Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and twenty-four - don't say a word!

When he learned that the crew might lose the filming venue because of this, the actor Nicolas Cage also felt helpless. He looked at these core members and was thinking about a solution.

"Okay, let\'s go back to the hotel first, and let\'s go back and discuss the solution." Wayne saw that the people around him had disappeared, and he asked everyone to go out together. There is no point in staying here.

Through the window, he saw that the reporters were still there. They didn\'t get what they wanted, and they must not give up easily. These people were like leeches, and they would never open their greedy mouths without sucking out enough blood.

When a few people went down to the first floor, Wayne suddenly grabbed Nicolas Cage, stared at him seriously under the suspicious eyes of several people and said, "No matter how the paparazzi provokes you, don\'t say a word, remember , Do not say a word!

Come to think of it, what would be the consequences if they linked this to what happened two weeks ago? Not only will the crew be regarded as a drug den by the public, but you will also carry the title of addict for the rest of your life! "

After he couldn\'t help but exhort, Wayne turned his eyes to his agent. "Watch your client, Susan, I don\'t want any more trouble now!"

It wasn\'t until the other party nodded to show that he knew, he withdrew his aggressive gaze and took the lead towards the apartment door.

Not far from the door, Sergey had already opened the car door, and when he saw his boss and his group come out, he immediately ran over and tightly protected Wayne, pushed aside the paparazzi who were like a collective high nest, and tried hard to get in front of the car. move.

"Director Greenberg, are most of your crew addicts, and are you also coming for a long time..."

"Wayne, you won\'t be filming without the contraband, is this true?"

"Nicolas Cage, is the contraband you usually smoke also provided by the assistant director of the crew?"

"Greenberg first..."

Even if they got into the car, the paparazzi still asked loudly around the car, facing the slowly moving car, all of them were like warriors who were not afraid of death.

One of these paparazzi\'s ideals is to make this car hit itself.

"They are so crazy, are they just letting them arrange us like this?" With an angry face, Nina\'s tone was full of grievances for her boss. "These **** paparazzi, are they also journalists?"

When the car finally slowly left the crowd and drove back to the hotel, Wayne shook his head. "They don\'t need our answers at all, they just need to write stories that catch the public\'s attention. Now even if we open our mouth to say a word, it will change the headlines of the most powerful news."

This drama has only been in smooth production for about three weeks? With so many twists and turns, Wayne, who just wanted to put his energy into the crew, noticed a very bad sign.

Media reporters are too quick to respond, right? Even if the paparazzi took those photos, it would be impossible for so many tabloids to react. They first went to the police station to interview, and then came to the crew to block the door.

What is the purpose of these things happening? These questions have been spinning in Wayne\'s head. He has already thought about most of them, but he can only put them down temporarily and solve the problems in front of him.

At least one answer can be obtained. The crew did stop work because of these things, and it may not be able to continue due to "accidents". If the consequences can be known, the production will not be completed on time, let alone the release on time.

Trying to suppress the things in his heart, once again surrounded by reporters, Wayne and his party walked into the hotel lobby.

Without any stops, a few people went straight to the director\'s suite in the elevator room, and everyone understood that they had to do something now, wait, there would be no good results.

Ignoring the few people sitting on the sofa in silence, Wayne lit a cigarette and began to think. He was thinking about how to minimize the impact, at least let the film crew officially continue filming!

"Can you give up Karen!" This was the first solution Wayne thought of. Since he couldn\'t solve the influence he brought, he simply dealt with the person who caused the influence.

John replied immediately: "Yes, even if you want to release him on bail now, you will need cumbersome procedures. The premise is that with the consent of the DEA, the amount of contraband he is carrying can already be prosecuted."

Hearing that the production manager mentioned that DEA was in charge, Wayne immediately gave up his illusions about this man, and just let him stay in there for a few years.

"Okay, let\'s take a look at everything." Breathing out a big puff of smoke, Wayne picked up a newspaper and a pen. "The most important thing now is to solve the New York City government. It is impossible for the crew to stop work because of these bad things. There are not too many indoor scenes in New York. This part can completely go back to Warner Studios to shoot.

At least sit with them and talk, let\'s finish filming the scenes that require road closures in the city center. Those big scenes are important, and if we go back to Los Angeles for the set, the film will definitely face delays and overruns! "

He was writing and drawing in the newspaper, analyzing the most important things, when suddenly Wayne turned his head to look at John. "I\'m curious why Karen brought so many contraband. Did you ask him when you went with the lawyer?"

This is the most unreasonable part of the whole thing. The weight of those things he brings is embarrassing, and he obviously uses too much, and if it is sold, these weights are not worth the risk at all.

Besides, although I don\'t know Karen\'s income, but with Wayne\'s experience, ordinary white-collar workers are definitely incomparable, and he has no reason to traffic.

"It was inconvenient to speak in the police station at that time, but it was certain that he brought it for someone else, or it was brought from Los Angeles by hiding in a trailer. That\'s why the police wanted to search the crew."

"Give up on him, John." Because the crew had to be searched for this **** incident, Wayne\'s curiosity was gone at that time. Whether it was a coincidence or a deliberate plan, this person has been diluted from his mind. .

"Let Joaquin come back. After he comes back, you all make a statement through Warner Bros. Karen Wooster\'s actions have nothing to do with the crew. Warner Brothers will investigate all the effects of his actions on the crew! Maybe this way You can get rid of some ties with him."

Hearing these words of Wayne, several people, including Nicolas Cage and his agent, shivered and glanced at him covertly. This is not just giving up. Can\'t stand!

Anyone born in this country knows how powerful capital is!

Even John, who was drinking water with a frown, had a meal with the cup in his hand. He really wanted to give up Karen, but he never thought about kicking him into a deeper well just to get rid of a little relationship!

However, he reacted immediately. This is the only value Karen has left, and it must be squeezed out to reduce the loss. "I understand, I\'ll notify Joaquin to come back later and call Kevin."

According to Wayne\'s own estimation, Kevin Tesuhara in Los Angeles must have been annoyed too. After the crew came to New York, the money was pouring out, and the filming work had not seen results, which brought so much trouble to the company.

But these are things John has to worry about, and he has more important things to do.

After seeing the production manager\'s agreement, Wayne turned back to Zach Snyder and said, "The New York City government was the one who negotiated it in the first place, and now help me make an appointment with their person in charge, the sooner the better, preferably early in the morning. Talk to them!"

This is the most important thing at the moment, and it is also the most difficult thing to solve. The plan that has been made must not be changed.

At this time, I want to convince the New York City government ~www.novelhall.com~ to dispatch a large number of police to help block the road and let the crew continue to film in the center of New York City. Just think about how difficult it is.

"Okay, I can guarantee that I can invite someone, but the result is not my friendship with the commercials, so I can decide." Zach Snyder nodded and agreed.

He has indeed been in New York for several years, and he has also helped various departments of the city government to shoot promotional films, but he is only a director who mainly shoots commercials, no matter how many things he does, he will not have that face.

Of course those politicians liked the Hollywood crew coming to New York to shoot, the city was always featured in the movies and it was a big way of promoting itself.

But politicians dislike all kinds of scandals. This is the red line of all North American politicians. They are a group different from star directors. Sticking to these things means that there is a crisis in their careers.

After discussing and watching them go out one by one, Nicolas Cage also stood up and asked Wayne, "What do I need to do?"

"Just keep your mouth tightly shut!"