Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and sixteen - don't try to lie to me! He is a tyrant!


Nina suddenly supported the black beauty, looked at her boss, and laughed silently.

"Harry, I think you misunderstood Wayne? He wasn\'t like this before. I tell you, the more he worked on the set, the better his temper would get, and he wouldn\'t normally be seen getting angry."

The assistant\'s words confused Halle-Berry. Even if she hadn\'t actually participated in the production of the movie, she had heard that directors were basically violent, and the bigger the director, the more violent they would be.

The scene of the director Wayne throwing the cup just now was deeply engraved into the minds of the surrounding employees. Although that hideous expression only appeared for a moment, it still made everyone instinctively stay away from him, afraid of becoming this man\'s Vent object.

"Nina, don\'t lie to me, you also saw his expression in the morning." Harry-Berry stabbed the little assistant in the arm. "Otherwise, I won\'t let you, the person closest to him, run to me and hide!"

Recalling what happened this morning, Nina was also frightened for a while. Wayne was not only very good to her, but also very good to the people around her, but it was the first time she saw the angry look of the boss.

"Don\'t blame him for getting mad, Harry." Nina followed her boss all day, and she knew how much Wayne took the film in order. "You don\'t understand how much Wayne takes this film. This is the most important step for him to go to the superstructure of Hollywood. If this project fails because of an accident, think about the consequences for him!"

Nina understands that the pressure of a full 60 million dollars has made Wayne tense from the moment he signed the contract. No one but him can understand this huge pressure.

Looking at the various cast members with weird eyes, almost all of them formed a small circle, looking at the director\'s direction, while whispering in a low voice, if this matter is not resolved today, it will definitely affect the director\'s work. Authority within the crew.

"Harry, it seems that there is news, let\'s go and see!" I saw Zach Snyder trotting through the crowd, heading straight for the director and producer.

"Go, I don\'t want to join in the fun!"

Seeing Nina also running over worriedly, Halle Berry turned around and got on the trailer. She didn\'t believe what the assistant said at all, she only believed in her own judgment, Wayne Greenberg is a real tyrant!

Harry-Berry shuddered at the thought of returning home after leaving the manor that day. The games that that man played against her that trampled on her dignity still made her feel a pain in her body even just thinking about it.

Afterwards, Harry-Berry felt like he was in a daze, how could he willingly send himself to that tyrant!

Panting, Zach Snyder ran to the director and producer and whispered to Wayne who suddenly opened his eyes: "I found him, in the small bar not far from the hotel. You don\'t know, this is too much. It\'s dangerous, that bar is almost full of addicts!"

Hearing that Nicholas Cage was found, Wayne was first relieved. "How is he? You didn\'t bring him back?"

"His state is not bad, someone should have smoked him a leaf cigarette with seasoning, and with the effect of alcohol, Nikolai had been sleeping on the table in that small bar until now.

We have already sent him back to the hotel to rest, it is impossible to film in that state, but..."

Speaking of which, Zach Snyder looked at Wayne with some embarrassment, his expression full of hesitation.

With a snap, Wayne leaned forward with his upper body leaning on the back of the chair, reaching out and rubbing his eyebrows hard. "What else is there to say, what else did Nicolas Cage do?"

Looking at the production manager who was also anxiously standing aside, Zach Snyder glanced at his surroundings, lowered his head and said softly: "Some media seem to have discovered this, and when we returned to the hotel, there was already a New York Times level. The media reporters are waiting there!"



John and Wayne breathed fragrance together. Thinking of the consequences of this incident, Wayne stood up and kicked the small table out.

There is no need for competitors to find reasons to attack. As long as the negative news is repeatedly mentioned by the media on the eve of the film\'s release, the impact on the audience and the box office will be absolutely insignificant.

This incident today completely broke Wayne\'s defense. He has never been so angry at work.

"Zach, go and announce the cancellation of today\'s filming plan and let them keep their mouths shut!" Wayne pointed to the onlookers, and then turned to discuss with John.

"Find a way to deal with the media, dude! The $60 million "Joker" has a scandal like this on the first day of filming. All kinds of newspapers, magazines and TV stations must be crazy!"

John also felt a sense of powerlessness, what kind of thing is this? "I\'ll go back to deal with the media first, and I have to report the situation to the company quickly so that the public relations department can be ready at any time."

After speaking, he hurriedly walked to the car with a gloomy face. After opening the door and getting in, the car hurried back before it started.

Looking at more than 100 people packing things around, he said with a headache: "The staff here is too complicated, someone must have sold the news to the New York Times!"

Speaking of the first time this good man John showed a wicked look to Wayne, his voice changed. "Find a way to find out who sold the news, Wayne, I\'ll let him know why Warner Bros and Time Warner are called capital giants!!!"

Before he could agree to John, he got back into the car, left here and headed for the hotel.

This matter is not only important to Wayne, the director and project sponsor, but also to John, whose careers are tied together with Wayne.

If this very alternative commercial film can be successful, John can get no less than the director, but the income is different. This is John\'s shortest shortcut to the executive position of Warner Bros.

If a first-line project with an investment of 60 million US dollars fails, the director Wayne will definitely have the opportunity to turn over from scratch at a small cost, but it will only take a few more years.

Don\'t forget his racial advantage. In the end, there will definitely be people who are willing to support him and help him make a comeback!

And John, the first producer and the production manager of the crew, will definitely be the one to blame, and Warner Bros. will not hesitate to throw the blame on him.

Watching the car go away so fast, Wayne has been sitting in the chair thinking about the solution, how to minimize the impact, so that the film can start shooting smoothly!

It wasn\'t until he was the only director left on the street, along with his assistants Nina and Sergey, that Wayne got up from his chair.

"Haha..." After getting in the car, he watched Sergey move his chair and laughed at Nina.

"Boss, are you okay?"

Seeing that her boss suddenly laughed, Nina looked worried.

"Of course, I just thought that the props team moved everything, but no one came to remind me to remove the chair."

Is there anything funny? Nina understood why no one reminded him, no one wanted to touch the director\'s bad head at this time, and if it was used as a vent channel, how wrong it would be...

The car drove smoothly on the streets of New York, and Wayne stared at this busy metropolis. The pace of life in this city is much faster than that of Los Angeles~www.novelhall.com~ The road is full of suits and shoes but in a hurry. man woman.

"If you hadn\'t given me a job, I might have been one of these busy people. I would wear a dress every day on Wall Street and deal with numbers, with a salary just enough to survive in this city, but dreaming To have a home in this big city."

Nina\'s low murmur came from his ear, and Wayne looked back and smiled at the assistant lady with an ordinary figure and face. "In fact, you did a very good job. Believe me, if you suddenly take half a month off now, whether it is my work or my life, it will definitely become a mess."

Having been around Wayne for so long, one of the things Nina has seen most clearly is that Hollywood can function without anyone. The same is true for the job of an assistant. If one day he is really gone, another outstanding person will only appear in a very short period of time.

"Boss, so don\'t make me unemployed. I have two younger brothers in college. Your salary is very important to me!"

"What are you thinking? It\'s just a small thing, and the crew can\'t die because of this small thing." Wayne shook his head. He was indeed full of anger at this small thing, but it didn\'t mean that it was not easy to solve.