Hollywood Drawing

~: One Hundred and Seventy Six - Pulled Tim Burton

During the preparatory meeting, Bruce Rosenblum has been silently observing. Like most Hollywood crews, the professional level of this team is not to be said, and the director can completely control everyone.

After the meeting, Wayne left the casting director again and told him a few more words. "Schwartz, your main purpose is to pick out young actors with aura. You don\'t even ask about their age. We can solve it through makeup and post-production. By the way, call Li Guohao and ask him to take part in the role of the clown. audition."

"No problem!" The casting director nodded to the producer after seeing him finish, and left the conference room voluntarily.

"Bruce." Wayne and him said as they walked out: "The location and the funds have been handed over to you, but one thing is very important. The contracts signed by everyone in the crew must have anti-drug clauses!"

This is what made him vomit blood the most. Not only the behind-the-scenes managers who just participated in the preparatory meeting, but even many basic employees like to take two sips. However, there must be some restrictive means. If you want to completely eliminate it, you can only use the contract to maximize the restriction.

Entering the elevator, Bruce Rosenblum nodded silently. Not only the behind-the-scenes staff, but also the contracts of large and small actors had to go through his hands and be signed on behalf of Warner Bros.

"This film is different, Bruce." Wayne looked at the elevator, and said worriedly: "The main actors are all children. If there is a **** contraband in the crew, the labor union and the National Child Protection Organization will put it down. The crew will stare under the microscope, and the progress of the work will definitely be greatly delayed."

With a serious expression on the young director\'s face, Bruce Rosenblum finally spoke. "I understand, you don\'t have to worry about this!"


When he came to Warner Tower this time, he was also going to see the review progress of the "Batman" project. After all, this was the direction he chose in the future, and there was still plenty of time, mainly to find out Warner\'s attitude.

When Wayne knocked on the door of the president\'s office with his assistant and producer, not only Kevin Tesuhara was waiting for a few people, but there was also a surprise that surprised everyone.

"Hi, Tim." This unexpected surprise was Tim Burton, who hugged the gothic director warmly, they hadn\'t seen each other for a long time, and said with a smile: "You are talking to Kevin about something Do we need to go outside and wait?"

Tim Burton patted him on the back and walked to the lounge together. "I\'m waiting for you too!"

Turning to look at him suspiciously, Wayne made a phone gesture with his hand. "Anything with me? You can call me directly. By the way, is Ed Wood finished?"

After several people were seated, Tim Burton shrugged his shoulders, still in a neat suit with tousled hair. "Kevin told me that someone robbed me of the new project I planned, and "Ed Wood" was thrown aside by me and came to wait for you specially."

"What? Batman?"

"Of course! The first two films were directed by me. Although the second film did not have a good reputation, I planned this "Batman". I didn\'t expect you to be eyeing Bruce Wayne."

At this moment, he couldn\'t help but feel weird, this director\'s head is really iron! It was impossible for him to remember everything, and he didn\'t expect that the latter Batman was also planned by Tim Burton, and it was no accident that he changed his identity and became a producer.

"The audience may be tired of the gothic Batman. This time I was going to ask Joe Schumacher to direct the tube, but the project proposal was returned. Wayne, are you going to direct yourself?"

Glancing at the CEO, who had never spoken, Wayne knew in his heart that since Tim Burton\'s project proposal was rejected, it means that his plan has officially entered the review process, maybe Warner Bros. has already started market survey.

"Yes, I\'m going to direct it myself!" There was no hesitation, he gave the other party the answer directly. But Wayne suddenly had a new idea. "Maybe we can work together, Tim, how about you being a producer?"

"Me? Uh..."

This proposal was not only unexpected by Tim Burton, but even Kevin Tesuhara, who has been silent all the time, was startled, but if you think about it, it is not impossible.

The genius director Tim Burton was the first to film Batman, and he is definitely one of the most familiar with this aspect without discussing the issue of audience reputation. He has been studying Batman filming for several years.

Inviting him to be a film producer to control the market direction is absolutely no problem in terms of ability. Kevin Tesuhara is worried that there will be discordant voices when these two powerful directors collide with a team.

"I have to go back and think about this." Tim Burton put his hands on his shoulders, leaning on the sofa and thinking, "I will give you an accurate picture of Ed Wood before the film is finished. reply."

