Hollywood Drawing

~: 171 - Do you want to see the Justice League assemble on the big screen?

To say that Warner Bros. is really similar to Sony Columbia in a bit. Sony Columbia releases the little spider when its performance declines. Warner Bros. is the small half of the revenue for "Batman".

No matter how well-known this Master Bruce Wayne is in the audience, he makes money every time he shoots, and can also generate a large amount of peripheral income and various copyright operation income.

The reputation of one of the three giants of justice is there. No matter how hard the fans are, as long as the new "Batman" series comes out, they will still buy tickets to watch it in theaters. There are too many fans who can pay for this series.

If according to the normal trajectory, Warner Bros. will at least have to go through "Batman Forever", "Batman and Robin" and so on, before Bruce Wayne can completely destroy all the word of mouth among the fans.

But then it was too late! Being able to take a better path from the beginning, Wayne really doesn\'t want to wait for "Batman and Robin" to finish the drag show to save it, which has a huge time cost.

I heard that the production department of Warner Bros. once again submitted a new "Batman" plan. This thing does not need Wayne to think carefully, he knows it is "Batman Forever". He is silent now, thinking about how to make Warner Bros. Abandoning this project has a great impact on my own planning.

"Wayne, there are so many more superheroes in DC!" Ever since Kevin Tesuhara said that Warner Bros. had a plan, Jonathan Keller tapped on the table and said. : "Trust me, Clark Kent is a great fit for you too, and Superman is better known than Batman!"

Is it a matter of popularity? What Wayne needs is to borrow the east wind of "Joker"! In the hearts of today\'s public fans. Superhero is not a mainstream commercial film, it is a genre film at most, this is not more than ten years later.

"No." He shook his head at the two. "As far as the cost of producing special effects is concerned, the amount of money that needs to be burned to shoot Superman is too much, and Warner Bros. certainly cannot afford it. But we all know that the cost of this aspect is decreasing year by year. Now shooting Superman does not Not the right time."

The same special effect, that is, George Lucas, who is guarding Industrial Light and Magic, dares to let go of the production for Star Wars. As for others, it is purely for burning money.

After thinking about it, he continued: "Superman doesn\'t need to think about it now, let\'s go back to Batman. Three points! First, if I make this series, I can definitely save a lot of money in terms of special effects costs, and then I will Explain this.

Second, with the help of "Joker" and the shooting incident, at the beginning of the film\'s project, you can save a lot of publicity costs and get enough attention for free, which is very important!

Third, I have a very big plan, and since Warner Bros. already has the Batman project intentions, I don\'t mind saying it in advance so you guys can consider it. "

After he finished speaking, he didn\'t give the two of them time to think about it, and stood up to invite. "Come with me, let\'s go to the study upstairs to talk, although many details have not been sorted out, but the big frame has been made by me!"

The two looked at each other behind Wayne, especially Kevin Tesuhara\'s eyes were full of doubts. Wayne didn\'t give them time to speak at all, and seemed very confident in his plan.

Along the stairs of the main building, the three turned into the study room on the southernmost side of the second floor. This is also Wayne\'s workshop. Although he usually likes to work on the balcony on the third floor, important things are still stored in the safe here.

After inviting the two to sit by the window, he turned around to the desk, opened the safe embedded under the desk, and took out a large kraft paper file bag.

As he turned around the line that tied the document bag, he said with a smile, "Since the clown started making one after another, I have been perfecting this plan in my mind. Although it is indeed a bit early to take it out, Jonathan will have to know sooner or later. This requires the full cooperation of DC!"

"This is…"

In the file bag are the artworks that are bound together. These artworks are simple and easy to understand, like a simple cartoon, and some of them should be drawn in a hurry. This is like the basic skills that every film director will do, something similar to the storytelling draft.

"So..." Jonathan Keller gently flipped through the simple lines of artwork and characters, as if talking to himself. "This is your long-term plan for a DC superhero movie? Yeah, that\'s your purpose..."

Wayne\'s idea is very simple, of course he can leave these things now and continue to shoot other films, there are many projects for him to choose from. Wait until the little spider opens the era of superheroes and after the rise of Marvel Comics.

