Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and seventeen - Wayne, don't bother me!

Hollywood is much more rotten than this. External work is nothing more than a matter of public relations. It\'s just that the filming time of the crew may become tight.

Wayne\'s plan is to shoot all the footage before Christmas. Nicolas Cage\'s accidental appearance must be followed by a long-term follow-up.

Now I can only hope that this matter will not delay too much time!

The car slowly stopped in front of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. After the doorman helped open the door, Wayne and Nina, who didn\'t get out of the car, gave a tip and quickly moved aside.

About a dozen reporters surrounded him at the entrance of the hotel.

"Director Greenberg, I heard that Nicolas Cage, the protagonist of "Joker", stayed at a bar overnight and was absent on the first day of the official shooting..."

"Wayne! Will you regret choosing this male lead..."

"There is definite information that Nicolas Cage is dissatisfied with you..."

"Director Greenberg, tell me you\'re going to deal with the male protagonist..."

When he looked back and saw that his boss was surrounded by reporters, he couldn\'t move a single step. Sergey couldn\'t care about parking the car. He threw the car key to the doorman and rushed in. His bear-like size put a lot of pressure on the group of reporters.

Bowing his head and pressing forward without saying a word, Wayne finally squeezed into the hotel door with the help of Sergey. This gate is like a dividing line, and all the media reporters are stopped outside by hotel security.

"Are they crazy?" Sergey was distressed as he sorted out his suit, which was specially given to him by the tailor Hela, the housekeeper, when he helped him customize the clothes.

Usually he is very fond of this handmade suit, which is a set of handmade goods of tens of thousands of dollars.

Since the filming started directly without the media meeting, Wayne was afraid that these reporters would affect the work of the crew, but he still did not escape this time.

He walked to the elevator with a calm face without saying a word. After Zach Snyder in the elevator room pressed the floor, he also led him to Nicolas Cage\'s room in silence.

The atmosphere in the room was obviously not very good. John sat on the side by himself, opposite the scrawny male protagonist in pajamas, and his agent was obviously explaining something to John.

The arrival of "Nicolas" Wayne made the eyes of the three people stop on his face. After he sat next to John, he reached out and pointed at Nicolas Cage lightly.

"Now I need you to give me an explanation, an explanation that will convince me!"

Wearing a pair of pajamas, Nicolas Cage\'s clear face revealed exhaustion. He looked at the director who was pointing at him, and he was ready to apologize, but he was also drowned in his pride.

"It\'s not what I wanted to happen, I just smoked marijuana." His voice became hoarse and torn. "Don\'t trouble me..."

The agent next to him, Susan, immediately covered his mouth, with an incredible look in his eyes. These were not the words he just gave him!

"It looks like your brain isn\'t awake yet!" Wayne was almost **** off by him. He thought Nicolas Cage was just arrogant, but he didn\'t expect his mind to be sober. .

"Listen, Mr. Cage!" Taking the bag from the assistant behind him, Wayne took out the cigarette inside, lit one, took a deep breath, and said, "There are at least two dozen hotels under this hotel. Ah different media, they are all waiting for news from you addict.

If the filming of the crew is delayed because of this farce, trust me, you will never be able to compensate for the loss. I remember that the contract John signed with you both had anti-drug clauses. Do I need to use the contract to speak? "

"Of course not!" Susan exclaimed immediately, he pulled up his client and walked directly to the master bedroom. "Director Greenberg, give me ten minutes and I\'ll wake Nikolay up."

Looking coldly at Nicolas Cage, who was reluctant to be pulled away, all the shooting plans today were in vain, and there were follow-up media troubles. He didn\'t even have any regrets.

"I just asked someone to go to the bar to find out." John\'s face was also very ugly, and he pointed to the master bedroom. "Not only did he smoke the seasoned leaf cigarettes, he drank half a bottle of Chivas, what\'s more, our Mr. Cage also smoked a small amount of \'gu\'ca \'Zan!\'"

Slowly sucking the Marlboro in his hand, Wayne said nothing, listening silently to John\'s narration of the whole thing. In fact, the savage may not really be able to push it all to Nicolas Cage, he was also pitted.

