Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and fourteen - you are not her boyfriend?

The farce going on here attracted more attention, and Wayne could even hear someone whispering.

Amy Yasbeck obviously didn\'t care about the onlookers of the staff, and took two steps forward.

"You\'re not her boyfriend?"

Wayne shook his head instinctively, and after seeing Cameron Diaz\'s indignant face, he sighed and nodded again. He doesn\'t want to continue to entangle here, every actress in the crew is like this, very few can coexist peacefully.

So he took Cameron Diaz\'s hand and prepared to leave the studio first, and then discuss where to have lunch after going out.

"Hey, boy! Don\'t be fooled by Cameron Diaz\'s appearance, she\'s not as innocent as she seems."

Seeing that the two of them were about to leave, Amy Yasbeck took another two steps forward and continued to provoke the relationship between the two of them.

Wayne suddenly understood that this red-haired girl regarded herself as Cameron Diaz\'s suitor, and she didn\'t know what happened to the two women that made this woman want to destroy Cameron. - Good thing for Diaz.

Hearing this, Wayne was rather happy. He stopped his steps to leave, and looked at Amy Yasbeck with some doubts. "Cameron, she lied to me?"

"Yes, this is her first job in Hollywood, but look at her dress and handbag. I can tell you that these things are not cheap. Guess what she got them for?"

Hearing this, Cameron Diaz glanced at Wayne and smiled. She didn\'t say anything and hid behind Wayne to start watching the play.

"Yes, her clothes and this bag shouldn\'t be cheap." Wayne looked at the woman in front of him seriously, judging what she just said.

"So, handsome guy, guess what an actress who just arrived in Hollywood got these things?"

"For what?"

"Of course it\'s her own body. What else does she have besides her own body? Do you still think the woman behind you is innocent and cute?"

"You guessed it right, I bought these things for her!" Wayne continued to look at the woman seriously.

"Yeah, so she\'s just... What did you say?" Amy Yasbeck looked stunned.

"I said you guessed right, I bought these things for her," Wayne laughed, occasionally committing a second round, which made him feel very happy. "Don\'t you watch gossip news? I\'m his sugar daddy, sugardaddy!"

"Do you have anything else to tell me, Ms. Yasbeck?"

Some of the people close by smiled, obviously hearing the entire conversation.

Shaking his head, Wayne pulled Cameron Diaz, who had the same sweet smile on his face, to the outside of the studio, muttering, "Damn it, Cameron, don\'t I think I can buy it? Can you afford the Chanel look?"

Hearing his words, some people even laughed out loud.

"Wait, Wayne, I have very few scenes in the afternoon. Please accompany me to ask the producer for a leave. I want to eat your Chinese food." Cameron Diaz understood very well and pulled the Wayne system. Filmmakers should give face.

It\'s understandable that these low-level workers in the studio didn\'t know Wayne, who started too high and made his way to Hollywood\'s superstructure in two steps.

But it is impossible for the producer not to recognize this big Hollywood director. This is also an opportunity to increase his role in the cast, and it is very likely to make himself a little better in the future.

"Okay, where is he?"

"It\'s in the office over there, let\'s go over there." Cameron Diaz saw that he didn\'t object, and took him to the producer\'s office.

Unlike Wayne\'s own crew, this is a normal Hollywood crew structure. The producer is the most powerful figure, and the director is just an employee who shoots the footage.

In this producer-centered production method, the director basically has no chance to participate in the post-production, even if he has the right to suggest.

"Knock, knock."

"Please come in!"

After Cameron Diaz knocked on the door and heard the answer from inside, he led Wayne into the office.

"Mr. Woodsman, a friend came to visit my class. I only have a few scenes in the afternoon. I want to take a half-day off and go out for a walk with him." Seeing that the producer didn\'t look up, he focused on the big one on the table. After stacking the reports, Cameron Diaz directly stated his request.

Martin Woodsman looked up when he heard the girl\'s voice. "Miss Diaz, I will say hello to the director and ask him to move your role to tomorrow. Is there anything else? You see, I\'m very busy now."