Warner Bros. will naturally be stimulated to make random moves, but some things are by no means easy to imitate. It will be much easier to push the plan after a series of fiasco such as Batman & Robin, Catwoman, Superman Returns, and Warner Bros. will beg him to save DC.

Consider the shocking tragedy of "Superman Returns," which nearly cost Warner Bros.

But if you start planning now, you will get more benefits. Not to mention anything else, as long as the plan starts, it will never stop easily. The Marvel heroes that Wayne is sure to fight will not develop!

He is already tied to Warner Bros. No matter what, he has to work hard and be the father of this DC superhero universe first.

And Wayne\'s future must have the goal of the best director of the Oscar. He has concerns about shooting a film that is completely commercial and popcorn, and a horror film that is completely aimed at winning the high box office is obviously unlikely. The plot is simple and the whole family, who is completely biased towards the young, can\'t make it.

What to do then? DC\'s superheroes are very suitable for his adaptation style, especially to prove to the outside world that even superhero comics can be made by him differently, full of thought-provoking themes and artistry.

Then try to use the balance of business performance and art to compliment the psychological defense of the old men a little bit! Wayne can\'t prepare like the king of the world for seven years and break through all obstacles in one fell swoop. But he can try to increase the number one by one and see if he can slowly break down the secular prejudice of those people!

That\'s the challenge! Think of something that makes you tremble!

The things in the cowhide bag were still very crude. Kevin Tesuhara flipped it over and put it on the table. He frowned and nodded at the bound drawings. "Tell me what you think."

Some of the most basic things must be agreed, so that the other party can have the motivation to promote this huge plan, and it is necessary for the two sides to form close cooperation.

So Wayne said directly: "From the beginning of "Joker", DC will form its own unique style and label! This is by no means the type of summer popcorn. The success of "Joker" has already explained many problems, and popular fans The acceptance of this dark style and serious story core is very high!

We can shoot slowly one by one, of course, this has to consider the actual situation. First, "Joker" is used to elicit the origin of "Batman", and then when the audience and the market have accepted Bruce Wayne, they are trying to combine the two characters in one film! "

"You mean the same universe?"

With a surprised expression on his face, Jonathan Keller asked in disbelief.

"Yes, the same universe!" This is Wayne\'s main purpose. "After the Joker and Bruce Wayne are successful, think about it, will the audience expect more DC heroes to join in? We can make a big time plan, shooting the origin of "Superman", shooting Diana\'s Origin, shoot...

After the superheroes appear one by one, what to do is very simple, find them a heavy enough opponent or a crisis, do you guess that the public fans will be particularly looking forward to the Justice League gathering on the big screen? ! "

Having said so much, Wayne got up to get a bottle of water and gave them both time to digest. Of course, this matter is not as simple as what he said. The overall planning to be done is an extremely tedious long-term work, but the general meaning has been expressed.

This is a proven and successful method. Wayne is not a stubborn old man. His bottom line can even be said to be very low.

If you push back more than ten years and make these films in Wayne\'s own style, it is unknown whether they will be successful. Superheroes are not yet mainstream movies, and movie fans have not yet become fans of visual effects. They still have artistic considerations in their choice of watching movies.

And Wayne is sure to correct this DC universe. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will not make it a series of carnival fans and unfriendly passers-by. He will never shoot and make according to the comics, and will definitely redesign the main line of the story to make It became a popular product.

Fan-oriented films do have selling points. At least Zach Snyder has achieved the ultimate in this aspect, and the box office will explode from time to time. If we can look at this movie universe from a holistic perspective, the drastic adaptation may disappoint some die-hard fans. , but can attract more passers-by than the fan base.

Thinking of the sentence "Martha?!" that Zha Dao made, Wayne couldn\'t help but feel embarrassed, there must be no such thing!

"Wayne, if Warner Bros. fully promotes this movie universe plan, when will you be able to make a complete plan!" Rubbing the sketches, Kevin Tesuhara raised his head and asked suddenly, "I\'m not talking about this It\'s something simple, but a complete, methodical plan for the cinematic universe."

As soon as he heard the other party\'s question, he said in his heart, "It\'s done!" The head of Warner Bros. was already moved by the prospect he briefly described.

As it should be, Warner Bros. guards the greatest wealth in Hollywood, and all it has to do is take it a little bit out of it.