Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and seventy-two - Batman

A complete and specific DC universe plan is a long-term work, and it is impossible for Wayne to make it out of his head now.

"Kevin, this requires constant tweaking!" He pointed to the top Batman artwork. "We can only make a big frame first, and then slowly adjust the whole direction through the market reaction through the films that have been shot and listed. Therefore, Batman is my next goal."

Jonathan Keller\'s face is full of excitement. This huge movie universe project will definitely push DC to another level and make superheroes a mainstream.

"Tell me what you think of Batman, Wayne!"

The DC head\'s words interrupted Kevin Tesuhara\'s thinking, allowing him to focus on the characters in front of him. Yes, it\'s definitely not too late to talk about Batman after seeing the effect.

"In my plan, this \'Batman\' will be a film that explains his origins. Bruce Wayne is by no means a born Batman, he also has fear and confusion, this will be a film that shows the audience the bat How does Xia grow up and how to find his own film."

That\'s right, DC superheroes are good everywhere. They don\'t lack storytelling or spiritual core, but they are so powerful that they are all like gods far away from us! All Wayne has to do is to drag them down and give them humanity, in order to draw in the distance and the sense of substitution with the fans.

He looked at the two people on the opposite side and continued: "This will be a movie series, only a series of movies can really enter the mainstream audience\'s attention. For the first one, I will arrange a reasonable origin for Bruce Wayne. , wait until the second part..."

"Joker?" Kevin Tesuhara asked directly.

"That\'s right! The clown will be inserted in the second part! Bruce Wayne will grow further through his entanglement with the clown, and we can also add more foreshadowings."

The two of them nodded. This is indeed a good idea, and the success rate is believed to be very high. Even if you think about it now, it will be exciting. However, there are other problems here.

"What are you going to do with the two "Batman" films you filmed before? And the Joker and Gotham you filmed don\'t have any superpowers, so how to connect them will be a big problem."

Facing the question of Kevin Tesuhara, Wayne said directly: "It is to overthrow, I will not adopt any setting of those two Batman, overthrow and restart is my purpose. As for the Joker and Gotham\'s The problem is solved easily because I will add a realistic style to the film!"

Realistic style! Dark realism! This sentence made the two of them frown together. Tim Burton gave Batman a gothic style, and the characters in the film are full of absurdity and exaggeration. Either way, both films were successful.

Although the audience of the second movie has a bad reputation, they also put the blame on Tim Burton, but this style of Batman is at least normal and in line with people\'s impression of a superhero.

But what the **** is a dark realistic style? Powerful superheroes give up their own advantages and become an individual that is not too different from ordinary people?

At this moment, even Jonathan Keller\'s eyes were full of doubts. He temporarily cast aside the temptation of the superhero universe and stared at him and said, "Is this Bruce Wayne still a hero?"

Wayne certainly understood what they were thinking, and it did seem a little weird. "No, we just join this style atmosphere, Bruce Wayne is still Bruce Wayne. It will just be temporarily made vulnerable, he needs to let the audience see his growth, see his confusion and vulnerability, and also need Let everyone witness how he became Batman!

Otherwise, why do you think I deliberately shaped Gotham into that? Batman will slowly grow, struggle, and protect this metropolis that audiences are familiar with. Because this city of Gotham is very close to the public life, this can make them have a sense of substitution! "

Look at the two people who are thinking. Wayne continued to tell his ideas, it is best to let them all agree, this will reduce a lot of follow-up troubles, and fully cooperate with his preparations.

"The Joker has clearly drawn out the urban contradictions of Gotham. On the surface, it is full of material desires, but it is also full of rotten atmosphere. People have started riots and struggles from time to time, which shows that all levels of society have begun to break apart. The various capital groups that control the city also use laws and systems to be their evil accomplices!

In such an environment, Bruce Wayne has grown from an ordinary person to an unsung hero who guards the city. Before he became strong, of course he had emotions, confusion, fear, and even weakness and disorientation.

He will slowly overcome the fragility of these normal people in a city that the audience is very familiar with, and go through this growth journey with the audience. Feel the same! Jonathan, only by making the audience empathize can the film achieve the desired success!

