Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and seventy-seven - "The Shawshank Redemption"

Since Charlize Theron came to the manor, everything has been as she thought. This man likes a young and beautiful self, and is very generous to himself, but he is rarely cold today.

As the car parked by the fountain on the small square, the two golden retrievers jumped down with Wayne, shook their heads and swayed their tails, sticking to him, and walked to the lawn, where they usually like to go under the awning.

"Nina, help me deliver the workbook later." Halfway through, he turned around and called the assistant aloud.

Nina stuck out her tongue and pulled Charlize Theron to the main building. "Girl, it\'s very big here. If you like, you can take the two dogs and go for a walk in the garden, or you can take them to the back of the main building for a walk. It\'s also very big and the scenery is good! But!"

The assistant understood that this girl couldn\'t be blamed entirely. Although she was very precocious, she was only eighteen years old.

"But don\'t take those two dogs out! They grew up with the boss and have very different meanings to him. Although this is a wealthy area, if something happens to the two dogs, trust me, boss Going crazy!"

"Wait for me." After that, Nina walked upstairs. The study on the second floor generally only allows her to enter work, and the things Wayne wants are also placed there.

In less than two minutes, Nina handed a file box to Charlize Theron with the sound of thumping downstairs. "Go and send it to the boss. He won\'t be angry because of this, but I suggest that the next time you want to take those two little guys out to play, ask Hela\'s opinion first."

South African Diamond nodded gratefully. "thanks!"

Looking at the back of this charming girl, Miss Assistant shook her head. In order to become famous, these girls paid far more than their own bodies.

Charlize Theron saw from afar, two dogs lying beside Wayne, their big heads rubbing against his legs. She walked over and handed over the large box with the documents.

"Nina asked me to give it to you, sorry, I..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Wayne interrupted her with a wave. "It doesn\'t matter, I\'m too nervous. Don\'t take them out next time. You know, there are so many paparazzi around here every day, who can\'t guarantee those people..."

Having said that, he shook his head, opened the box and took out the notebook, and continued to slowly add Batman\'s preparatory plan.

"Grimberg Horror Movie Strikes Again!"

From the next day, Warner Bros.\'s media, including Zhujia Media at the press conference, reported the news of Wayne\'s new film together, and also started a round of publicity activities for the new film in advance.

"The young director Wayne Greenberg, not long after the social sensation caused by "Joker", has started a new film project. This time he will adapt Stephen King\'s novel "The Clown Returns to the Soul". Compared with the film released by Warner Bros. in 1990, I believe that through the hands of this young director, this horrific story will be repeated again..."

Inside the Sony Columbia Pictures office, Paul Turner put down the newspaper in his hand. This time, his face was no longer nervous, and he muttered softly with a smile: "You dark lunatic! Finally left the summer vacation, September..."

He turned to look at his secretary. "Tom, is there any film we have arranged for next September?"

"The Shawshank Redemption, produced by Castle Rock Pictures, is scheduled to be released in September..." The secretary\'s voice gradually became quieter, and when he saw his boss, his face became ugly a little bit.

After waiting for a while, Paul Turner waved to the secretary and watched him turn and shut the door before he picked up the phone and called "The Shawshank Redemption" producer Nikki Marvin.

"Niki, Warner Bros.\'s new film "The Clown\'s Soul" is also scheduled to be released in September next year, which will inevitably affect each other with "The Shawshank Redemption". If the release distance is very close, there will inevitably be fierce competition. You What\'s your opinion?"

Before he could speak to the other side, he added another sentence. "Niki, you should know that dark lunatic Wayne Greenberg!"

There was silence on the phone for a while, when a woman\'s voice came. "I\'ll discuss it with Castle Rock again, Paul, what do you think of this director?"

As a production company executive and a veteran Hollywood producer, Paul Turner\'s voice is full of helplessness. "As far as I know, Wayne Greenberg\'s films can\'t be regarded as common sense at all, think about the "Joker" that is still showing overseas, the global box office has exceeded 900 million US dollars!

This "Joker\'s Soul" is full of various social issues that he is good at, and it is completely a black horror thriller. Based on his previous films, it is almost impossible for him to miss this new project! The only good news is that "The Shawshank Redemption" and "Joker Returns" are completely two types of films, with completely different audiences! "

"I\'m going to discuss with the production company. But I want to hear your opinion!" Nikki Marvin is obviously not feeling very well. The North American sensation caused by "Joker" has just subsided for two months. .

