Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and seventy-four - what is Wayne fighting for?

The seemingly random words of this good Jewish man aroused vigilance in Wayne\'s heart, and the other party invited him here through George Lucas. There\'s absolutely no way it\'s just an announcement of a premiere.

It can be done with a phone call, and casual chat is even more impossible, he believes, Steven Spielberg\'s time is more valuable than his.

Obviously Steven Spielberg\'s mind is not on playing, and he has been chatting with him slowly.

After the old man took a swing, he shook his head and seemed very dissatisfied with this. "How is the preparation for the new project?"

"It\'s okay." The other party was willing to chat, and Wayne chatted with him. Sooner or later, he would talk about business. "My agent is negotiating a contract with Warner Bros. for Stephen King\'s "Joker\'s Soul", and preparations should begin in the near future."

It\'s not a secret anyway, he said it very happily, and the copyright of this film is in the hands of Warner Brothers, and there is nothing anyone else can do to adapt it.

""The Clown\'s Soul"?" Spielberg recalled when he heard the name. "Did Warner Bros. released this movie in 1990? You want a remake?"

Wayne nodded casually. "Yeah, I really liked the story, Stephen King wrote it really well, but it definitely needs to be adapted."

"Wayne." The old man smiled and said, "I remember this film is from a child\'s point of view? I have a goddaughter, so there shouldn\'t be a problem with her age."

This can\'t help but sigh in his heart, this old man really broke his heart for his goddaughter, and being able to become Spielberg\'s goddaughter is definitely a big step ahead of others in this circle.

No matter what, this face of the other party still has to be given. "As long as the image is appropriate, you can ask her agent to bring her to talk after the preparations start."

Shrugging his shoulders, Wayne is very open to these people and sophistication, and the opportunity will definitely be given. As long as the other party\'s image and acting skills are suitable, he doesn\'t even need to participate in the audition. This old man must have this face.

However, if there is no image or basic acting skills, it is impossible for him to risk tens of millions of dollars in investment because of human affection.

After saying this, Spielberg said casually: "Actually, you don\'t have to worry about investing in Warner Bros. Maybe after a while, there will be better choices!"

Hearing this suggestion, Wayne\'s expression remained unchanged, but the alarm bell in his heart had begun to ring frantically. As if he didn\'t understand the other party\'s words, he said with a smile:

"It\'s basically settled. It\'s just that there are still some differences on price and share. Steven, you should understand that Warner Bros. is the best fit for me."

The old man tried for a while, but stopped talking, and Wayne also refused his dinner invitation, left the golf course with Charlize Theron early, and got in the car and rushed back to the manor.

He thought of various reasons, but he didn\'t expect Steven Spielberg to think so highly of himself in this matter. DreamWorks is definitely about to be established. These three big names in different fields of Hollywood will announce the news after 1993.

With Wayne\'s small body, he felt that he did not have the ability to swim in this muddy water. It would be a pity to think about the extent to which these three people were run by several giants.

With the production ability of DreamWorks in its glory days, it can definitely be regarded as the top few in Hollywood, but one distribution channel has completely blocked them. No matter how powerful the production ability is, it will eventually **** blood for the distribution company.

From the eyes of the hindsight, this company is completely the fat on the lips of the Shirley Lansing woman. In the end, it has simply become an existence like the Paramount production department. The water in it is too deep.

Charlize Theron accompanied him all the way back to the manor, watching what the man was thinking about, and she followed silently all the way.

It has been a few months since she came to Los Angeles. Compared to those girls who are still waiting for the opportunity, she feels very lucky to see this man beside her.

As far as she knows, there are countless actors, screenwriters, directors, videographers, and singers with beautiful faces in Los Angeles.

This is indeed the world film center, and there are many opportunities for fame or job opportunities, but compared with the huge number of job seekers, the opportunities appear to be so few.

Originally, I thought that with my outstanding face and figure, I would definitely not lack the opportunity to become famous here, but I later learned that this was a joke. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to seize the rare opportunity.

She rolled her eyes, lay on Wayne\'s shoulder before getting out of the car, and said something softly.

This moment seemed to ignite his spirit, put everything behind him, and pulled Charlize Theron back to the bedroom.

"I\'ve got a lot more fun here, sweetie, would you like to try it?"

This girl has just turned eighteen years old, her youth and beauty are in a mess, with a slender waist and long legs, especially after changing into a tight leather jacket, it highlights the importance of stature.

