Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and seventy - "The Clown Returns to the Soul"

Wayne, the current box office champion in film history, is still enjoying the beautiful scenery in Australia, but as time goes by, the entire North America has been turned upside down by "Jurassic Park".

Especially when the time came slowly to the end of July, this film broke through 300 million US dollars at a slightly slower speed than "Joker", and slowly surpassed "Joker"\'s 3.3 in the eyes of everyone\'s expectations. $340 million to a terrifying $340 million.

This "Jurassic Park" didn\'t even let "Joker" stay on the North American box office chart for too long, and it went straight to the corner to overtake.

But everyone knows the box office of "Jurassic Park", and there is room for growth. After all, this is a family movie. And what\'s more terrifying than the box office numbers is the surrounding area. No matter what, as long as it has something to do with this dinosaur, it has already begun to sell like crazy.

After the film dominated North America for the third week, it also began to rampage overseas, capturing the cinema market in one country after another.

This made the media in many countries shout that the wolf is coming. The storm of "Joker" has not completely subsided, and Hollywood has begun to conquer the city with "Jurassic Park". place.

Jimmy\'s progress in the UK is also very smooth. Although his ability in this area is very general, he has money in his hand. The biggest advantage is that he successfully won the "Lord of the Rings" quietly before everyone reacted. And the film and television rights to The Hobbit.

When the time came to mid-August, the sensation caused by "Joker" in North America had basically subsided, and the film began to be released from theaters one after another. Only many theaters in remote areas still maintained a certain number of screenings.

In fact, the travel route designed by Wayne and Naomi Watts did not complete as planned. The speed of walking while playing was much lower than expected, and the Australian beauty had to fly back to North America to participate in the "Skinny Daddy". promotional activity.

Simply Wayne ended the vacation early and flew back to Los Angeles with Naomi Watts.

This rare time to relax is something he has not had in the twenty years since he came here. Wayne started learning purposefully since he was a child. The self-control of an adult allows him to continuously absorb knowledge, but he has never relaxed his tense nerves for a long time.

Since his senior year, he has shot and produced three films for three consecutive years. During this period, he dared not make any mistakes, and he has been living under strong pressure.

This kind of work efficiency can be regarded as a quick shooter among the prolific Hollywood directors. The normal practice of the behind-the-scenes staff is to start a long vacation after shooting a film, and only after recovering their physical strength and spirit will they start work on the next project.

After returning to Los Angeles again, Wayne also learned about the negotiation status of lawyer Ryan and Howard for the first time. Just as he instructed, they were not in a hurry to discuss the price, and they kept the rhythm of contacting once a short time. test each other.

First got on the phone with DC\'s Jonathan Keller and made an appointment to talk with him, and Wayne called Warner Bros\' Jeff Robinoff to secure the rights to the horror film question.

After asking everything clearly, he moved the typewriter to the balcony on the third floor. Accompanied by two golden retrievers, he began to prepare the script and project plan for "The Clown\'s Return".

Although this film was made for the main purpose of box office, there are a lot of things to prepare. The main character is a child is a big difficulty. The two most troublesome shooting targets for all Hollywood crews are animals and children.

In this regard, he intends to find more mature children. A little bit older is not a big problem. Part of it can be solved by makeup. In fact, the trouble comes from trade unions and child protection organizations.

Children under 18 are undoubtedly the category of children in their eyes. This is also a universal value in North American society. No matter what happens in private, as long as you touch children, they are all sensitive points of the media and people from all walks of life.

This is the horror version of accompany me. As a movie with a child as the protagonist, this movie will definitely be labeled as cruel and scary, which is also one of the selling points of this movie.

Patriarchy, girl love, school bullying, distorted parent-child relationships, racial issues, obscure sexual initiation and first love, and most importantly, children\'s friendships, all of these elements are put into it, and they are told in an orderly and startling manner. , is considered a success.

Now when it comes to Wayne Greenberg, most film critics and media, the first thing that comes to mind is definitely noir movies, then simply make a horror movie to end your horror movie journey.

According to Wayne\'s own plan, if all goes well, it is basically impossible for him to make this type of horror film in his later directing career. Big investment and big production are his first choice.

To tell the truth, Stephen King\'s original novel is very well written. Unlike other horror films, which try to make you afraid, "Joker\'s Soul" is different, he is trying to tell you not to be afraid.

