Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and seventy-three - South African diamonds

Compared to what Warner Bros. expected to make on "Joker," they don\'t pay the director much, but that\'s just Jimmy\'s opinion.

Now this film has basically gone down in North America, and the box office alone has exceeded 330 million US dollars. While many overseas regions are still showing, it has also achieved box office of more than 500 million US dollars.

This part of the overseas box office revenue has nothing to do with Wayne. Only counting the upcoming revenue at the North American box office, there will be more than 30 million US dollars. Counting the basic salary paid by Warner Bros. in three installments, the total salary is already as high as more than 40 million. It is already a number that is difficult for top Hollywood directors to obtain.

This year, the only director who can guarantee to surpass Wayne in terms of remuneration is Spielberg alone. Although the outside world does not know the exact number, it can be guessed based on the information disclosed that this number will not be less than hundreds of millions of dollars. .

In the eyes of capital, absolutely every penny can be saved, not to mention the tens of millions of dollars that are about to be paid.

However, in one big direction, Jimmy and Warner Bros. are consistent, and that is Wayne\'s basic salary issue. Jimmy means that his client is willing to take less of the base salary, as long as the same treatment as the previous film, 10 million US dollars.

This proposal is also in the interests of Warner Bros., so that more funds can be used in the production of the film, thereby ensuring the quality of the film.

The main difference between the two sides is that they are divided into this piece in the later stage. Warner Bros. is very bitten by this aspect in the face of the lesson that it will pay tens of millions of dollars. They agreed to give Wayne a later share, but this ratio must be less than 15%.

But Jimmy, who was insane, shouted out a 25% sky-high price. The agent\'s reason is very good. Wayne has already made concessions on the basic salary, so it must be reflected in the later share.

Moreover, the status and worth of your own customers in the circle are definitely worth this share.

Finally, after both parties tried once, the first negotiation ended.

"Their bottom line seems to be 15 percent this time!" Every time this happened, Jimmy would look extremely excited. "I\'m sure to put this percentage, talking about twenty percent or more, if they don\'t give..."

"Whatever you want, Jimmy." The agent reported the progress of the negotiation to him, without distracting Wayne to look up, he had been concentrating on revising the concept map in his hand. "Don\'t worry too much, this time our film will not be in the summer, and the production time is very abundant."

His agent can be said to be a highly professional negotiator. As long as he doesn\'t break the table and tear his face, Wayne can make Warner Bros. uncomfortable as he pleases. This is for his own benefit.

With an agent who opens his mouth and is very excited every time he talks about the director\'s treatment, he can avoid unnecessary conflicts with Warner Bros. directly because of these sensitive issues. This is a very good buffer.

"Actually, I\'m going to offer a price of 20+20, Wayne." The agent shook his head regretfully. "But the production cost you offered for this film is too low, so you can only compress the basic remuneration."

Even in the entire Hollywood, there are absolutely few people who can get the 20+20 basic salary bonus ratio. Stars can be counted on one hand, and directors may be fewer.

In terms of Wayne\'s current worth, in fact, he can only shout. How much he can talk about in the end depends on the attitude of the production company. However, Jimmy believes that with the importance of their customers to Warner Bros., they will definitely do their best to satisfy themselves.

"Okay, is there anything else?" Wayne put down the drawing board in his hand, looked at the Batmobile he designed on it, and nodded with satisfaction.

The agent asked curiously, "Are you going out?"

"A small date, you can do it yourself."

He took off the simple concept map he drew and put it in the file box, ready to change his clothes and go out. George Lucas asked him to play golf, and Spielberg is said to be coming.

Not long after, a red Ford car drove into the manor, and the girl who came down was very tall. A pair of simple jeans and a white T-shirt outlined a youthful and beautiful figure.

The girl didn\'t have time to enter the living room, and got into the car with Wayne who was waiting. Sergey lowered the front and rear dividers and drove out of the estate to the golf course.

"I\'m over eighteen years old, thank you for giving me the opportunity." After getting in the car, Charlize Theron took the initiative to hug his arm and lie on his shoulder and said.

Wayne smiled. "You\'re welcome, these are what you deserve. The preparatory period for the film is at least ten months, and it is very important for you not to interrupt acting lessons during the period."

The girl who slept with him in a confused way, Wayne hasn\'t contacted her since the other party signed a non-disclosure agreement last time, but one thing her agent did well was to find a good one Short-term performance training classes.

