Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and eleven - your father is Bruce Lee?

Listening to the actor introducing himself, Wayne always felt as if something wasn\'t right, which was very weird.

"...I was born in California, I am Chinese-American, my father is Chinese and my mother is American. I just participated in the filming of the movie "Dragon Dominate the World"..."

Several people in the room frowned when they heard him say that he was Chinese and Chinese-American. This is not racial discrimination, but some rules of Hollywood movies.

"Okay, Mr. Li." Although it was impolite, John waved his hand to interrupt his self-introduction. "You said you were a Chinese-American half-blood?"

"Yes, I know I can\'t tell from the outside." He pointed to his face, then continued: "My father gave me a Chinese name, Li Guohao, well, I know it\'s hard to read, so My friends call me Li."

Wayne\'s head hummed, and he felt so weird, Chinese, half-Chinese and American, with a completely American appearance, surnamed Li!

"BruceLee is your father?" The words came out involuntarily.

Wayne was very curious about how the son of the legendary kung fu superstar came to his own crew for an interview. Chinese Americans live at the bottom in North America, even worse than blacks. Of course, the bottom refers to social status.

The Chinese character itself is introverted, not as outgoing as other races, at least African Americans know how to cry, make trouble, hang themselves, and do the whole zero-dollar shopping group activity.

But BruceLee is different. Bruce Lee is one of the few movie stars recognized by the North American public. Almost no one knows about his Kongfu. As Bruce Lee\'s son, he has a natural American appearance. He should not lack the opportunity to participate in movies.

Hearing Wayne mention the name, John and Schwartz also looked at the young man curiously, and even the head of DC, who had been huddled in the corner and taciturn, also showed gossip.

"Yes, he is my father." Li Guohao shrugged and mentioned his superstar father, with a somewhat unnatural expression on his face.

Many people are very curious about his father Bruce Lee and want to dig out some so-called insider stories from him.

As a movie star, philosopher, and martial arts master who led the global Kongfu craze, coupled with some rumors that suddenly passed away, Bruce Lee\'s topic has always had a market in North America.

"He\'s a great action star!" John looked at this young man with a completely different attitude from just now. This is Bruce Lee\'s influence. "But you really don\'t look like a Chinese. How did you know about the "Joker" project?"

"My agent helped me sign up for the audition, and he thinks I fit the image of a clown." Referring to the character to be auditioned, he suddenly changed his facial expression, laughed loudly, but looked very sad.

"Nice performance!" Wayne interrupted his performance aloud, picked up another page of the script on the table, and handed it over. "Give you five minutes to prepare and then act out this scene."

Different from the scene with Nicolas Cage just now, this is the scene where Arthur couldn\'t help laughing suddenly on the subway, and was then beaten by several people.

The scene seems simple, but it reveals the transition from Arthur to the Joker. If it is connected with the following scene, it is the first time he kills and then changes.

"Ready to start anytime!"

Wayne tilted his head, watching the son of the kung fu star from the camera in front of Schwartz.

After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, he moved a chair by himself, and suddenly opened his eyes after sitting on it.


It can be seen from the camera that his performance foundation is very good. If he can put on makeup and put on a clown\'s clothes, the effect may be better.

Suddenly, he seemed to want to explain something to someone, but before he could take out something, he was punched to the ground.

Li Guohao, who was curled up on the floor, had a very vivid expression and was still laughing. "Ahahahahahahahahaha..."

"Okay, let\'s go here!" Wayne knocked on the table and shook his head regretfully.

This young man\'s performance was very good, but unfortunately, he was doomed to be unable to get this role, and it was just a polite routine for him to perform, and several people in the room knew that.

"You can go back and we will notify your agent of the audition results within three days."


From Wayne\'s regretful eyes, Li Guohao knew that he basically had no hope, and he himself knew the reason.


After he went out, the head of DC, Jonathan Keller, also said something regretful.

"We can\'t take risks, Mr. Keller." Wayne, who was always clear-headed, turned his head and explained to Jonathan in a low voice. "This is a big production with an investment of 60 million US dollars. Although he doesn\'t look like a Chinese, but the choice of the North American audience, no one can say whether it will appear..."

In fact, no one feels more pity than Wayne, Li Guohao is very in line with his requirements in terms of appearance and performance. Even the stature was very tall and thin, but like he said, they couldn\'t take any chances.

The mass moviegoers in North America are a group of moviegoers who are the most ranked in the world. Not to mention a Chinese actor, even their cousin, the British actor, they disdain.

All Hollywood studios know that in order to make a hit mainstream commercial, the absolute protagonist must be an American, or even a white man.

Those movies that play alternative are dead, this is determined by the market.

The xenophobia of North American movie fans is not only for actors, until 2021, before Wayne came here, there is no foreign movie that has achieved particularly good results in the North American theater market, and even the box office is over 100 million. .

However, he had some other ideas and wrote down the name Li Guohao on the paper at hand.

"Schwartz, call for the next one." John flipped through the resume in his hand, and saw that there were still a lot of young actors on it, all of whom came to audition for this role.

Since they can pass the first round of audition, it shows that these people have more or less merits, and no one can guarantee that there will be more suitable than Nicolas Cage.

But the obvious thing is that even if the performance level is close to, or even slightly more than Nicolas Cage, he can\'t compete with him in this role. This is the role of human feelings.

One person came in, and after a simple self-introduction and performance, they went out one by one. The boring audition work made several people very tired, especially since there has been no such bright performance.

"Hello, Director Greenberg!"

The actor who came in this time was a familiar face, and Wayne recognized him at a glance.

"Hello, Mr. Nicholson, no need to introduce yourself, no one here doesn\'t know you."

Holding Jack Nicholson\'s resume, Wayne rubbed his eyebrows. This is a veteran actor who has also played the role of The Joker.

"Thank you, then I\'ll start performing directly?" Nicholson said with a smile, and his tone was also full of confidence.

Wayne nodded and handed him an introduction to the scene from the script. "You can start anytime when you\'re ready."

This is a short scene with lines in which Arthur confronts his father, Old Wayne, accusing him of not being able to give him a little warmth.

After receiving the script, Jack Nicholson watched it silently for a while, and then started acting directly.

"Why do you say that? I don\'t need your lies! I know it\'s weird. I don\'t want to make you feel uncomfortable, why is everyone being so rude, I don\'t know why you\'re like this, I don\'t want anything, maybe just a little warmth , or a hug, Dad!…”

From the beginning of the performance, the three people behind the table shook their heads at the same time. There was no problem with his performance, but the state was not right.

The state used by Jack Nicholson is still the state of the Joker in the 1989 "Batman" movie. He brought his own understanding to every line, which seemed amusing and illogical.

However, several people did not interrupt his performance, and they applauded politely until he finished speaking all the lines.

"Mr. Nicholson, thank you for coming to the audition. We will notify your agent of the audition results within three days."


After he was out, John looked at Wayne. "He can\'t, it doesn\'t fit our premise at all. Jack Nicholson is still immersed in the role of the clown of the past."

"Anyone else?" Wayne nodded, agreeing with the producer.

"That\'s all for now," said the audition director.

Wayne stood up, opened his hands, stretched his waist, and worked on the chair for a long time, feeling like he was rusted and aching all over.

"Schedule auditions for other roles, let\'s speed up."