Wayne could see that he was moved by this proposal, and the other party\'s obsession with Batman was absolutely enough, it just depends on the final result. His purpose is very simple. If he can bring in this talented director and prepare for the preparatory work, how much work can he save!

And with Tim Burton staring at the preparations, he can still make new films with absolute confidence. This high-quality laborer must be brought over to him.

Thinking of this, Wayne said with a smile: "Tim, the preparation time for "Batman" is very generous, it is expected to take 6 to 10 months, as long as it can be finished in time for the summer of 1995, I will wait for you !"

"I\'ll call you when Ed Wood is finished!"

Tim Burton raised his eyebrows and stood up, shook hands with Wayne and the others. It can be seen that although this person is not slovenly, he is very well-bred, even the secretary of the assistant Nina and Kevin Tesuhara. , said hello one by one, and then turned to leave.

"For Batman, Warner Brothers will pass the review as soon as possible, but the investment in the film..." coe Kevin Tesuhara pondered for a while, such a high investment amount is definitely a giant in Hollywood.

"Are you sure it must cost hundreds of millions of dollars? If it weren\'t for this production cost, just based on your past performance, the review of this film would be much easier!"

In the proposal that Jimmy submitted to Warner Bros., it was stated that it would be a trilogy series. Although only the script and plan of the first part are attached, the production cost that Wayne marked at the end is also as high as 120 million US dollars!

Some things can\'t save money, especially in this era, it is a huge expense to make stunt models in advance. And although the film is mainly dark and realistic, it still has the most expensive special effects.

"Kevin, it\'s a trilogy series!" Wayne begins explaining where the money is. "Most of the props can be used for three consecutive films! For example, Bruce Wayne\'s Batmobile, and the newly designed Batsuit, these are reusable and can be used for the next two films. Save big money!

As for the more expensive special effects synthesis, in the vision, I have tried to avoid this aspect of the lens, but this is Batman! Some things are unavoidable. 120 million US dollars, relative to the entire project is not too generous. "

"Ok!" Kevin Tesuhara understands that all films that must have special effects are big spenders, but just looking at this investment figure is still very scary.

"I will promote the film review as soon as possible, and the company will also conduct overseas financing as soon as possible. You don\'t have to worry about the funds."

In a movie, there are many places that can deceive the audience\'s eyeballs, but there is only one thing that cannot be deceived, and that is special effects. This thing is worth every penny, and the effect of 10 million dollars and the effect of 20 million dollars are completely different on the big screen.

"Okay!" Wayne also stood up and prepared to leave. "I hope that the preparations for Batman can start before the filming of "Joker\'s Soul" is completed!"

Just when he was about to open the door with his assistant Nina, Bruce Rosenblum suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Wayne. How long is the production time of "Joker\'s Soul"? I have to communicate with the publicity department in advance. , they also have to communicate with the college in advance, after all, this is Wayne Greenberg\'s new film!"

"production time……"

He thought about it for a while and said: "If the filming goes smoothly, it will be finished before February next year, but considering that Batman\'s work has to be taken into account, the completion time will likely be delayed. Well, we Put the film in September and give up the summer season."

Bruce Rosenblum nodded. "I will communicate with the publicity department."

Wayne is still thinking about this after leaving Warner Tower. Next year\'s summer season can be described as a battle between dragons and tigers. This time, he has a lot of time and can just avoid those masterpieces.

Of course~www.novelhall.com~ He is by no means afraid of the so-called competition. Since he is in this circle, every film released will inevitably be accompanied by various competitors, but since time is free, there is no need to go to the top. Fight with the box office bomb.

What "Forrest Gump", "The Lion King", "True Lies" by the truck driver, this year\'s summer season is simply a battle royale, and many classic films that will be circulated in later generations are from next year\'s summer season.

Sadly, Warner Bros. will almost be wiped out next year, and there will be nothing to show for it. By then, Wayne will feel that his weight will be heavier for Warner Bros.

This is also the reason why he let the negotiating team of Warner Bros. not be too anxious, time is on his side.

"Boss!" The little assistant pushed his glasses and pointed to the roadside outside the manor. "Do you want me to call her back?"

In the direction leading to Beverly Park, Charlize Theron led two golden retrievers alone and walked slowly forward, probably wanting to walk the dog in the park.

"Tell her to come back and tell her when you come back, don\'t go out to walk the dog! Damn..."