"I suggest not colliding with that dark lunatic!" Paul Turner recalled this year\'s summer season with deep emotion. "Although "The Shawshank Redemption" has the same audience as that film, the audience for "The Legend of the Mountain" this year is also very different from "Joker". Once the director\'s film ignites the box office, it will be take-all every time. situation!"

To put it bluntly, neither of the two films is a mainstream commercial film, which Nikki Marvin knows in her heart, but some things are definitely not up to her as a producer.

"Castle Stone Pictures has already started publicity work, especially among some book fans. I will try to communicate with them to see if there is any possibility of changing the schedule..."

After hanging up the phone, Paul Turner reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. He suddenly regained the feeling he had a few months ago. He has seen the preview of the film "The Shawshank Redemption". Although it is not a mainstream commercial film, the quality is definitely very rare.

But when it comes to Wayne Greenberg, who is completely unreasonable, no one can really say what the consequences will be. In his opinion, the best result is similar to "The Heroes of the Mountain", each of which can have its own audience.

In fact, there is still a long way to go. This kind of situation is placed on others, and he will never consider the problem so early. The problem is that Paul Turner has been paying attention to Wayne\'s new film. If it is a film produced by his own company, he has absolutely nothing Don\'t hesitate to reschedule!

Columbia is only the publisher of "The Shawshank Redemption", and now he only hopes that Castle Rock Pictures will not be overly superstitious about Morgan Freeman\'s star.

""The Shawshank Redemption"?!"

In late October, between auditions at Warner Bros. Studios, Bruce Rosenblum nodded, confirming Wayne\'s question.

Seeing that the door to the audition room has not been opened, he continued: "This film started its publicity work very early, and "The Shawshank Redemption" has a solid fan base and has been filmed for a long time. Hollywood has no secrets. , Castle Rock is said to be aiming for the Oscars!"

Wouldn\'t it be so coincidental? At this time, Wayne was also incredulous for a while. He didn\'t expect to come across this famous film. This is a magical film that has always occupied the first rating of film and television among fans.

Of course, he had seen it more than once before, but he vaguely remembered that it was not only at the Oscars, but was pressed and rubbed on the ground by "Forrest Gump", and even the box office was not particularly high.

But one thing is certain, the film invested by Castle Rock Films must have made money, and also made a lot of money, there is only one possibility, "The Shawshank Redemption" has performed very well in the video tape market.

"Don\'t worry about them, haven\'t we announced the schedule yet?"

Wayne scratched his chin lightly, thinking about finding a soft persimmon to pinch.

"Yes, Warner Bros. only announced your new movie to the outside world, and it will be released in September next year. I want to send some signals to those horror movie fans in advance..."

The gatekeeper of Bruce Rosenblum was pushed open again, and he took the initiative to restrain his voice.

The girl who came in should be the famous Drew Barrymore, the goddaughter of Steven Spielberg. She has long brown hair and a typical American girl type, but it also makes Wayne wrinkle. raised his eyebrows.

From an American perspective, this is definitely a beautiful girl, but like all American girls, she developed a little too early, and people would believe her when she was 20 years old.

"Hi, Director Greenberg!"

"Hello, Mr. Rosenblum!"

In any case, she has been in Hollywood for many years, and she still has basic judgment. As soon as she entered the room, she immediately turned her attention to the director and producer.

"Miss Barrymore." Wayne tilted his head and looked at her face carefully. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com "If you need to cut your long hair for filming, it will only be one third of what it is now, can you accept it?"

It can be said that this film is a group play of a group of children. It can also be said that except for certain roles, everyone has not too many scenes, especially the girls. If the other party can agree, Wayne does not mind giving the old man a face.

"Of course, I mean no problem!" The girl obviously understood the meaning of it. She came to the audition and understood that as long as she was able to appear in this director\'s new film, it meant a lot of attention.

"What do you think?" Wayne looked down at the producer. He wasn\'t very familiar with the other party. It was not like facing John, and giving the other party a minimum of respect was a must.

Bruce Rosenblum is also very personable and has absolutely no objection. "If you cut your long hair and put on makeup, at least there\'s no problem with your image!"

Turning around, he picked up the script page at hand, and Wayne handed it to the girl. "So, Ms. Barrymore, give us a scary, flustered scene, Schwartz, you play with her and play the clown..."