Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and fifteen - Lost the dragon at the beginning?

On October 2, 1993, the "Joker" crew officially started filming on a street in Brooklyn on the morning of their third day in New York. The police have helped to close the streets on both sides, and this is not a downtown area, and there are not too many pedestrians watching.

The crew did not hold a media event, and Wayne was ready to start filming directly.

The mottled street has been silent since the crew was ready, with only the lights on the two police cars flashing desperately.

All the staff and the director deliberately kept a distance, even Wayne\'s assistant Nina, deliberately distanced himself from his boss, no one wanted to touch him at this time.

Sitting on the director\'s chair behind the monitor, Wayne raised his arm and glanced at his watch impatiently again, with an expression of no strangers.

Since the road was closed at 8 o\'clock, the crew was assisted by Zack Snyder and made preparations for the shooting, but after everything was ready, everyone found that the male protagonist Nicolas Cage could not be found.

Wayne thought that something happened to him and delayed the time. From waiting patiently at the beginning, he threw the teacup with anger on his face after an hour. Now more than two hours have passed, and Nicolas Cage still hasn\'t appeared.

None of the staff present spoke loudly, but a strange atmosphere began to spread silently at the shooting site of hundreds of people. The actor was late on the first day of the official shooting, which undoubtedly challenged the authority of the crew controller.

"Zach, Zach!"

Hearing the shouting behind the monitor, Zach Snyder put down the camera in his hand and trotted to the director.

"Call Nicholas Cage\'s agent Susan again and ask her what happened!" Wayne\'s face was almost twisted out of the water, and he was still trying to suppress his anger.

Glancing at the director\'s face, Zach Snyder immediately looked away, also full of helplessness. "John and I have been dialing Nicolas Cage\'s calls, all of which are unanswered, and his agent Susan doesn\'t know where he is going, and he also didn\'t answer the agent\'s call."


"Snapped"! The director\'s record book and the shooting plan were both thrown to the ground by Wayne. On the first day of the official shooting, there was an accident that caught him off guard. Wayne felt that he could no longer contain the anger in his heart.

Bending down to pick up the two black notebooks on the ground, Zach Snyder silently placed them on the monitor.

It is normal for all kinds of accidents to occur during the shooting. He has imagined all the situations, but no one expected that just as he was about to turn on the camera, the male protagonist disappeared so that no one could find it.

"Zach, you go to appease the crew first, and tell everyone to rest in place." John walked over with a woman in professional attire, patted the assistant director on the shoulder and said to him.

Zach Snyder sighed softly, nodded and walked towards the crew waiting to start filming.

Watching him go to appease the crew, John led the woman to the monitor and said to Wayne, who was sinking in the director\'s chair:

"She is Nicolas Cage\'s agent Susan Levine, let her tell you the specifics."

The agent was wearing a decent lady\'s dress, all her flaxen hair was pulled back in a ponytail. From the slight wrinkles on his face and neck, Wayne can tell that his actual age should be over 35 years old.

The years will never show mercy to anyone. Although the other party\'s makeup is good, you can still see the crow\'s feet at the corners of the eyes if you look carefully, and there is an anxious look on her pretty face.

"Director Greenberg, I have been calling Nikolay since I received your news. I have been able to get through all the time, but no one answered. Can you help me and ask if he was in the hotel last night?"

Hearing her words, Wayne looked at the production manager, and John looked puzzled. "Susan, the crew reserved a suite for Nicolas Cage. Now we only know that he did stay in the hotel, and no one saw him when he went out. Didn\'t you come with him last night?"

It\'s no wonder John and Wayne have question marks on their faces. It stands to reason that as Nicolas Cage\'s agent, Susan should come with his client. The crew also specially reserved a suite for him, which is convenient for Nicolas Cage to carry. Assistants and Brokers.

Zach Snyder had sent someone back to look for it long ago. There was no one in the hotel room. The most important thing was that no one saw when he went out, and no one knew where he went.

An embarrassed look immediately appeared on Susan Levine\'s anxious face. "I went home after sending him to the hotel last night. I was born in New York. My parents and two older brothers were here. They prepared a part for me..."

Seeing the director standing up and pacing back and forth, Susan couldn\'t explain it any further.

"Call the police!" Wayne said the plan he was most reluctant to implement. Now no one knows when Nicolas Cage disappeared. If something happened to him, it would not be a matter of simply delaying the shooting. Well, Warner Bros. and the crew will be in big trouble.

"Now we don\'t have much choice but to ask the police, **** it!"

After finishing speaking, Wayne kicked the chair next to him. At this moment, he really wanted to smash everything he saw, and his face was flushed with anger.

"Don\'t call the police!"

"Don\'t call the police!"

The agent Susan and the production manager John spoke at the same time. They all knew the consequences of calling the police. All the media would be like sharks smelling blood, all of them would come around and drown them.

"I can\'t wait like this. No one knows what\'s wrong with him now. If there is any accident..." Wayne stared at Susan-Kevin with a serious expression. He knew the reason why John didn\'t want to call the police. Afraid that things will come out, the crew will face a shutdown and a trade union investigation, but this woman...

"Susan, do you know something? Best to say it for your client\'s safety!"

Under Wayne\'s aggressive gaze, Susan Levine hesitated for a long time before avoiding his gaze, and after looking around the surroundings, she whispered: "He might go to a bar, um... sell some special drugs The kind of bar."

"Zach, Zach! Immediately organize people to go to the small bars around the hotel, find a local person to lead the way, and find those small bars where you can enjoy contraband, and go immediately!

Wait, be sure to pay attention! Don\'t let the media know about this, there are so many people who go there and the news can\'t be hidden, but you must find him before the media find out, and remind them that no one is allowed to be interviewed! "

Hearing Susan Levine\'s guess, he immediately turned around and asked Zach Snyder to organize someone to find him. If he still couldn\'t find him, there would be no other luck, and Wayne would immediately call the police.

This matter can be big or small, and it has long been no longer an ordinary lateness problem.

"Susan, has Nicolas Cage been taking illegal drugs, or smoking leaf tobacco, cocaine or something like that?" After the arrangement, he walked back to the agent and began to ask him in a low voice. What Wayne hated the most was These things can\'t change the general environment, and most people in this circle will be more or less involved.

"Absolutely not, Director Greenberg!" Susan-Levine would never admit these things. "It\'s just that he has to prepare this script during this period of time, and the whole person is immersed in the role, so he will occasionally release a little mental stress by these."

Looking at her unnatural expression, Wayne can understand with his **** that things are definitely not as simple as this woman said.

Knowing that it is impossible to ask anything from her~www.novelhall.com~ But she understands the reason why she does not want to call the police. She is afraid that when her client is found by the police, there will be contraband by her side.

He lifted the chair up and sat back, seeing Nina hiding behind the vanity van with Harry-Berry at a glance, he raised his arm and waved to his assistant.

Harry-Berry came over with Nina, and seeing that he seemed to have calmed down a lot, the assistant spoke boldly. "Boss, what\'s the matter."

Wayne stretched out his hand and rubbed his temple forcefully, with a hint of helplessness in his voice. "My glass broke, try to get me something to drink."

Hearing his words, Harry-Berry quickly turned around and trotted back to the trailer, before running back with his water glass in a while.

"Hey, here\'s to you, I promise I haven\'t had one!"

Putting the water glass in Wayne\'s hand, watching him unscrew the lid nonchalantly, and after drinking it, the two women looked at each other and returned to the makeup trailer.

"Nina, has Wayne been this way on set? I mean he\'s been acting like a tyrant?"