Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and twenty-two - fast progress

Wayne and the production manager chatted casually. Although the crew did not go well before the official start of filming, Nicolas Cage was worthy of the evaluation of genius after the filming started.

This made all the core team members breathe a sigh of relief. Although the tacit understanding of the behind-the-scenes types of work cannot break out in an instant, it can always be ground by working time. The actor\'s own state is the soul of a play, and this movie is another Chi Luoluo\'s one-man show!

"Wayne, this is something special for you, I bet you\'ll like it." Zach Snyder and Robert laughed together, holding the iron box with the film in their hands.

The complacent two pointed to the box in their hands, but did not hand it to him, but Zach Snyder took it away directly.

"What do they mean?" Wayne was confused by the inexplicable two, and turned to look at the production manager.

John also laughed, pointed to the back of the two and said, "Zach and the others should bring back the scene of your dancing, add the music or something, remember to make a copy for me to keep as a souvenir!"

This remark made him a little helpless. He didn\'t expect that at that time, they still had the time to take pictures.

"Okay, do as you like."

The huge team of the crew began to drive on the streets of New York. It was still early, and it did not catch up with the off-duty time of most white-collar workers. Fortunately, they drove back to the hotel smoothly without traffic jams.

After getting out of the car, Wayne specially instructed Nina to go to the newsstand on the side of the road to buy a few newspapers and come back. He wanted to make sure that this incident had not caused too much impact.

If there really was a big media tabloid that named Nicolas Cecchian an addict, the crew would probably be harassed and investigated every now and then.

Even the insurance representative of Merrill Lynch, who has been following the crew as a transparent person, is expected to withdraw the insurance Warner bought for Nicolas Cage. After the insurance is gone, the Actors Guild will definitely find trouble again, so it is a series of troubles.

After returning to the room, Nina deliberately read all the tabloids she could buy. It was true that everyone was hyping it up, but she didn\'t give any sensitive guidance. It was just a fun fact. Fun fact about the pit light wallet.

This reassured Wayne, as long as there were no uncontrollable consequences, he was not afraid of anything.

Only based on the current situation, Wayne is very satisfied with the shooting. Compared with the small workshop-style crew that he saved for the first time, the huge crew of "Joker" is obviously much more professional.

Regardless of the director of each department or the director himself, he has made much progress compared to the first two films. Even the kind of top player he didn\'t dare to ask for in the past is definitely not lacking in the crew now.

According to the plan he made at the beginning, after shooting the scenes on this street in two days, he turned around and started shooting indoor scenes. After a few days of filming work to familiarize the crew, he started more and more complicated scenes. Indoor scenes.

"Nikola, you have neither superpowers nor super resources, and I will never let you show superpowers in this film. Although this is a well-known character in the DC universe, all you have to do is forget about it. It\'s a cartoon character, treating Arthur as a real person..."

In an apartment in lower Manhattan, New York, it has been completely remodeled by the props team and the set team and divided into different areas. At the moment, Wayne is like Nicolas - Cage instilling his own shooting philosophy.

Wayne wasn\'t worried at all about the drama that was about to start. What he was worried about was that Nicolas Cage was at odds with his philosophy. After all, the performer of this film is him, and the director\'s production concept is also presented by him.

After the props around him were arranged, Wayne left the core of the camera and watched Nicolas Cage\'s performance silently from a distance.

Inside the monitor, Arthur was sitting at one end of the desk, while the other was a psychologist.

"I just think it would be better to be locked up in the hospital!" Arthur opened his mouth to talk to the psychologist about his thoughts, and the camera moved slowly, capturing Nicolas Cage\'s expression very clearly.

If it wasn\'t still filming, Wayne would have wanted to applaud him for this performance.

The black female psychological counselor was expressionless. "Have you ever wondered why you were locked up?"

"cut, no problem, get ready, start the next one right away." With the director\'s shout, the two actors did not move. The following scenes are still connected here, but the later editing is to insert two pieces of Arthur\'s in the middle. fantasy.

The makeup artist also ran over to touch up the makeup for the two of them after Wayne shouted.

With the sound of the board hitting the scene, filming begins again. Arthur burst out laughing, and the counselor looked at him.

"why are you laughing?"

"Think of something interesting."

After a few simple lines of dialogue, Robert switched to the core of the shooting and aimed the camera at Nicolas Cage and the clock behind him.

Wayne\'s face turned gloomy in an instant. He did not stop the shooting of this scene, but let the two finish the scene.

"Cut! Take a five-minute break, Nikolai, Kelly, you guys are doing well, and you\'ll do it again in a moment." He walked over to the clock hanging on the wall behind Arthur, and looked up at the immobile clock.

"Zach, let the props get me a real, real clock that moves, not this fake thing at a glance!"

Confused Zach Snyder took off the watch and almost yelled.

This should be something from the Warner Bros. prop library, made out of lime and used over and over as a movie backdrop.

Watching the assistant director hurriedly walk out with the clock, Wayne raised his hand to touch his stubble, looked at the surrounding set and began to think about the hidden lines to be arranged here.

This clock is an important point, do you think what you see is the truth? Wayne\'s purpose is to expose the fact that everything you see is just Arthur\'s imagination.

Ten minutes later, Zach Snyder hurried back, holding a new clock in his hand.

The film continued to be filmed smoothly. From the beginning of the indoor play, the crew also slowly found the best tacit understanding since the start of the film. Before he knew it at the end of October, Wayne unexpectedly discovered that the shooting schedule he had set was unexpectedly More than a week beyond the original plan.

This is related to the fact that the crew is full of experienced players, and it is also related to the state of the actors and the behind-the-scenes running-in of the crew.

One week after the film started shooting, DC\'s CEO, Jonathan Keller, would always come around every few days, he wouldn\'t bother anyone, he would just watch silently and talk to John about something.

In fact, Wayne understands that the head of DC has seen the film he shot more than once, and the place where he can see the film completely is only the insurance copy from the production manager.

Since Jonathan Keller, who has seen all the shots, has not commented, it can only show one thing. He is very satisfied with what Wayne has shot, at least it will not affect the existing layout of the comic company.

In New York, it is still mainly based on live scenes. The second group of members from Wayne has already shot a lot of background shots under the occasional leadership of Zach.

He has not yet started filming the remaining relatively large street scenes, which involves the issue of road closures in the downtown area, and all plans must be made.

Just when Wayne began to think that the live-action filming in New York might be ended early, the accident came before his plan.

Mr. Karen, one of the assistant directors sent to the crew by Warner Bros., had a major problem~www.novelhall.com~ He was caught by the NYPD!

In fact, the absence of his weak assistant director will not affect the normal operation of the crew, but it will face the risk that the remaining street scenes cannot be filmed. The New York City government wants to end the agreement they signed ahead of schedule. contract.

"What the **** is going on, what did that idiot do?" Wayne\'s voice was full of anger. He successfully controlled the crew. Although there was no shortage of bullshit, no one ever came to him to solve it. It never affected the shooting.

He left all the big street scenes and planned to shoot together, especially those scenes at the end, which is very important.

"Actually he didn\'t do anything, he just got into a car accident." John rubbed his temples, his voice full of exhaustion. "He was chased by a taxi and had a cut on his face. The two policemen wanted to help him, but he rejected him in a panic!"

"This **** idiot!"

The production manager suddenly scolded.