Thinking of her, and leaving her a role, this is just a normal and fair exchange for Wayne. Charlize Theron has paid a lot, and he has also been tight-lipped about what happened before. He is also willing to keep his promise and pay in return. .

After the girl got into the car, she kept observing Wayne\'s face until she was sure that the other party was in a very good mood, and then she carefully put her head close to the other party\'s ear and said softly:

"Honey, I can stay home tonight, or you can train my acting skills!"

After speaking, he gently stuck out his tongue and licked the man\'s ear.

The smile on Wayne\'s face became even brighter. He stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around the waist of the South African diamond, feeling this youthful and delicate body. "You have to trust the director in front of you. His ability to train actors\' acting skills is outstanding!"

This South African diamond is very clear that compared to other bigwigs in Hollywood, this man\'s reputation in this regard can be said to be very good. According to the information her agent inquired about, as long as it is a woman who has paid for him, the final result is not bad.

And the very important evidence is that these women have been interviewed by various newspapers, no matter whether they are popular or not, but none of them say that he is not good.

Of course Wayne understands the girl\'s mind, and is happy to accept such enthusiasm. He has no psychological barriers to these things. He is a very principled person, and he pays in return, which is very fair in his view.

Compared to some very unprincipled people, Wayne considers himself a typical good man. What I have to mention is that fat man Harvey Weinstein, not only does not follow principles, but even uses force directly.

But is it only this fat Jewish man himself? Certainly not, he is just a typical at best, other producers and directors have more or less these things, after all, the rumors of the red sofa have always been around.

This is definitely not an unspoken rule in Hollywood, because things are on the surface. Because these things made him so miserable later, it was only Harvey Weinstein, and there were many big bosses who were exposed, but he was the one who was really famous.

Because those actresses who benefit from this kind of thing must never mention what happened.

To say that because of this kind of shit, the biggest person to be exposed is definitely not Harvey Weinstein, but Warner Bros. executive Kevin Tesuhara, who is even the role of Wonder Woman , dare to make promises.

"Boss, here we are!"

Sergey tapped the isolation panel lightly before opening it and speaking to the back.

It was the same place he and George Lucas had been there last time, but this time the father of Star Wars arrived first and was chatting with Spielberg under the umbrella.

Wayne brought Charlize Theron to the front and hugged the two old men. In the disappointed eyes of the girl, he did not introduce them.

"Steven, before I got the first seat, I was knocked down by your "Jurassic Park"!" He smiled and shook his head, and began to greet the good man.

"You know what, Wayne!" Spielberg said, taking water from the ice bucket and handing it to him, "The box office of Joker really surprised me at the beginning, and I was blown away when it premiered. Knowing that the box office of this film is not bad, I didn’t expect it to be so high in a short period of time. I am also surprised that “Jurassic Park” can surpass it!”

Whether the old man was really polite or polite, his words also made Wayne very comfortable to hear. Although the North American box office of "Joker" was overtaken by the other party, the global box office is still in the leading position. "Jurassic Park" wants to surpass it, it is estimated that it will be difficult.

"Let\'s go, we can start!" Seeing that everyone was here, George Lucas packed his club.

"No, I\'d better chat with you, this kind of sport is not suitable for me!" Wayne doesn\'t like this kind of sport, and he never thought about learning it. He comes here mainly to chat and talk about things.

The two old men didn\'t force it. Steven Spielberg saw that he didn\'t like to play, so he walked with him and talked about the purpose of inviting him. "The premiere of "Schindler\'s List" is a big event for our own people~www.novelhall.com~ Anyway, this film is finally made! I will let you know when the time comes, and you can arrange the time in advance ."

He doesn\'t need to talk about this, and Wayne won\'t miss it. Since he took advantage of this bloodline, he should pay for it. This old man just hopes that the bigger the momentum of the film, the better.

"Steven, no matter how busy I am, I will be there!" He nodded solemnly.

Obviously, this old man has some other purpose, and George Lucas is deliberately far away from them to give them enough space to talk.

And Charlize Theron was also very winking and took the initiative to fall behind. After walking forward for a while, Steven Spielberg said casually:

"I heard that your accountants and lawyers are talking to Warner Bros about taking a stake?"

"Yes, it\'s a good opportunity, isn\'t it?"

This matter is not a secret, and anyone who is interested can find out. It is not surprising that Warner Bros. used this method to bind him as a director. Many production companies have had similar experiences.