of "The Heart"!"

Hearing this, Wayne felt that he would definitely not be the head of a big company. These people are not only incredibly thick-skinned, but also as fine as monkeys. The most important thing is interests. Today\'s allies are not yet After the cooperation is completed, it is sold for the sake of the day after tomorrow.

"I don\'t understand this kind of thing, Jeff." He shook his head with a smile, turned to look around the theater that was gradually filling up, and continued: "At most, I can come up with ideas for this kind of thing, and I have to implement it. The plan also needs to be supplemented by the public relations department, just like the arrival of Batman and the Joker this time, so you can make up your mind about this kind of thing. I am only responsible for making good films. We have always cooperated very well, right? "

"Of course, of course, your energy must be devoted to production. This kind of **** doesn\'t require you to waste your time." Jeff Robinoff said with swearing, he knew better than anyone what Wayne was good at. .

Whether it is the project sponsor, the director, or the producer, this young man is a top talent in Hollywood, a top talent born to eat this bowl of rice. Whether it\'s publicity and marketing, or arm wrestling with competitors, isn\'t that what Warner Bros. is best at?

The cluttered voices in the movie hall gradually subsided. As fans and media sat and waited for the movie, the lights began to go out one by one. Wayne also ended his brief exchange with the CEO of Warner Bros. on the video.

When the theater went dark, a beam of gorgeous light hit the big screen at the forefront, and the classic title animation of Warner Bros. appeared.

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