Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and sixty-nine - you are not only lustful, but also afraid of death!

Just when Wayne and his party got off the plane, checked into the hotel, and prepared to start their vacation life, the North American cinema market once again began to be dominated by a film in the same year.

The national movie-watching trend of "Joker" is just about to pass, and a new blockbuster will be ushered in this summer. "Jurassic Park" aired to the weekend box office champion with a crushing situation.

And the unfortunate Sony Columbia this time, it is simply suffering. When it was released, "The Hero of the Mountains" encountered the "Joker" that crushed the same period, with a box office of close to 80 million US dollars. Although it can generate some profits, it has been suppressed by "The Clown".

Finally, I waited until Tom Hanks\' "Sleepless in Seattle" began to be released, and also successfully squeezed "Joker", which was released in the fourth week, to the second place, and won the box office champion in the first week, but then ushered in "The Clown". Jurassic Park.

There is only one company in Columbia, except for the big production of "Sleepless in Seattle", all the big investments in the summer season have avoided "Jurassic Park" far enough.

After the release of this film, all the films have been greatly influenced. The screening scale of "Joker" is also shrinking further, falling to 1,678 theaters. This week, the box office also began to drop sharply, and it only received 7.6 million US dollars. However, the cumulative box office in North America has successfully exceeded 320 million.

When the good man\'s "Jurassic Park" began to wreak havoc on the North American theater market, with the passage of time, "Joker", which is being shown in overseas markets, is also in a period of strength. In addition to the English-speaking Five Base Friends areas, films have also begun to occupy the theater market in remote areas.

Because the Internet in this era is not developed enough, there is a serious lag in overseas box office statistics. However, according to the rough statistics of the overseas distribution department of Warner Bros., the film "Joker" has won nearly 500 million US dollars overseas!

When the entertainment media reported on "Jurassic Park" and found that "Joker" had a global box office of more than 800 million US dollars, when they wanted to find the director of Wayne, he was already in Australia and started his own holiday travel.

"This is simply beautiful!"

Excited, Naomi Watts stood up from the car and stretched out her hands, her clothes rattled by the speeding car.

That \'Natural Beach\' Wayne didn\'t have the courage to try after all, he didn\'t care about stripping naked when no one was watching, and he didn\'t even have a problem with it. But he couldn\'t accept walking birds in front of hundreds of people, even though there were mostly women on the beach.

The excited Australian beauty sat down and pointed to the newspaper placed in front of the car. "You are already a world-class director, Wayne! Even in Australia, the influence of "Joker" is not comparable to any film. During this time, you ruled the world!"

"Fasten your seat belt, Nami!" The road here is very empty, and the speed of the cars on the road is relatively fast, but Wayne has not driven a car by himself for a long time, but it is still under the British Commonwealth traffic rules, and the cars are all right-hand drive. Yes, this has made him adapt carefully since he was on the road.

"You\'re driving really hard!" Naomi Watts rolled his eyes at him, but still fastened her seat belt. "I figured it out, you are not only hormonal and lustful, but also afraid of death!"

They set off from Sydney this morning and are now heading south to Victoria, heading into Melbourne, Australia\'s second largest city. Then fly directly from Melbourne to Hobart, the capital of Tasmania, and after two days there, fly directly to Brisbane on the east coast from there, and then drive back to Sydney from there.

This plan is actually to turn around the southeastern part of Australia. Although there is not even one-tenth of Australia, these places are all the essence of Australia. Except for the southeastern part where people gather, most of the other places belong to arid no-man’s land.

This country is definitely a vast country, but unfortunately most of the country is not suitable for human survival. Almost all of its western regions are hot and dry desert Gobi. The eastern region is a plateau, and only near the coastline are there plains suitable for human life.

So, this country looks very big, but there are not many places to play, unless you are willing to go to a wide farm, where you can go on vacation, see kangaroos and hunt.

"Hey, boy! Do you want me to drive instead? An old lady just overtook you! You\'re so embarrassing." Naomi Watts was seriously dissatisfied with Wayne\'s driving skills. Security, they were overtaken by car after car.

"We came out to relax, you understand! I don\'t want to race with others." Wayne has also driven a car for many years. It\'s not that his driving skills are not good, it\'s just that this right-hand drive car is too awkward to drive him all the time. Can\'t get used to it.

"Aren\'t you a genius? You don\'t live like a young man at all, you live like an old man every day, Wayne, you have no passion before you are 24 years old!" Naomi Watts is also not honest, she put Two long snow-white straight legs were placed on the driver\'s seat in front of the car.