"Joker" has proven that, when all fans feel the same way, their outburst of power can lift the box office indefinitely. Moreover, an audience watching Batman who has grown up can get everyone\'s approval from the bottom of his heart when he saves the world! "


After saying all his thoughts, Wayne took a long breath, picked up the water bottle and drank half of it in one go. The elaboration has been said very clearly. If they still disagree and stimulate him, then abandon this huge plan.

After a long silence, Kevin Tesuhara glanced at Jonathan Keller, who was also thinking with a wry face, and said, "Make the project plan for Batman as soon as possible and have your agent send it to the company. Well, yes, and your plans for this superhero universe!"

He stretched out his arm and patted the shoulder of the young man opposite, his voice suddenly dropped. "I will fully promote this plan before leaving office, but the time required should not be interrupted, and there will also be meetings within the company to discuss. When you become a shareholder in Warner Bros., all this will be much simpler, you must consider this as soon as possible. thing."

"I understand!" Wayne nodded. "Even if the Batman project passes the review, the preparation period will be as long as half a year to ten months, so I plan to remake Stephen King\'s horror novel during this period. This project requires very little investment."

"The Return of the Clown?" Jonathan Keller asked. Compared to the big project just talked about, this film can indeed be regarded as a small cost. "Wayne, I think you should focus on the Dark Heroes universe. With what you\'ve achieved in Hollywood now, you don\'t need to prove yourself through this kind of film anymore!"

In fact, Kevin Tesuhara also thinks the same way. Instead of wasting his energy on such small productions, it is better to promote this DC universe with all his strength. However, no one can guarantee that this will be another explosion?

The business is almost over, Wayne smiled and shook his head, and said to the two of them: "This may be my last small-budget horror film, I can stare at Batman\'s preparations while filming, and I can also Train core team members and lay a solid foundation for more difficult big productions in the future.”

After sending off the two executives, Wayne began to speed up the production of the project plan. Although this time it was not as rushed as in previous years, the earlier the preparations were started, the better.

For Batman\'s consideration, he is still deeply influenced by Nolan\'s Dark Knight trilogy, but Nolan\'s series has not only created Batman\'s unparalleled brilliance, but also deeply limited the linkage with the justice universe.

There\'s no denying the truth about this incredibly successful franchise, and the greatness of The Dark Knight. But Wayne needs to look at the whole, and it is impossible to just stare at the character of Batman like Nolan.

"War Hour" is okay, I can still see the traces of DC\'s comic changes, but Christopher Nolan completely abandoned the traces of superheroes in the last two films. Bruce Wayne seems to have really become an ordinary person. The ability is excessively weakened.

He completely turned the last two films into realistic crime films, completely abandoning the thick and epic sense of the DC universe, all of which are aimed at getting closer to reality and diluting the attributes of superheroes.

Because of this way of handling, Bruce Wayne can be thrown to the ground by the big wolf dog of the gang, or he can throw bat darts casually before fighting, which is almost two kinds of creatures with superheroes.

In fact, the later Zach Snyder did a good job. On the basis that Warner Bros. had already played badly, he had been working hard to break it back. Unfortunately, while being **** by Warner Bros., he had to work hard to make a good film. The difficulty can be imagined.

Even if Warner Bros. gave him the greatest degree of freedom~www.novelhall.com~ gave him the greatest rights, let him play to his strengths, just like "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors", put all the epic, intensely colorful As long as the film\'s grading is not restricted, it is estimated that the situation will be much better.

At the beginning of October, Jimmy sent the project proposal prepared by Wayne to Warner Bros. for review. The review of the remake of "Joker\'s Soul" was very fast. After all, this is a small production with an investment of only 25 million US dollars.

And the reason why Wayne gave this investment figure after the plan was that he had deeply considered the result of his salary.

This film will not have any star actors. The biggest name may be his director. The small actors used in the film will not account for too much investment in terms of remuneration.

After the film was reviewed and approved, Jimmy also had a contact with Warner Bros., and probably figured out their bottom line and prepared to discuss the director\'s treatment with Wayne.

In terms of Jimmy\'s character, the director\'s treatment this time is definitely not the same as in the "Joker" period, he must want to bite down a bigger cake.