Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and twelve - my crew needs 1 double

After a simple lunch, the audition\'s small conference room was filled with various actors. Unlike the morning, there were almost all types of actors this time.

Halle-Berry waited alone at the door of the conference room, and she would be the first to enter.

She understands that the heroine of this film is obviously a tool person, not even a vase, but this is also her best chance, as long as Wayne still hopes to succeed, then she will follow The film gained some fame.

It\'s a one-man show, and the protagonist is just Arthur the clown, and most of the film is chasing him.

"Den, Deng, Deng." The sound of footsteps came, and all the actors in the corridor were looking at the three people walking by. They knew that it was up to these three people to decide whether they could join the project through audition.

Schwartz opened the door to the conference room and flicked his hand at Harry Berry. "Come in, Berry - ma\'am"


As the casting director of this project, he knew the relationship between the woman and the director.

In the conference room, Wayne and John were discussing Nicolas Cage. After work this afternoon, John was asked to contact his agent to negotiate the salary and treatment with the other party as soon as possible.

After watching all kinds of clowns all morning, only Nicolas Cage\'s performance was the best. The son of the Chinese action superstar is actually not bad, but unfortunately he is not in the male lead\'s plan.

"That\'s a good image!" John muttered softly.

Standing directly in front of the three, Halle Berry looked at them confidently, her deliberately done hair and makeup face made her look like an ordinary black girl.

A pair of common brown cargo pants with a simple long-sleeved T-shirt. From the dress and image, the three felt that the appearance would not be an obstacle for Halle Berry to play the heroine.

After a brief performance, Halle Berry walked out of the conference room.

"Schwartz, John, what do you think?"

The casting director nodded to producer John and said, "She\'s fine, and her acting skills can handle this role."

"Just Harry-Berry, I\'ll call her agent to let her know." John didn\'t have any objections. To put it bluntly, this is a small role, and there is only one important role in the whole film, Arthur.

The reason why the two do this is actually because of Wayne\'s face, so the role of favor in Hollywood is sometimes really big.

The audition progress in the afternoon was significantly accelerated, and those who were uncertain would be put down first, and each actor would not stay in the conference room for more than ten minutes.

It wasn\'t until the street lights were lit in the studio that the three of Wayne walked out of the studio together.

"Who do we use for that talk show actor?" John looked up and discussed the actor question with Wayne while walking. The roles that could be basically determined in one day have already been determined, and he will soon discuss the contract with his agent.

The only exception is that at the end of the film, the talk show actor who was shot and killed by Arthur on the live broadcast has no suitable candidates until now.

There are not many scenes for this role, but there are some acting requirements. Wayne recalled the old Hollywood actor and said: "Contact Robert DeRoney\'s agent tomorrow, and if he has a schedule, negotiate a contract with him directly."

"no problem."

"And, John!" Wayne suddenly thought of the problems he encountered with the previous film. "All actors\' contracts must have anti-drug clauses. It must be clearly marked on the contract. If I find out that they are smoking during work, I will replace them."

When the first film was filmed, Will Smith was in very good shape, but after attending a rap star party, his state plummeted.

Although Will-Smith sincerely apologized to him in the end, the delay in filming is real.

Wayne doesn\'t want to experience this kind of main character\'s delay in the progress of the filming because of those things.

"I will mark it out in the contract, and if they can\'t help but smoke those things, the crew has the right to replace them."

"This is just a deterrent, John, we can\'t stare at them every day, we can only use contracts to restrain them."

To make a good film, every member of the crew is very important, the director is one aspect, and the actors are another aspect. No matter what goes wrong, it\'s possible to prolong the filming time indefinitely.

After leaving the studio, Wayne got into the car and looked at his assistant. "Have you talked to him yet?"

"Yeah." Nina nodded. "I told him about your proposal, and he said he would go back and consider it, but looking at the actor\'s meaning, he still wants to act in a movie,"

Still want to do a movie?

During the noon break, Wayne asked his assistant to find Li Guohao, hoping that he could participate in the film.

Although Li Guohao is very thin, he has been very agile since he was a child. The position that the crew can provide him is to join the behind-the-scenes working group to do some action guidance work, and act as a stand-in for the actor Arthur.

For such an arrangement, it is already the best way Wayne has racked his brains, otherwise the son of the Chinese action superstar will join another crew after a while and follow his father\'s old path.

The film "The Crow" has a very big name, but the content is who is watching who. It wasn\'t because the director or the actors did not perform well, but because Li Guohao was shot without taking many shots.

Most of the behind-the-scenes shots were shot by a stand-in, and finally Li Guohao\'s shot was cut to synthesize such a film of consuming dead people.

This is the usual method of Hollywood capital. He is neither the first dead person to be consumed, nor the most famous. After all, only dead actors have this qualification.

"Ask him to meet in my name, let him come directly to the Warner Building in Burbank tomorrow, and I want to talk to him."

In the end, he made a little effort. If he still couldn\'t change his mind, Wayne wouldn\'t bother.

"Okay, boss."

Early the next morning, the Rolls-Royce Silver Spike was parked under the Warner Building. As soon as he got out of the car, Wayne saw Li Guohao waiting at the door.

If anyone in Hollywood is more similar to him, it is estimated that it is Keanu Reeves. They also have Chinese descent and also have a melancholy face.

"Mr. Greenberg, I..."

"Go in and talk."

Walking to the rest area on the first floor, after the two sat down, Wayne said directly: "My assistant should have made it clear yesterday, my crew needs an action guide, and the male protagonist also needs a stunt double, you are completely competent. This job."

"Mr. Greenberg, I\'m thinking about it." Li Guohao is actually very unsure of what the other party means. Hollywood has no shortage of action guides, and this is not an action movie. As for stunt doubles, it is somewhat possible.

"Actually this is not in line with my original intention. I have always wanted to be an actor and star in my own films."

"That\'s hard, unless you\'re willing to continue consuming your father." Wayne looked at him seriously, reaching out and making a kung fu gesture. "You should understand the purpose of those studios looking for you, they just want to consume your father Bruce Lee, they don\'t care if you are the protagonist or not."

In fact, this is the case. Li Guohao himself is very aware of the problems he is facing. He is confident that he can act in a good movie, but he has never had a good chance.

The "Kung Fu Circle" at the time of his debut was a stand-in for Bruce Lee. No one can tell if there are other factors in the later films.

"Lee, think about it." After saying that, Wayne stood up and prepared to go upstairs. He has done everything he can, and it can be considered to make up for the regret in his heart. As for whether it will work or not, it is not up to him as a film director to decide.

"Okay, I\'ll take it."

Before he could walk away, he heard the answer~www.novelhall.com~ Wayne turned his head and said, "Ask your agent to contact John. After signing the contract, you must enter the group and start training immediately. We will soon Go to New York and start filming."

After saying that, he waved to him and took Nina into the elevator.

"Boss, do you admire him very much?" Nina looked curious.

Wayne shrugged. "He is a good actor, but unfortunately he is of Chinese descent, but in another year or two, there should be better opportunities."

Wayne added in his mind, it depends on whether anyone is willing to support him.

Since Keanu Reeves can become famous, Li Guohao will not have too many problems, mainly for the first time.

No one dares to take the risk of using him in a hugely invested commercial film, and no one is sure if the mass moviegoers will hate the movies he starred in because of racial issues, and those small productions that invite him for various reasons will not have it. too much influence.

As long as he can prove himself like Keanu Reeves, even just once, the road will be much easier.