Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and nine - various 'clowns'

"Rent me the tapes of those two films Susan, I want to see it!" Nicolas Cage picked up the script for the Joker, imagining what it would be like if the role of Arthur was played by himself.

As long as he brought himself into this role, he felt a shiver all over his body. The character design of Arthur was so well designed that he was simply a representative of Nicolas Cage\'s artistry.

Such a neurotic and crazy contradictory character, from when he was still a kind child to the last "Joker", the analysis of Arthur\'s character is simply impeccable.

"This screenwriter is a genius!" Nicolas Cage closed his eyes and sighed softly.

"Wayne Greenberg," Susan said suddenly to himself.


"I said that this screenwriter is also Wayne Greenberg! The projects he produced have always written the script by himself, directed the tube by himself, and even served as the producer of the work. This is a genius."

Susan was interested in him, and continued: "This is your chance, Nicola. As long as you can participate in this film, you will not only have the artistry you like, but also be recognized by mainstream audiences. This director\'s film The box office is not low.”

Gently rubbing the script in his hand, Nicolas Cage thought of the phone call he received a few days ago. His cousin Sofia Coppola told him that the old Coppola won him a very good project.

For these, Nicholas Cage himself does not catch a cold. His standard for accepting films is to like them and be artistic enough. He has never been dismissive of rancid commercial blockbusters.

However, the introduction of Amway by the agent and the weight of the script in his hand changed his mind.

"I want to get this role, Susan!" Nicolas Cage\'s thin face flashed with excitement. "Help me get in touch with Warner Bros, ask them when the audition is, and I\'ll be there on time!"

"Okay, no problem." Agent Susan breathed a sigh of relief. "Nicholas, after you have commercial achievements, your status in the circle will become different, and you can choose any movie you like at that time."

As long as she has the opportunity, she will definitely instill these in her clients. Actors without commercial achievements can only be called actors, but with commercial achievements, they can be called stars. The difference is simply incalculable.

"Ok, I understand." Nicolas Cage picked up the script and walked to the second floor. He really didn\'t want to continue listening to the agent\'s words, especially repeating the same paragraph every time, which was not in line with his ideal.

"I\'m going to prepare for the audition. If the director has the vision, he will give me this role." He waved the script in his hand and walked to the study on the second floor. "Remember to rent the tapes for me!"

Susan saw that he left impatiently, and was going to leave his house to contact Warner Bros. as soon as possible. She believed that with the face of old Coppola, as long as Nicolas Cage did not behave very badly, he would have a high chance of getting this. Role.

And she is never worried about her client\'s acting skills, only worried about whether he will be kicked out of the audition because of personality problems, and can only pray that Nicolas Cage will not play personality at critical moments.

As for his private life, as an agent Susan didn\'t take it to heart. Are there any Hollywood actors who don\'t take drugs and smoke leaf cigarettes? It\'s not just your own clients.

In her eyes, literary coffee has always been accompanied by women and drugs, and the mainstream business circle is not much better. This is a relatively bad circle.

It wasn\'t just Nicolas Cage who was thinking about the role, but everyone else was invited to audition as well.

As the veteran clown in the Warner Bros. movie "Batman", Jack Nicholson was also full of surprises after receiving the audition invitation. In his opinion, he was a natural candidate for the role of the clown.

In the "Batman" movie released in 1989, he played the Joker to great acclaim, and his completely illogical performance style did fit the character of Arthur the Joker quite well.

Jack Nicholson\'s Joker is chaotic, illogical, and has only one principle of doing things, and that is "fun"!

He called the agent and asked the agent to reply to Warner\'s invitation, and he would go to the male lead audition on time.

No matter how the outside media reported it, or how much attention was drawn to the audition for the role of The Joker, Wayne completely blocked the surrounding information and immersed himself in his work.

After stretching a lot and relieving the exhaustion of sitting for a while, Wayne looked at the draft of a split shot he had just finished drawing. He had an innate advantage in this thing, and the picture and camera arrangement were naturally installed in his mind. .

In fact, this matter could have been handed over to the assistant director who was assisting the shooting, and many directors have been doing this all the time, but Wayne did not choose to be lazy. Since he has this advantage, for the smooth shooting of the film, he must make use of it.

Not far from him sits the little assistant Nina. As long as he is at work, Nina will never be too far away from him to prevent Wayne from suddenly remembering something and needing her as an assistant to do it.

A trailer for a movie was playing on the TV. Nina was afraid of affecting her boss, so she turned her voice very low, and she could vaguely hear Sylvester Stallone\'s roar.

This is the kind of film that ordinary fans like her like, and the hot action movies and action stars are the best way to attract fans like her.

""The Hero of the Mountains"?"

Nina heard the boss\'s voice behind her and turned back to find Wayne was also staring at the TV.

"Boom up, Nina!" Wayne only saw the end of the fifteen-second trailer, but he recognized the paralyzed superstar right away. "Well, it crashed..."

That\'s right, action star Sylvester Stallone\'s new film, "The Hero of the Mountain" is also scheduled for mid-May 1993, and the end of the trailer reads brightly.

This may be the facial paralysis action superstar, the only film that has not been scolded by fans. Wayne did not expect that it would be so coincidental that he would collide with the other party.

"Boss, they started the promotion so early, should we also inform Warner Bros. and start promoting it on TV." Nina is now on her own boss\'s side after all. Thinking of crashing with her own film, she immediately abandoned the one she liked. star.

"No, they started to promote it in advance because the film was shot early, and we just follow our own plan."

With the publicity budget that Warner Bros. gave for "Joker", if it starts to publicize it on a large scale from now on, it will definitely not be enough.

Hollywood has long had its own set of propaganda rules, and normal commercial films will release news from time to time during filming, and will not start a large-scale bombardment until the release is approaching.

Stallone\'s film is an exception, because the filming was completed much earlier, so commercials appear on TV from time to time.

Wayne was fascinated by watching the TV, so it seems that next year\'s main competitor will be the action star\'s "Heroes of the Mountain".

He doesn\'t remember the box office performance of this film. The only thing that impresses him is that he was called by netizens as the only film that Stallone didn\'t get scolded for.

"Right!" He slapped the sofa in front of him with a slap. "Call John for me and say I have something to call him."

Even though she had gotten used to Wayne\'s way of working, Nina felt helpless at his startled behavior.

She took out the book of phone numbers and dialed John\'s number~www.novelhall.com~ Okay! "

Wayne answered the phone, made sure John could hear it, and directly said what he just thought.

"Do you think Warner Bros. can increase the publicity budget? I have come up with a good way to let more than 30 million people in the United States see our films in a short period of time."

"Wayne, the announcement is not something we should consider, our task is to make a good film!" John on the opposite side is much calmer than him. He knows very well that he and Wayne are not qualified to intervene in the announcement of Warner Bros. plan.

It is best not to even have suggestions. Warner Bros. is an old-fashioned distribution company with the world\'s top film distribution capabilities. If it rashly intervenes in this matter, it will only cause dissatisfaction in the distribution department.

Production and distribution, the two most important departments of the movie giant, have never had a harmonious relationship.

"Listen, John, you can try to communicate with the company and put our trailer in the Super Bowl halftime commercial." Wayne explained to him patiently.

"Super Bowl..." John also thought of the significance of this. This is the highest-rated program in North America, and the number of viewers will not be less than 30 million every year.