Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and seventy-eight - Li Guohao's audition roller coaster

While the girl was performing, Wayne and Bruce-Rosenblum kept silent, watching Schwartz set up the camera and set up a scene for her.

Drew Barrymore\'s face changed instantly, as if she really saw a terrifying clown, she kept looking back, and the expression on her face also changed with time.

"Okay, let\'s go here." Almost as soon as her performance started, Wayne stopped. "Ms. Drymore, the crew will notify your agent of the audition results later."

"Okay, thanks!" She nodded to Wayne and the producer, opened the door and walked out.

"Bruce, be sure to emphasize the contraband clause when talking to her agent about the contract." Wayne shook his head. "This child has been reported by the media, and there are some rumors that no one knows is true or false..."

"no problem!"

Although this girl has lost her childhood aura, she is no stranger to acting and can be called an old fritter. And her role is not too much, seeing that she can meet her requirements, there is no need to continue.

Auditions have been going on in an orderly manner, and most of the time Wayne has been flat, not as serious as he was in Joker.

This is a youth horror film. To put it bluntly, it does not have too many requirements for acting skills. The main point of view is on children. As long as these little actors selected by Schwartz are not afraid of life and dare to act in front of the camera, they have some spiritual energy. No objection will be raised.

The door was pushed open again. This time an acquaintance came in. Li Guohao seemed thinner than before. After he came in, he nodded like a few people, and after saying hello, he started his performance in front of the camera.

"Lee! You\'re not acting as a human being, Pennywise is a dancing clown who **** energy by intimidating children." Wayne sat behind the camera, frowning after Li Guohao\'s performance, he turned the character Substituted emotions are wrong!

"Look, this clown and Arthur the clown in the previous film are totally different things, understand? You\'re just a pure monster, a monster that comes back every 27 years!"

To tell the truth, if he can\'t even do the most basic things, Wayne can only change his mind and replace him. Li Guohao obviously made a lot of preparations in advance, but the direction of his preparations was completely wrong.

"Give me five minutes!"

Fortunately, Li Guohao inherited the clever mind of the Chinese. He took the scene described in a page of the script, turned around and carefully brewed against the wall for a while. This time, his expression changed completely after turning around.

It can be seen from the monitor that his face has lost the nervousness of Arthur, replaced by another smile, gloomy and terrifying.

As if the male protagonist was really standing in front of him, he slowly squatted down towards the air and turned his face to the camera.

"How about this time?" Li Guohao looked at Wayne and Bruce Rosenblum nervously. "Sorry, I thought this clown would be similar to the one in the previous film, so I practiced in private for several days!"

The producer is also staring at the monitors and cameras. In general, the clown\'s performance is much easier than that of Asher, and there is basically no problem with his second performance.

He nodded to Wayne and Schwartz, indicating that there was nothing wrong with him.

"Lee, go back and wait for the notification. We will notify your agent of the audition results within three days." Wayne\'s tone was not very good. I didn\'t expect such a simple role and performance, he could almost screw it up.

"OK, thanks!"

Walking out of this conference room, Li Guohao gave himself a chest with a little dejection, and he was not sure about the performance just now. I thought it was another neurotic character with complicated emotions, but I didn\'t expect that it was actually much simpler than what he had prepared.

The emotions that he finally entered before the audition completely became a burden to his performance. He thought this role must be his own. He inquired about the news with Schwartz, and it was Wayne who asked him to participate in the audition.

The film was so important to him that he had worked on the previous films as a stand-in and stuntman and had seen firsthand how Nicolas Cage became a national hit. But the opportunity finally came, but I was screwed up by myself!

"Lee, what\'s the result?" Agent Jeremy Tamir is also full of confidence in his performance. Normally, with the relationship between his clients and the crew, there will be no accidents in this role.

"Jamie." Li Guohao\'s expression was very ugly, and he walked out of the studio while talking. "I screwed up!"

"What?" Chasing after his client, Jeremy Tamir couldn\'t believe it. "Hey, hey, Lee."

"You should understand, this is Wayne Greenberg\'s big next year! It\'s a big hit movie that countless media, film critics and fans are waiting for! We have to figure out a way, if you can make this film, the **** after that We will never discriminate against your blood!"

At the entrance of the studio, the agent grabbed Li Guohao and kept telling him the importance.

