Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and ten - skinny acting genius

There was a sudden silence at the other end of the conversation. Wayne knew that the producer was seriously considering the feasibility of the matter, so he patiently waited for the other party\'s reply.

"Wayne, I will try to communicate with the Warner Bros. publicity department, but the final decision on this matter will probably be handed over to Kevin. You wait for my news."

"No problem, you can let me know when there is a result. If the trailer really makes it to the Super Bowl halftime commercial, I will change the shooting plan."

After hanging up the phone, he went back to his desk, looking at the draft in front of him, thinking about the promotional budget that Warner Bros. had for the film.

The production budget of the "Joker" project is 60 million US dollars, and Xuanfa will also invest 15 million to 20 million US dollars depending on the effect of the film. This number is already very high, which represents the production company\'s trust in him as a director.

No one knows whether it will be possible to temporarily ask the production company to increase the budget for publicity and distribution, and Warner Bros. does not seem to be rich in book funds.

The current cost of publicity and distribution is not as high as that after the new century. As the world’s most commercialized film and television industry, it will be after the new century that Hollywood’s investment in film distribution will begin to enter a “morbid state” that far exceeds the production cost. .

However, since the 1990s, the publicity budget of mainstream commercial blockbusters can account for 30% of the production cost, and as time changes, the investment in this part will also increase.

After 2000, some mega-productions will spend hundreds of millions of dollars on publicity.

Now all the distribution companies in Hollywood know the importance of publicity and promotion, but it is far from the utilitarian level after the century.

The release cycle of films in this era is relatively long, and there will be no situation where more than two-thirds of moviegoers are driven into theaters in the first week of release.

However, as long as people with no problem in mind know that if a film wants to sell well, large-scale publicity and marketing are necessary means, so if there is a chance to let more than 10 million people in North America see his promotional film, he will I think Warner Bros. will definitely be tempted.

No film has used this method yet. Compared to those luxury perfume ads, promoting a movie at the Super Bowl halftime show is too extravagant and wasteful.

That was prime time when every second required a hundred thousand starting dollars.

This is an opportunity for Wayne\'s film. The first person to eat crabs will always get more than the later ones.

As long as it is profitable, there is an opportunity for Warner Bros. to add additional publicity and promotion funds.

Time passed slowly in the busy preparations, and there was good news from Zach Snyder and producer John, who had communicated with the New York City government and signed a contract.

Industrial Light and Magic also gave an exact quotation, because there are not too many shots that need to use CGI and props, and the quotation they gave Wayne is completely acceptable, so they signed a contract with the other party.

The staff of Industrial Light and Magic has now started the production of props, and there is still enough time to complete the production in time for the filming.

The main cast of the film had already had one round of auditions, and just as Wayne was about to start the second round, there was good news from Warner Bros.

They will increase the publicity budget of the film as appropriate, and buy 30 seconds of next year\'s Super Bowl halftime ad for the promotion of the film.

It\'s already September, not to mention that he is directing a relatively unfamiliar filming team. Wayne feels the time is tight. If he wants to play the commercial at the Super Bowl, he must finish all the shots before January.

During the relatively tense shooting period, there should not be too many accidents. The shooting and production of a film is a very tedious work. If there is a little accident, no one knows how long it will be delayed in the end.

"Why did he come?"

In a soundstage at Warner Bros. Studios, the second round of auditions for the main role was about to begin. The first person to walk into the audition office was not the director and producer, but DC Comics boss Jonathan Keller.

For his arrival, Schwartz, who was adjusting the camera, was stunned, because he had never invited the other party.

Watching him walk to the corner and sit down by himself, Schwartz shook his head and ignored him.

Not long after, the producer and director walked in together, and were also surprised to see Jonathan Keller sitting in the corner. After silently nodding and greeting, they sat behind the table together.

"Schwartz, let\'s get started, we\'re on a tight schedule, pick the right actors as soon as possible and cancel the third round of auditions if you can."

John to the casting director behind the camera.

"No problem!" Schwartz glanced at his watch, walked to the door and opened the door.

The first person to come in was Nicolas Cage, with makeup on his thin face, and his face looked unhealthy pale.

Looking at the face of the future superstar, Wayne knew that he had made a lot of preparations in advance, which was trying to move closer to the role of the clown.