"fxxk! It\'s your turn to drive!"

Originally, Wayne was awkward and didn\'t dare to be distracted while driving. She put her two big white legs in front of her eyes and dangled it, which always made him want to look at it, and his mind would keep recalling the madness last night.

He simply stopped the car in a fit of rage and changed positions with Naomi Watts. Maybe living here since she was a child, she drives significantly faster.

Before he got to the Great Ocean Road, Wayne had already seen the beautiful scenery mentioned by netizens in his previous life. These natural beauties are on the road, and the large green grassland is one of them. In addition to this, there are various sandy beaches and seaside cliffs.

Naomi Watts would stop the car and take Wayne closer to enjoy the feeling of being in the painting, knowing that the man had been under a lot of stress over the past two years. , this kind of place can most heal people\'s soul.

Playing while driving, in fact, their efficiency is not fast, but this is the purpose of Wayne leaving North America, to avoid annoying media, to relieve all pressure, and to clean up for a few days as he wants.

It wasn\'t until Sergey\'s car behind him accelerated and overtook and stopped on the side of the road that the assistant lady ran over with the satellite phone.

"Boss, a call from Jimmy from England."

This immediately pulled him back to reality, took the phone and put it in his ear.

"Hi, Jimmy?"

The manager\'s voice came from the other end of the phone, but there was some noise. "Wayne, I\'ve got Tolkien\'s descendants! But things are a bit complicated!"

"wait a moment."

He took the phone down and pointed to the beach and tall rocks by the road. "Nami, shall we camp here tonight?"

"No problem, you go first, I\'ll help Sergey set up a tent."

Just now, Wayne accidentally swept a cave on the reef. It is a good camping spot, and the scenery near the sea is very beautiful. Watching the three of them drive the other car, he got back into the car and continued to put the phone to his ear.

"Jimmy, what\'s the situation?"

"The Lord of the Rings has already been adapted twice. In 1978, Ralph Baxey adapted it into an animated feature film. The investment of 400 million yuan returned to the box office of 30 million yuan, and he made a lot of money! "

It can be seen from this that it is absolutely impossible to make a decision with a slap of the head. Without preliminary investigation, the information that Wayne knows is obviously lacking.

Jimmy continued to say: "And this year in Finland, The Hobbit was also adapted into a miniseries, with a total of nine levels. So anyway, at least the film and television adaptation of The Lord of the Rings did make money, Thor Jin\'s descendants want to add a sharing clause!"

"How much do they want?" Wayne asked.

"Probably between 3% and 6%, but not all the copyrights in their hands, and some of them are in the hands of the publishing house."

Wayne stretched out his hand and scratched his head while listening, and doing these things turned out to be more troublesome than expected.

"Now the specific price has been set, 3.7 million US dollars, this figure has been acquired at a premium, it is divided there..."

"Give it to them, but it has to be a profit share, not a box office figure, you understand? Jimmy!"

Now all the books, or IP film and television adaptation fees are not too expensive, not too much, even ten years later, it is impossible to buy this kind of masterpiece at this price.

After thinking about it, Wayne said again: "After getting the authorization, you can go to the publishing house to discuss, the same standard, take down "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit", and tell them if necessary, I am going to do it myself make this film."

"Are you going to shoot "The Lord of the Rings"?" Jimmy asked in surprise.

"No, it\'s just an excuse. This masterpiece has no value for hands-on production in a few years. With the current special effects cost~www.novelhall.com~ the investment will be astronomical!"

"Okay, I see, that\'s it."

After hanging up the phone, Wayne sat in the car and began to seriously consider this matter. He was in front of the big fat Harvey Weinstein and cut off the copyright of "The Lord of the Rings" in advance, and also let Peter Jackson also I can\'t find a new line of investment.

Losing such a series that is enough to affect film history, the independent operation of New Line Pictures, it is estimated that it will be very sad. It will not wait until 2007, and it may be forcibly merged into Warner Bros. by Time Warner.

And "The Clown Returns to the Soul" was also filmed by myself, as long as I pay attention to the horror film master and extend an olive branch in advance.

After the copyright is obtained, Wayne will definitely not make a statement. He plans to hold it in his hand for a few years, and when the time is right, he will directly find the big fat man in New Zealand and shoot the trilogy together. He was born for this film. director.

The best director of the Oscar, as long as he leaves the "Lord of the Rings" series, it seems that he will not be able to make films. Except for "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit", Wayne does not seem to have other successful works in his impression.