The small bar in New York is not the one he often goes to in Los Angeles. Seeing that he is so happy to buy alcohol and cigarettes, someone will naturally focus on his wallet, and after he is confused, they give him a lot of strong Wine, and gave him something he shouldn\'t touch.

For these Hollywood stars, Wayne feels that they sometimes do stupid things and come to an unfamiliar place. Even if you want to go for a drink to relieve the pressure, you should bring a few crew members.

Millions of dollars in salary have been taken, and it\'s not that they are short of that money. Not only can they invite a few people to have a drink together, but they can also ensure their own safety.

About ten minutes later, when Wayne was impatient, Susan Levine walked out with her client.

Still a little unconvinced on his face, Nicolas Cage walked up to the two of John and bowed gently. "I\'m sorry, Mr. Gray, Director Greenberg, it\'s all my fault, the diet and the immersion in this episode made me feel very bad, and that\'s why I caused all this trouble! I apologize for the trouble coming out!"

The agent Susan breathed a sigh of relief after seeing him, and quickly pressed him down on the sofa to sit down, and said to the two of them: "I\'m sorry, Nikolai did not mean it, and this kind of thing will definitely not happen again in the future. !"

Turning to look at the production manager, Wayne nodded slightly to Nicolas Cage, accepting his apology. The most important thing now is to resolve things, not the time to create internal conflicts.

As for how to deal with this matter, Wayne can of course hold Nicolas Cage accountable on behalf of Warner Bros. as the second producer, or even kick him out of the crew.

But what\'s the point of that, it will only delay more shooting work and make it impossible to complete the film in the expected time.

Compared to the investment risk of tens of millions of dollars, the Nicholas Cage incident can only be regarded as a trivial matter. Several people in the room, including Wayne himself, are not worth 60 million dollars!

Squeezing out the cigarette in his hand, Wayne stood up and walked to the window to look out, pointing downstairs and said: "Now, we must deal with the following media reporters first, otherwise large-scale malicious reports will only affect the work of the crew. The mentality of the people, this way of hyping the film, I would rather not."

The reporters downstairs did not leave with Wayne\'s return. On the contrary, more tabloids rushed over like sharks smelling blood.

The PR department at Warner Bros. should also be doing work. At least Wayne didn\'t find the New York Times that first appeared. Now all the small and medium-sized media are waiting for the opportunity downstairs.

These media will make up their own things to attract attention when they have nothing to do, not to mention what might really happen now?

These people, their favorite thing is to arrange celebrity news gossip. If these celebrities can\'t help but sue them, it is the moment for these tabloids to revel.

When you go to sue them, it is to increase their attention, one by one wishing that someone would sue them every day!

"What are we going to do?" agent Susan Levine asked, frowning. "You must never let these media reporters know about this. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is also responsible for the "Joker" project!"

Mentioning this, Wayne was filled with anger again. He glanced at Susan Levine and almost blurted out. Now that he knew that he was in charge of the project, what would he do when he smoked leaf cigarettes.

"Don\'t think about it, those paparazzi will definitely go to that bar, they can\'t hide it." Wayne doesn\'t care about Nicolas Cage\'s **** image, besides, Hollywood is much more popular than he is, as long as public opinion guides Well, I haven\'t seen the audience boycott anyone because of these.

"In this way, we will have a press conference on the set tomorrow to clarify this matter. Mr. Cage, you were bitten to death in the face of the media. You went to that wine glass to experience the life of Arthur the Clown. ,Understand!"

Wayne took a few steps back to the coffee table, reached out and tapped Nicolas Cage\'s chest. This action is very impolite. With the elite education that the Greenberg family has given him since he was a child, he should not have done it.

But the troubles caused by this strange-looking big star made him have nowhere to vent the anger in his heart. Wayne may have cared about his relationship before, but now he just wants to maintain a working relationship with him until the end of production.