Schwartz glanced at the three people behind the table, and seeing that they had no intention of speaking, he took the initiative to host the audition. "Hello, Mr. Cage."

"Hello!" Nicolas Cage didn\'t say much, and the specially made modeling made him very close to the image of the clown.

"This is a one-man show, Mr. Cage." Wayne, who was sitting behind the table, said directly without waiting for Schwartz to ask questions according to the procedure. "What do you think is the core of the Joker?"

Nicolas Cage looked at him, thought for a while and said: "This is not a face-up villain, his uncontrollable laughter and extremely sad heart can make people tremble and make people feel extremely depressed. Pain is very naturally transformed into the power of destruction.

Probably everyone has such a possibility of being crazy in such an extreme environment. The Joker made me find resonance in him! "

After speaking, he looked at the director\'s expressionless face, wanting to know whether the other party was satisfied with his understanding, which was obviously disappointing to him, and Wayne did not reveal the appreciation he hoped for.

"It seems that you did a lot of preparation." Wayne picked up a page of the script on the table and handed it to him, and continued as he watched the scene above: "This is a scene where Arthur changes clothes, he I\'m in the company locker room and I need you to do this."

This is a specially selected scene, and it is very difficult to perform, because the facial expressions cannot be used, and only half of the back is left for the audience, and Arthur\'s loneliness is also played.

Nicolas Cage looked at the script in his hand and sighed with relief. He had practiced this part at home.

He first took off his shirt, and then the t-shirt he put on it, and the exposed figure made the people in the room moan softly. I saw him slowly sitting on the ground with his back to the crowd, his arms crossed around his back.

Under his deliberate distortion, his bony body looked even more lonely and desolate. Without a special soundtrack, everyone in the house could feel the emotion conveyed.

After a short time, Nicolas Cage slowly retracted his arms, started to untie his shoelaces forcefully, and awkwardly put them back one by one.

"Ok, let\'s go here!"

After hearing the shouting, Nicolas Cage sat in silence for a while, before slowly pulling out of Arthur the clown\'s state and changing back to himself.

Everyone could feel the change in him, a lunatic who dared to reduce himself to a scrawny lunatic for an uncertain audition.

"How did you think of losing weight?" Wayne finally showed appreciation in his eyes, looking at him like he was looking at a work of art.

His performance is silent but powerful. It is the kind of power that can move people and cause emotional resonance. The body after deliberately losing weight has aggravated the transmission of this emotional resonance.

"I just analyze Arthur\'s state by myself, imagine what his physical and mental conditions will be like in this depressing and desperate living environment, and then let myself fit Arthur, and finally try to become Arthur."

His answer won everyone\'s favor. Even Wayne sighed in his heart that young literary and artistic people are still good. They all accept the truth, and they are willing to try as long as it is helpful to the performance.

"I have to say, your performance is very good, I can clearly feel the emotions conveyed from the performance. And all the preparations you have done for this role have also made the performance even better."

"Thank you, Director Greenberg!" Nicholas Cage finally revealed his own character. He raised his chin proudly, as if these compliments were deserved and should only belong to him.

This is a taciturn and extremely proud young man. He is full of confidence in his acting talent. This is not blind confidence. He is really capable of playing this role well.

Wayne looked at him even more satisfied. He didn\'t care about Nicolas Cage\'s own character. He didn\'t expect the first audition to give him such a big surprise.

"Your performance is wonderful~www.novelhall.com~ Just come here, within three days, we will notify your agent of the audition result."

"Okay, thank you!" Nicolas Cage bent down slightly, picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on him, turned around to open the door and walked out.

After he went out, John looked at his resume and sighed. "He\'s a genius, no, maybe a lunatic!"

"Very good, even for the audition later, I don\'t think there is any need to proceed. John, he is completely qualified for this role."

This sentence also resonated with several people in the room. Everyone nodded unconsciously. No matter whether Nicolas Cage is a natural acting genius, or because he has made sufficient preparations in advance, his state is indeed qualified for this role. .

"Okay, let\'s continue!"

It was also a young man who came in again, and it was obvious that he was also here for the role of Arthur the Clown.

"Hello! Please introduce yourself." Schwartz pointed to the three people behind the table and said to the young man.

"My name is
