Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and thirteen - visit class

After this was done, Wayne put down one thing on his mind and devoted all his energy to the preparatory work.

With the passage of time, all preparations are going smoothly, and the actors have also entered the crew one after another after signing the contract, and began to prepare for their roles.

Although Nicholas Cage has some fame, he is in the independent literary and artistic film circle and has no effect on mainstream business. His agent and John didn\'t go overboard on the issue of remuneration.

The price of 1.5 million US dollars is not low for him, and there is no messy special treatment, just the right to have a normal cast actor.

At John\'s request, all the cast and crew, including the cast, signed an agreement adding special terms. It is clearly stipulated in the contract that if the work is affected by the use of drugs, leaf cigarettes or psychotropic substances, the crew has the right to dismiss any employee without paying any remuneration.

Warner Bros. has the right to hold individuals accountable for any loss to the crew due to these.

Wayne\'s plan is to start shooting in October, shoot all the shots around Christmas, start post-production around 1993, and wait until the summer season in mid-May to start showing.

There is no need for Wayne to worry about publicity. Warner Bros. has a series of publicity plans. As the head project for the beginning of next summer, this film will also appear in the halftime commercial show of the Super Bowl.

After Nicolas Cage entered the group, he began to train for fitness. His skinny figure was completely hungry. The crew found a special fitness coach and nutrition expert to slowly adjust his body for him.

It is necessary to maintain the current figure without suffering from malnutrition and delaying the filming of the film.

There are many balloon man actors in Hollywood, such as the later Christian Bale, who is a typical balloon man, who can gain or lose weight in a very short period of time according to the requirements of the role of the film.

However, Wayne does not approve of this method from the bottom of his heart. A normal person can become fat and thin in a very short period of time. No matter what the nutritionist does, it will still cause great harm to the body.

But for actors, it\'s a way for them to prove their acting skills.

As the person behind the film, Li Guohao also joined the stunt team. He also has a special identity, that is, Nicolas Cage\'s stand-in, and he is training with him.

"Nicolas, the role of Arthur is very demanding of actors. This is a pure one-man show, so I will be very demanding of you!"

In some spare time, Wayne will also go around the actor\'s training hall to observe the training of the main actors, especially Nicolas Cage. "You\'ve got sick loneliness all over you, but you\'ve got to practice keeping a warm smile on your face."

Nicholas Cage, who was sitting alone in the corner resting, glanced up at him. "I know what to do."

After speaking, he lowered his head again, and slowly practiced some clips about Arthur in the film.

Looking at this future superstar who seemed to be fascinated, Wayne didn\'t care about his attitude. Just like himself, geniuses always have some special quirks and their own pride.

Either way, as long as he does his job well, Wayne won\'t bother him.

"Director Greenberg!"

Hearing Li Guohao\'s greeting from the side, Wayne nodded to him. Compared with Nicolas Cage, his stand-in is much easier to get along with. Li Guohao may be related to the Oriental blood, and he is humble and humble everywhere. Be cautious and work very hard.

In order to be close to Nicolas Cage\'s figure, he lost another ten pounds of fat on his already weak body, and usually pays attention to imitating his walking and some small habits of life.

After a simple turn, and after greeting several actors who were training, Wayne left the actor training hall.

All the preparatory work in Los Angeles went relatively smoothly, and all preparations were proceeding in an orderly manner. There was also good news from ILM. Some of the prop models he needed have been made and can be sent to the crew at any time. .

Two days before heading to New York to shoot, Wayne temporarily handed over the job to John and Zach Snyder, and took Sergey to the outskirts of Los Angeles alone.

The crew of "Greek in Disguise" is filming the location scene here, and this time he came to promise a good visit.

In fact, Wayne is also the first time to visit an actor. He just wants to date Cameron Diaz again before going to New York, and experience a warm-hearted experience.

During this time, his feet were not touching the ground. The woman called him several times, but he was directly rejected by the assistant Nina.

The crew of "Grangers in Disguise" is not big. They temporarily set up a studio in several old houses. After Wayne explained his intentions to the security staff, he was led into the crew\'s studio.

"Because it\'s filming now, Director Greenberg, don\'t make a sound when you go in, I\'ll call you Miss Diaz." The security seemed to be familiar with the cast and crew.

"Okay, I think they\'re going to rest soon, don\'t call her." Wayne looked at the time, it was almost noon now, and normally, the filming of the crew would also stop, and it would not be until after lunch. will work again.

After entering the studio, Wayne did not go in, but just observed in the corner of the door.

Jim Carrey had makeup on his face and was facing three black suits with guns. Wayne had never touched this kind of makeup, and his face was covered in green paint.

He observed Jim Carrey\'s performance. The expression on the actor\'s face was particularly rich, and he was changing different forms at any time, which was simply breathtaking.

"cut! This one is over, rest!"

It wasn\'t until he saw that the crew had finished work and rested that Wayne came out from the corner of the door and came to Cameron Diaz sitting on the prop box.

Her condition doesn\'t look very good, even with a layer of makeup on her sweet face, you can still see that she is very tired.

"Sweetheart, you don\'t look very good, are you sick?" Seeing that she had been staring at the magazine with her head down, Wayne bent down and let out a breath in her ear.

"ohmy...! How do you have time to come and visit the class!" Cameron Diaz saw that he was full of surprises, stood up and smiled and gave him a big hug.

"I\'m going to New York to start the machine in two days." Looking at the beauty who was close at hand, Wayne said after releasing her. "I\'ll see you before I leave. I\'m going to spend a few months there this time."

Licking his lips lightly, Cameron Diaz leaned forward, and after blowing a breath in his ear, said softly, "Are you implying something to me? Daddy!"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Of course, you\'re like a robot whose hormones never run out!"

Many crew members were looking at the two people who were sticking together. In fact, after Wayne walked into the studio, many people found him, but few people recognized him.

After all, the director is still a behind-the-scenes type of work. Even if he has some fame, it is only spread among a specific group of people.

"Cameron, is this your boyfriend? I remember you said you were single."

While the two were chatting about where to go for lunch, a tall woman came over and interrupted their communication.

She has burgundy hair and the tough looks of a typical American girl. Her tone of voice seems curious, but her voice is very loud, which attracts the attention of many people.

"Amy, I don\'t need you to care about my affairs!" The smile on Cameron Diaz\'s face melted instantly after seeing her~www.novelhall.com~ You are so curious about whether I have a boyfriend what? If you want a man, you can find it yourself. "

"Hey, don\'t get me wrong, I\'m just afraid you\'ll be deceived. After all, this is Hollywood, and it\'s very dangerous for an actress like you to be filming for the first time."

"Amy, that\'s enough, I don\'t want to see you."

Wayne found that the two women obviously had a very big conflict, and it should not be the first time that they had quarreled like this.

The red-haired girl turned her eyes to look at Wayne, and showed a sweet smile. "Hi dude, I\'m Amy Yasbeck, nice to meet you! Can you tell me your name?"

"bixxh!" Cameron Diaz was arguing, obviously not the woman\'s opponent.

Wayne didn\'t want to waste time on pointless farce, he didn\'t come here for this, so he grabbed her arm.

Looking at the red-haired girl, he said, "Hello, I\'m Wayne Greenberg, I\'m sorry, we still have something to do, can you give us some personal space?"