"I listen to you! Wayne!"

This girl obviously hasn\'t learned to refuse people, or she doesn\'t want to refuse at all, even if it\'s some small toys used by Halle-Berry, she doesn\'t care.

It wasn\'t until dinner time that Wayne came downstairs to eat alone. The energetic South African diamond had already fallen asleep. She knew that if she wanted to please someone, it was not enough to just lie down, and she didn\'t mind trying any means. , but those actions that violate the laws of physics obviously consume more energy.

Nina was eating the sliced ​​steak while checking the investment report sent by Howard. Facing her boss, she was reluctant to take a second glance. The movement upstairs for a long time was absolutely strange.

"Boss!" She pushed over several documents that needed to be signed, and took a sip of the red wine that accompanies the meal.

Wayne picked up a few documents and glanced at them, signed his name and pushed them back. "Good work, Nina."

The little assistant packed her things and curled her lips. Based on her relationship with Wayne, she had no scruples. She pointed to the upstairs and said, "It\'s not hard, who told me to throw everything to the assistant\'s boss. That girl is sure Don\'t have dinner? The noise she makes in the afternoon is so strange."

When facing his assistant, it was often when Wayne was the thickest-skinned that he didn\'t care about Nina\'s ridicule, and cut beef with a smile on his face.

"Perhaps, you can consider finding a boyfriend. A single and rich girl like you is definitely very popular."

Facing such a boss, the assistant could only helplessly roll her eyes. It wasn\'t until after a while that she stared at Wayne who was gulping, showing a look of memory.

"When I saw you working so hard for your work, I thought you must be an alternative in Hollywood, but I didn\'t expect you men to be the same!"

It\'s rare that the assistant is willing to chat today, and Wayne is in a good mood, so he shrugged and said, "I\'m working very hard now, and Nina, what do you think is the purpose of a man\'s hard work?"

"Well, you are indeed working very hard now." Nina has no objection to this sentence, she only talks about the degree of commitment to work, Wayne is definitely the top in Hollywood. "But aren\'t you working hard for your ideals? Oh, for success, and money!"

"But what can these bring?"

Looking at this man who kept eating, Nina immediately understood what he meant, and said helplessly: "Power, woman, or satisfaction?"

After eating and drinking, Wayne put down his knife and fork, took a glass of wine and drank it. Before going upstairs, he said to the little assistant, "You really know me best, Nina!"

If it is said that after his rebirth, he studied hard and worked only for his ideals, which would be pure nonsense. Men\'s constant pursuit of success is not for a huge sense of satisfaction. This satisfaction comes from the money, power and women brought by success.

The little assistant silently cursed at his back, holding a stack of documents unwillingly, and returned to the study on the second floor to start work.

Since Charlize Theron came to the manor, her agent seemed to have forgotten about the girl, and she never mentioned going back. She would drive back after her acting class every day, which made Wayne scratch his head a little. .

Being courted by beautiful women is a pleasant thing, but since Bella Grant came and crashed a car, it was obviously not so good.

Fortunately, the negotiation between Jimmy and Warner Bros. is progressing rapidly. It is not the first time for both sides to cooperate. After a quick trial, an agreement was finally reached in mid-October. The person and the director signed the project agreement~www.novelhall.com~ The film "The Clown Returns" was produced by Warner Bros. as the producer and distributor, and invested 25 million US dollars in production funds for the film. In addition to the main behind-the-scenes staff, other basic jobs will be provided by Warner Bros. and CAA, who will send a first producer to the crew.

These are not much different from ordinary project contracts, mainly the treatment of the director at the end of the agreement. Wayne will have three part-time positions on the crew, namely director, screenwriter and second producer.

Whether or not he\'s going to take a stake in Warner Bros., something has always had a mature pattern in Hollywood. Each position will have corresponding remuneration, which is generally recognized as the rules of the game.

As the film\'s director, screenwriter and second producer, Wayne naturally has three salaries. His base salary is $10 million for the director, and $100,000 for the producer and $100,000 for the screenwriter. This part of the compensation will be credited to his studio account in three installments before the film starts, when the production is completed and when it is released.

At this point, it is almost the same as when filming "Joker", and it is more in line with market rules. In order to consider the production cost of the film, Wayne\'s major salary was placed on the box office share in the later period.