"Damn, I don\'t blame Schwartz and Director Greenberg for this, I blame myself for being smart!" He looked at the agent and repeated what had just happened in the audition room.

"Obviously, as long as I play normally, this role is definitely mine, but because I practiced Arthur\'s state for a few days, the temporary change was very bad. They were called clowns. I thought..."

"Have you not read the original book? Lee!" Jeremy Tamir also suddenly felt helpless. "I thought you knew that Stephen King\'s original book is so famous!"

This is an oolong. After all, Li Guohao is not a pure North American, especially for those best-selling writers in North America, it is impossible to be familiar with it.

The agent and he looked at each other, and both had the illusion of being tricked about this.

"You said, should I call Director Greenberg? Maybe he\'ll give me another chance?"

Looking back at the direction of the conference room, Li Guohao asked his agent uncertainly. The director\'s film noir has already made Ethan Hawke, Naomi Watts, Nicolas Cage and others popular, and he himself had a chance to ride this ride.

And not only himself, Li Guohao is very aware of how important this opportunity is. There are countless actors and actresses in Hollywood who want to ride the ride of this dark director!

"Don\'t think about it, Lee." The agent patted his arm. "Let\'s wait for the call first. If we don\'t get a notification from the crew before tonight, we\'re thinking of other ways."

Call that director now? How could it be possible, there might be a turnaround in this matter, Jeremy Tamir had heard of Wayne\'s attitude towards his clients.

Before night, however, they received a call from Bruce Rosenblum, informing them that they could come to Warner Bros. to negotiate a contract tomorrow.

After all, this role still fell into Li Guohao\'s hands, not as he feared.

While the crew was busy preparing for the audition, accountant Colin Howard came to Wayne with good news that Warner Bros.\' first director share had been received.

"Joker" has now been released in most parts of the world, and only a few remote areas are still showing, but the global box office has surpassed 900 million US dollars, temporarily ranking first in the global box office list.

Steven Spielberg\'s "Jurassic Park" followed closely, and the box office will soon exceed 900 million US dollars. This year, most countries in the world have deeply understood the influence of Hollywood blockbusters.

This time, Warner Bros. entered the first share of $20 million into Wayne\'s studio account. This is also the first time the theater has paid Warner\'s box office share. Subsequent share will be paid after the film is completely down.

But this time, the money Colin Howard did not move. He is the main financial officer of the negotiating team. Looking at the current progress, not only can the money not be moved, but also ready to sell Wayne\'s stock at any time, so as to raise funds to invest in Warner Bros. .

"If we sell all the stock, how much money can we raise now?" Facing the accountant who reported the progress of the negotiation to him, Wayne asked curiously.

Most of his income in the past few years has been invested in the stock market through Colin Howard. Although he has been regularly checking with Nina, it is not clear how much money he has.

"Around 70 million!" When talking about this, the accountant gave a surprising number without checking. "Our shares in Microsoft and Oracle, if we sell them now, will probably be around $70 million. Now Internet companies have gone crazy."

"Let\'s take a loan. You can help me contact the bank in advance. It\'s better to lend more money." Breathing out a puff of smoke, Wayne wondered if there were more ways to raise money.

Now it seems that a loan is a good choice. If it is mortgaged with houses and stocks, it should not be a problem to raise hundreds of millions of funds in a short period of time.

"You just need to contact ~www.novelhall.com in advance~ but don\'t worry, see how much money you can borrow."

"At least hundreds of millions." Colin Howard said confidently.

He knew that his boss was as clean as a blank piece of paper, except for the unfinished loans of these manors. Banks treated such customers with good credit and ability to repay, and it would not be too difficult to lend.

And it\'s a pity that those stocks are now sold, not as good as mortgages, Internet company stocks are going crazy.

"Wayne, if we keep talking at this rate, we\'ll be able to talk to Warner Bros. almost before the new year. What do you think?"

Faced with Colin Howard\'s question, he said with a smile: "Hold on, it\'s better to delay it until after my movie is released next year, when there will be more surprises. Remember. Get in touch slowly, don\'t rush!"

At the end of October, after simple preparatory work, the crew began to rush to Canada in several batches. Wayne also flew to Canada ahead of schedule, ready to visit the famous Port Hope first.