Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and twenty-three - tomorrow and the accident, I don't know which will come first

"Karen this idiot! Bitch! Shit! motherfxxker!…"

The sudden scolding from the production manager made not only Wayne stunned, but also the assistant director and Nina who came over to him.

John is definitely not a strong production manager. As the person with the most power in name on the crew, he has never even criticized any employee loudly, which is not in line with his usual character!

"Hey, hey, John!" He stretched out his hands and pressed his shoulders, and Wayne shook it twice to calm him down. I don\'t know what the **** Karen, a colleague from Warner Bros., did to make him so angry.

"And then, the police took him to the hospital? Then why did they arrest him?"

Reaching out to block Wayne\'s hand on his shoulder, John took two steps back and sat on the chair behind him. He smiled helplessly.

"Wayne, you don\'t know what that idiot did! If he stayed in the car quietly, he could even ask the police to call a doctor. This **** bitch, when he saw the police coming to ask him, he looked flustered. open the door and get ready to run..."

"Thank you!" After taking the mineral water handed over by Nina, John raised his head and drank half of the bottle before continuing: "It was nothing, but as soon as he ran to the police, he realized that there must be a problem, and he directly held him down. Searched his car."

"Pop" When he said this, he threw the unfinished water in his hand to the ground. Reach out and rub your face hard!

A few people around suddenly understood, and Zach Snyder asked suspiciously.


John raised his arm and waved it feebly. "Yes, contraband!"

"Wait!" Wayne noticed something different, this was unreasonable. "Even if there are contraband in Karen\'s car, there can\'t be too many. Why hasn\'t anyone been released on bail yet? Joaquin, the lawyer that Warner sent to the crew, doesn\'t look like an incompetent idiot."

This kind of thing may be a little less in New York, but it is not too rare, if it is in Los Angeles, it is too normal. Those police officers who are on duty in wealthy areas have their own set of coping rules, and no one will make a fuss.

Those who can hide contraband in the car are Hollywood stars and film company executives, high-income groups like them. As long as the lawyer pays a high bail, basically nothing will happen.

The biggest difference between Los Angeles and New York is just the attitude towards leaf tobacco. There are some slight differences. After all, the legalization of leaf tobacco can only be done by Californians.

"When Joaquin and I arrived at the police station, we realized that things were not as simple as we thought." John took out a piece of printed paper from his pocket, which clearly stated the reason why the police arrested Karen. Possession of drugs, suspected of drug trafficking.

"Nearly half a kilogram of leaf cigarettes, and a small bag of \'\'ancient\'\' \'corine\'\', what does he want to do? Sell it? These are nothing, the big deal is to give him up, but when the police opened his car to check , many photos were taken by the passing paparazzi!…”

What a coincidence! Wayne wondered if it was too much of a coincidence. It stands to reason that the person carrying so many things is a well-paid film practitioner, and he has no reason to do so at all.

If Karen carries a few hand-rolled cigarettes with him, it won\'t surprise Wayne, but Karen won\'t know what the harm of powdered things is. Judging from the contact with him, this is not a brainless thing. Sober man.

Unlike John, who has been running outside, Wayne plunged into the indoor scene and completely blocked all external sounds. At least for a day or two, he didn\'t care about anything other than filming.

"Where is the situation now?"

Before he could finish his question, Steve ran over with a stack of newspapers and put them on the table beside him, then he said breathlessly: "Our apartment is surrounded by media reporters, and there are more A lot of media are rushing over and they are treating us here as a drug den."

"Crack!" John patted his forehead with helplessness in his tone. "The police are also checking our crew. They suspect that the contents of Karen\'s car were brought to New York through the crew!"

It\'s over, at this moment, Wayne is wondering, how the filming and production started smoothly, and there will always be all kinds of accidents that make his head hurt. Is there any curse on this film?

He didn\'t read the newspaper that Robert brought back, he went to the window and looked downstairs sideways, and found that many reporters had come. At this moment, Wayne realized that he really had a relationship with these people, and there was always something that could attract them. .

It was as if he had just put all his energy into filming, and when he looked up, the sky changed!

"The reporter should have been to the police station, calm down John! We must find a way to solve this matter, if those tabloids reveal the Nicolas Cage incident again, then our crew has really become a poison in the eyes of the public. Nest!"

After the curtains were drawn, Wayne paced back and forth, walking up to the production manager to remind him.

"No, all the bad things happened, do you think that\'s all?" John shook his head sharply and looked up at his partner. "The New York City government called right after I left the police station. They wanted to end our contract ahead of schedule. Now only some of the media are sending news. Just wait, as long as the news is widely reported tomorrow, the New York City government will definitely not Those politicians who provide a filming location for a drug den crew care about these image issues the most! Shit!"

The production manager stretched out his hand and patted the newspaper on the table. The top New York tabloid printed a photo of Karen being pinned to the ground by two policemen. Next to it was the open car door, which was turned inside out. Contraband!

The huge front page headline read: "Karen Worster! The Contraband Supplier of the Huge Crew"

Wayne knew what horrific things they had written based on guesswork, without having to look at what was written inside. It is nothing more than that the assistant director Karen is a transporter of contraband for the crew, and there are various speculations about this huge crew.

If Wayne is a mass reader, he will also be interested in such an interesting story of a Hollywood filming team who collectively smokes "drugs" and sells "drugs".

The mysterious film shooting and production team, how can it be corrupted? This has always been the most popular gossip news for the public. These tabloids will never miss the opportunity to increase sales.

This is only a local small media with quick response. When the daily morning papers and the nationally issued large newspapers and media publish articles tomorrow, things will really start to ferment!

"Zach, remind everyone on the crew that no one can be interviewed. If anyone likes to communicate with the media, write it down and tell me back!" Wayne\'s first reaction was to shut up the crew, as long as they were interviewed, no matter what. What is said, it will also be distorted and reported in this stall.

It is hoped that these media reporters have a bottom line, and capitalists can become great people who help people in distress.

The person who disclosed the news last time has not been found, which does not mean that Wayne has forgotten about it. As long as he finds this person who is causing trouble for his work, Wayne will let him know what the price will be for a few hundred dollars in news fees. .

"Wait, Zach, let them know that the crew is disbanding for the afternoon vacation, it seems that it can\'t continue today!"

Shouting to the assistant director who was in a hurry, Wayne looked back at the production manager, not only John, but he was also frustrated, but something had to be resolved by someone.

If I, the director and producer, panic too, the good state that the UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com crew has achieved during this period of time will all come to nothing.

"Listen, John." Reaching out and flipping through the newspapers on the table, Wayne stared blankly at the appalling headlines. "Let\'s go back to the hotel to make things clear. No matter what happens, we need to work together to solve it one by one. This difficulty is by no means the end of the world."

He had a lot of doubts in his mind about the things behind this, and there were also a lot of guesses. It was enough to guess some things, and no evidence was needed at all.

It\'s just that he can\'t free up his hands yet. First, he has to solve a lot of messes in front of him. When the matter is over, Wayne will try to solve the doubts in his heart one by one.

The huge number of regular employees and temporary workers in the prop team quickly packed up the arranged shooting equipment, and as everything was moved to the trailer little by little, the apartment soon became quiet.

As the hero of the film, Nicolas Cage was not in a hurry to go back. He was one of the most influential people in the crew except for the director and producer, so he brought his agent Susan over and wanted to Find out what happened.