A good horror movie doesn\'t have to tell a particularly scary story, or it can tell a particularly good story and put some horror elements in it properly, which is also great.

\'In 1989, the city of Derry, Maine, was shrouded in terror. Since the last year, the disappearance of children has occurred one after another, and it seems that a terrible unknown existence has quietly come to people.

The teenager Billy, who lost his younger brother, decided to use the summer vacation with Eddie, Ricky, Stanley and other partners to find the whereabouts of his younger brother George. Soon after, the fat little Ben who was bullied by the little villains, the bad girl Beverly who was rumored to be slutty, and the orphan Mike whose parents died in the fire joined the scorned and useless alliance.

Along the way, they go through a chain of supernatural horror experiences. Teenagers discover that in this cursed city, the number of unnatural deaths soars every 27 years. The grinning clown will go deep into everyone\'s heart, digging out what they fear the most...\'

Wayne pays attention to revising inappropriate content while writing. The workload is not large, but he also has to simulate shooting problems in his mind, such as camera positions, etc., it is best to be aware of it.

This script is relatively simple to me. It only took about a week or so for him to make a rough first draft, but before he could write the plan, two guests were immediately ushered in the manor.

Kevin-Tsuhara visited the manor with Jonathan Keller. Wayne Greenberg is too important to Warner Bros. now, and his films can be said to occupy a leg of Warner Bros. revenue.

In addition to "Joker" this year, Warner Bros. has also produced and distributed a number of films, among which the more successful "Desperados" is currently in theaters.

This action film, directed and created by Andrew Davis, is taking over "Joker" and is beginning to rage in the North American theater market. The addition of superstar Harrison Ford makes this film even more attractive.

This is the orthodox summer action movie masterpiece. It is worth mentioning that "Desperados" will also be launched on the other side of the Pacific market next year, that is, in 1994, and its performance will be very good.

"Jonathan, what do you think Wayne\'s plan is?" When the car turned into the manor, Kevin Tesuhara looked at the garden outside the window and asked softly.

"Ha, it will surprise you!" The person closest to Wayne\'s thoughts must be the head of DC. Although he can\'t be sure, he also has his own hazy opinions.

He didn\'t care about his companion\'s tricks, anyway, he would know after a while at most, but he has always been interested in this manor.

"Wayne has completed the wealth that others need to accumulate in a lifetime in three years, and it is still growing! Look at it, Jonathan, next year\'s Hollywood celebrity list, Vanity Fair will definitely rank him in the top few!"

Jonathan Keller was also amazed at this, even though Wayne was just a director, but under the continuous and unexpected success, he could bite a piece of cake every time, which is absolutely terrifying.

Thinking of the benefits that the other party will get in "Joker" this time, even the executive of a big company feels envious.

"He and Spielberg will not fall out of the top three." Jonathan Keller shook his head, these two Jewish directors are simply money-sucking machines. "I heard that the good old man signed a very high share contract with Universal, and the box office share will not be less than hundreds of millions of dollars!"

This year\'s two super box office bombs not only fed the production company, but also fed the two directors. This is the common idea of ​​the two at this time.

The car was parked in front of the small square, and when the butler brought them into the living room, Wayne was already waiting for them~www.novelhall.com~ The three did not exchange a few words, and Kevin Tesuhara went straight to the topic.

"Wayne, let\'s talk about your plans, get these things done as soon as possible, and the film can begin to enter the preparatory period as soon as possible."

Of course, he hopes that the project will be finalized as soon as possible. He will be working at the head office in half a year at most. This will be the last project he will promote before leaving office.

"I think you should have guessed it through the shooting incident, yes, it\'s "Batman"!" As he said, Wayne took out the prepared materials. "In the screening of "Joker" this time, such a terrifying attack was caused, then we simply make a superhero who does not kill!"

Both of them nodded thoughtfully after hearing this, which seemed to be more appropriate indeed. But Warner Bros. already has plans for The Batman, which gives Kevin Tesuhara a bit of a headache.

"Warner Bros. Film and Television production department also submitted a plan for "Batman", Wayne, can you consider switching to another superhero?"

Hearing this, Wayne\'s heart skipped a beat. Is it too late? That **** Batman Forever?