She didn\'t expect things to go so smoothly, which made her feel a little surprised.

"Hello, Mr. Woodsman, I\'m Wayne Greenberg, nice to meet you!" Wayne took two steps forward and stretched out his hand.

Martin Woodsman also stood up, held his hand and said politely, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Greenberg!"

After he finished speaking, he seemed to recognize Wayne, took a closer look at his face, and then smiled and greeted him. "Director Greenberg, I really like your work, it\'s the perfect combination of art and business."

"Thank you, then you\'ll be busy first, and hope to have the opportunity to work together in the future." He pointed to the reports on the other side\'s table, then smiled and prepared to leave.

"Okay, I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate."

Out of the studio gate, Wayne and she didn\'t stay, just got in the car and went home.

Cameron Diaz kept smiling all the way, and even the tiredness on her face couldn\'t hide her good mood.

"You don\'t know, Wayne," she explained to him, leaning back on the sofa. "I was a rookie actor, but I took the **** and got the heroine, which made a lot of people in the crew very unhappy with me. During this time, my life was a mess, and the Hollywood film crew was not what I imagined. So beautiful."

Wayne thought about it, and comforted her a few words. "Every crew has contradictions, even mine is no exception, so you have to learn to adapt, don\'t focus on these things, or you can only wait for no progress."

"Is this the case for all crews?" Cameron Diaz asked curiously.

"It\'s almost the same. Where there are people, there must be fights. Everyone seems to want to have more say, doesn\'t it? Don\'t mention these unhappy things, you said you want to eat Chinese food?"

Wayne is reluctant to talk about this. After waiting for this woman to experience two shootings, she will understand everything, and what others say will never be as profound as her own experience.

"Chinese food, of course, I remember eating at your place last time." After she finished speaking, she glanced at the front of the car and found that the partition board had been lowered, and then gently climbed up to Wayne. "We can have an appetizer first, what do you think?"

"Of course, you can taste it anytime you like."

Seeing a pair of skillful hands quickly cling to his belt, Wayne closed his eyes and leaned on the large sofa.

The ride comfort of the Rolls-Royce is very good, and there is almost no vibration of the body. After Sergey drove the car into the Greenberg Manor, he directly opened the door and got out of the car and walked into the main building.

As a security guard and driver who has been with Wayne for so long, he knows his boss too well.

This Chinese meal was not officially eaten until an hour after lunch time. Wayne ate the dumplings on the plate while watching the woman who surprised him every time.

This day, from the afternoon to the early morning, the footnotes of the two were all over the place on the third floor, and Wayne once again tasted the waist with the engine installed as he wished.

And Gudao Hot Sausage!

At the beginning of October, in the Waldorf Astoria hotel suite in Manhattan, Wayne and a group of core team members were in a meeting. They arrived in New York yesterday and it was already dark. Today, the crew took a day off, and they are ready to start shooting tomorrow.

"Zach, are there any problems with the city government? The road will be closed for filming on the first day of tomorrow, and they need to dispatch the police to coordinate."

This is what Wayne is most worried about. If the filming does not go well, it will waste precious road closure time~www.novelhall.com~ No problem, I have communicated. "

Zach Snyder nodded. "As long as we start on time, there will be police to help maintain order."

The metropolis of New York, as the main location for Hollywood film production, does not know how many crews come to shoot each month. The New York City government is also quite cooperative. As long as it does not involve disrupting the normal order of society, they will generally give the green light.

When John and Zach Snyder came to inspect the location before, they had signed an agreement with each other, and the New York City government had a very good reputation in this regard.

"John, are all the crew members staying in the hotel? Be sure to arrange the logistics. This is not Warner Studios. If there is any trouble, it will immediately attract the attention of the media."

"It\'s all arranged."

There are nearly 150 actors and crew members who came together this time, not counting all kinds of temporary workers. The huge crew is also testing the organizational ability of the producer John.