Hollywood Drawing

~: One Hundred Eighteen - Cold, Tyrannical Another Wayne Greenberg

Susan Levine looked at Nicolas Cage worriedly. This client of hers is a literary artist with a personality. I wonder if she will lose her temper because of this strong director.

Unexpectedly, in the face of Wayne\'s serious language towards him and the fingers that fell on him, Nicolas Cage didn\'t have much emotion, just nodded, indicating that he remembered his words.

"John, you should communicate with Warner. Don\'t let the big media get involved in this matter, it won\'t have much influence. The news broadcast by these gossip tabloids and local TV stations is just a gimmick and cannot guide the public. public opinion.”

After instructing Nicolas Cage, he said a few more words to the production manager worriedly.

"No problem, there will be no accidents in the PR department at Warner, and the big media will generally give Time Warner face." John waved his arm in the direction of Los Angeles to increase the persuasiveness of his words.

Wayne is not worried about this. It really doesn\'t make Time Warner\'s face. Everyone will give it a little bit. He is afraid that someone will take the opportunity to make trouble.

If no one takes this opportunity to make things happen, and everyone understands the background of Warner Bros., this trivial matter is not a big deal. If someone takes the opportunity to mess with the crew and delay their shooting or overrun it, it will be more disgusting.

With two consecutive box-office bombs, Wayne is no longer a small person in Hollywood. If there are some small problems in his film, it cannot be released at a normal time. I believe many people are willing to try it.

Again, the plate in the North American theater market is so big, and since every time you eat it, the corners of your mouth are oily, then it proves that I will definitely eat less or even not enough.

In this age of cooperation and competition between the Hollywood Six, anything can happen.

"Then let\'s do it first. Today, more than 100 people in the entire crew have rested. Mr. Cage, you have delayed the work of more than 100 people." Wayne turned around and said something before walking out of Nicolas Cage\'s suite. "I hope you can put away your pride and apologize to everyone tomorrow morning. After all, you have delayed everyone\'s efforts by yourself."

Seeing Wayne\'s aggressive gaze, Susan Levine hurried over. "Nikola will apologize to everyone, I promise, Director Greenberg!"


After leaving the suite, Zach Snyder, the little transparent, walked back to his room first, and Wayne and John walked upstairs with the assistant.

On the way, the production manager frequently turned his head to look at Wayne, as if he had found something different. When he arrived at the director\'s presidential suite, he still didn\'t hold back and sighed.

"I never knew that there was such a strong side in your character. You never showed such a character during the whole filming of "Escape from the Dead"."

His words made Wayne stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile.

"John, that\'s because we worked very smoothly on the crew. The crew of "Get Out" is relatively harmonious, and your character is not strong and arrogant. Since the work is going well, what reason do I have to be angry?

This time is different. The "Joker" project is too important to you and me. To be honest, I close my eyes every day because of the pressure of 60 million investment, and sometimes I have nightmares of film failure.

In the past, no matter what difficulties I encountered in filming, I never got angry like this morning. I always knew that no matter how big my temper was, it would not help the filming of the film. On the contrary, it was very likely that the crew would appear frequently. mistake! But today..."

Shaking his head helplessly again, Wayne opened his door and slumped directly on the large sofa.

John didn\'t come in. After glancing at the state of his partner, he went to his room. He still has a lot of work to do as production manager.

Different from what Wayne told John, in fact, according to normal, the character that Wayne has revealed now is formed by the good education of the Greenberg family. No one knows what the real personality in his heart is. look.

This is a talented actor who has been acting since he was sensible and has become accustomed to showing people with another face.

Even Wayne himself didn\'t understand what he should be like. The youth on the other side of the Pacific was dull, and then he was seriously ill but liked the **** and tyrannical soul. With the hidden strength of American education, no one knew what he should be. what is it like.

But Anderson Horowitz, professor of art and film and television production at USC, once gave some comments to his proud disciples. The adjectives for his character are "cold", "ruthless", "sober", "firm"!

As a professor who has taught students for a lifetime, Anderson-Horowitz saw through him at a glance, under the guise of a good elite education.

Like Nina ignoring Harry-Berry\'s assessment, maybe this Black Pearl is right in some ways, she\'s seen the man\'s brutal and **** side firsthand.

And the image Wayne left to the people around him is always tolerant, generous and nostalgic!

"Nina, is it really scary for me to lose my temper today?" Thinking of this question, he asked his little assistant again.

While staring at the fashion magazine, her eyes moved to her boss, Nina put down the magazine helplessly, spread her hands and said, "It\'s not very scary, it\'s very scary, especially the expression when you drop the cup, like a The beasts that just want to eat people have been released, making everyone want to stay away from you."

Shouldn\'t it be time to prepare a nondisclosure agreement and see a psychiatrist? Wayne also vaguely felt that he had some mental problems in his heart. With his clear head at all times, it was impossible for him to do this for no reason.

"Haha, boss, you don\'t know, Harry-Berry describes you as a tyrant."

After watching her boss lit a cigarette and fell into contemplation, Nina shrugged and continued to pick up the fashion magazine. It\'s not the first time he\'s seen Wayne like this anyway. He tends to get distracted when he thinks about things.

Just take care to help him take the cigarette **** at all times, and don\'t let him burn his fingers all the time.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

The sound of knocking on the door interrupted Wayne\'s thinking. He was also hesitating whether he really wanted to make a non-disclosure agreement and go to a psychiatrist to find out what happened to him.

Sometimes even some thoughts in my head are very abnormal.

"Hi, Harry."

"Hi Nina, is Wayne busy?"

Hearing the greeting from the door, Wayne shook his head vigorously, putting the question to the back of his mind.

"Come in, Harry, do you have something to do with me?"

After entering the door, Harry-Berry sat opposite Wayne. She had obviously taken a shower and changed her clothes. Her chocolate-colored skin was like the silk Wayne had seen in her previous life, soft and shiny.

A pair of light blue skinny jeans, paired with a khaki short-sleeved T-shirt, dressed in an ordinary and refreshing way, makes this woman who is at the most beautiful stage of her life look particularly attractive.

The most praiseworthy thing about Halle-Berry is that her chocolate-colored skin is not as large as white girls, nor too dark like most African-American girls.

When this black pearl was young, she was so beautiful that she didn\'t look like an African-American, and she was completely different from her image on the Internet in later generations.

"Let me see, how are things going? Is Nicolas Cage okay?" This is Harry Berry\'s first Hollywood film, a role she traded for her body and dignity, if because of today\'s The broken incident delayed the filming of the crew, and she would probably cry to death.

"He\'s not a big problem, the film will start shooting normally tomorrow~www.novelhall.com~ You don\'t have to worry about that." Wayne\'s eyes wandered back and forth on the body of Black Pearl, and for a while he stayed on the long legs and buttocks unique to African Americans. \' on, and stayed on the delicate face for a while.

When the assistant saw that his boss was doing well, he knew that he couldn\'t stay here. It was Sergey who was smart. If he didn\'t tell him, he would hide in the suite and watch TV and never come out.

With his gaze, Harry-Berry understood the meaning of the other party at once. It seemed that the man still missed his body very much. Noticing that Nina had quietly returned to the room, she licked at Wayne lightly. Licking lips.

"Wayne, I\'ve never seen the presidential suite in a five-star hotel, don\'t you want to show me around?" Black Pearl stood up and crossed the coffee table with her long legs, looking at him with a sweet smile.

"Of course, Harry, you\'re still so smart."

Wayne picked up the black pearl, kicked open the door of the master bedroom, and closed the door with his legs.

There was an exclamation from the bedroom, and then I vaguely heard a sentence, "Haney, be gentle, don\'t hurt me this time, we\'ll be filming tomorrow..."