Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and forty-nine - shocks you all

The long-arrived Nicolas Cage took his female companions and faced the screams of fans on the red carpet, smiling while walking with the flash of the media.

Nicolas Cage\'s girlfriend asked him in a low voice. "I heard that the Kodak Theater next door has a lot of stars on the platform of "The Hero of the Mountain". Why don\'t you invite Warner Bros. more?"

Facing the dazzling flash and crazy fans, Cage kept waving his hands to both sides, and Qingqi\'s face was constantly changing directions. "Sophia, because Warner Bros. has absolute confidence in this film! Although the director is not popular, there is absolutely no problem with his ability."

After walking to the entrance of the theater and receiving a routine interview, the two walked into the China Grand Theater, and when they entered the door, they saw the director who greeted the guests.

Nicolas Cage shrugged and took the initiative to introduce. "Wayne, this is my cousin Sofia, um, Sofia Coppola. This is Wayne Greenberg, the genius director you admire!"

Shaking hands gently with the lady, Wayne said with a smile, "We have to get in quickly. All the fans with tickets have already entered, and the screening will start soon."

After finishing speaking, he took the two of them into the huge screening hall, lowered his head and came to the position of the first row of the crew. His seat was in the middle, with Harry Berry on one side and John, the production manager, on the other.

Nicolas Cage and the two sat on the side, Sofia Coppola kept staring at the director\'s direction until the lights began to go out one by one, and then whispered to her cousin\'s ear.

"Is this the annoying director you mentioned? Nikolai, as long as you don\'t smoke cigarettes with you and play with women, you are considered a person you hate?"

"Shut up, Sophia, watch a movie!"

The lights in the theater were slowly turning off, and there were two film critics sitting among the fans, Todd McCarthy and Kenneth Turan, although they had seen it in advance and cheered for it for a long time, the premiere Still can\'t help but meet again.

"Todd, look at your right front." Kenneth Turan whispered to the old man when he pulled out his notebook.

Todd McCarthy, who was in the same outfit, glanced up and was also surprised. "David Denby isn\'t in New York, so why did he come to Los Angeles? He was invited by Warner Bros.?"

This man is David Denby, the famous New York Times film critic. His commentary style is known for his cunning and caustic style. It is more difficult to get a good word from his mouth than to get a thumb from Roger Albert.

The circle of film critics is very small, and basically everyone who can be famous knows each other. "I don\'t know. It stands to reason that even if Warner invites him, he should be watching the movie in New York, and he doesn\'t have to come all the way to Los Angeles."

Seeing the Warner Bros. logo on the screen, Kenneth Turan did not continue. "No matter why he\'s here, this movie will shock everyone in this theater, and David Demby will be no exception!"

The big screen went black, and the huge DC letters appeared in the center, followed by a line of smaller letters: Wayne Greenberg Works!

At this moment, Bella Grant, who had just completed all the interview tasks, also ran in and smeared her reserved seat. As long as it was the premiere she interviewed, Bella would not miss almost every movie.

Luckily for her, she caught up with the beginning of the film and sat down just in time for the first scene. Bella-Grant believes that the movie fans around, or the movie fans in the United States who are watching the movie today are just like her. After waiting for a few months, the movie couldn\'t bear it any longer as soon as it was released!

This may be the reason why the film broke out early on Friday morning. At this moment, when I saw Arthur\'s first look in the film, I couldn\'t help but flash back to the few seconds of the trailer I saw on abc. piece.

Arthur was walking alone in the street in a yellow jacket, the background sound: My mother kept telling me to keep smiling at people...

As a media practitioner, Bella Grant has always been sensitive to this aspect. Can make fans look forward to a movie for months, the last time this happened, it was George Lucas\' Star Wars! !

She would have to take a closer look at this Batman\'s old enemy, the villain in DC Comics as the protagonist, and what kind of movie can be made by that director.

The film on the screen has already begun. The story takes place in Gotham City in the 1980s. The economy was depressed, prices skyrocketed, the gap between the rich and the poor was too large, and the workers at the bottom started to strike.

And the male protagonist Arthur is just one of the bottom ones who earn a meager salary by playing the clown. His dream is to bring happiness to everyone, which is also what his mother expects from him.

As soon as the camera turned, Arthur was holding a billboard and diligently promoting a bankrupt business on the roadside. Suddenly, the billboard was snatched by a group of arrogant gangsters. He had to chase after him, but he chased him into a deserted alley, but he was beaten by these arrogant gangsters.

"The merchants who are clearing their warehouses are middle-aged people who should have a stable career but are handing out flyers, young gangsters who are idle, uh, and there are mountains of garbage piled up along the road that no one can clean up."

Bella Grant watched and recorded, whispering in a voice that only she could hear. "This indicates that Gotham City has fallen into a huge crisis! This way of expressing the sense of camera and color contrast, and sure enough, Wayne Greenberg has improved again!"

Coming to the government-designated psychological counselor, Arthur laughed for a long time before he could control himself. He has a mental illness of uncontrollable laughter, and there is obvious bitterness in his smile, because he believes that the counselor in front of him can really help him, treat him, and comfort him.

However, as usual, there is no real concern. Looking around the room, there are files full of various mental illnesses. Obviously, there are not many people who come to do psychological counseling. The psychological counselor was expressionless, and answered Arthur\'s routine questions one by one.

Then she took Arthur\'s small notebook of jokes, and after opening it, the camera gave a large close-up, and the notebook said, \'I only hope that my death is worth more than my life! ’

But even if the counselor in her heart saw it and still didn\'t care, she handed the book back and asked Arthur: \'Do you know why you are locked in a mental hospital? ’

Just a few minutes into the movie, this scene caused obvious low-pitched scolding in the theater. Even Bella, who had watched countless movies, opened her mouth and said fxxk!

It\'s like someone licking your mouth and asking you, \'Do you know what\'s wrong with you? ’ But the audience knew that Arthur didn’t do anything wrong, he just couldn’t be as indifferent as they were.

Suddenly, a few people in the theater came to their senses. Among these people were George Lucas and Spielberg. The two of them looked at each other, and they both saw surprise and awe in each other\'s eyes.

The movie just started for such a short time, and it can actually let the old directors who have watched countless movies like them fall into it and feel the same way, not to mention the ordinary movie fans who are more emotional and outgoing. This director is like releasing a demon!

The picture flashed on the big screen, and Arthur appeared in the bright room of the mental hospital, and the close-up of the wall clock was noticed by many people. Whether it was style or color, it was exactly the same as that of the psychological counselor, and the hands were the same. a time.

But here is extremely dark and depressing, while the mental hospital is extremely bright. Obviously, there are many people in this strong contrast that make it difficult to tell where the real mental hospital is.

After leaving here, on the bus going home, Arthur was amused with a cute little boy in the front row. This was originally an act of kindness released by Arthur, but in the eyes of the indifferent parents, this is a kind of gesture towards their children. Harassment, immediately reprimanded Arthur!

At this time, Arthur couldn\'t help laughing out loud again. He covered his mouth hard, took out a prepared card with one hand and handed it to the child\'s parent, telling the other party that he often fell ill so suddenly.

The yellowed self-made card is full of folds, which means that the disease has existed for many years. On the other hand, the special production of this card also indirectly lets the audience understand that Arthur himself knows that the disease will affect others, and is willing to tell the story. The influence of others is minimized.

"Fate is so unfair to Arthur, he is so kind..."

"God, why did you do this to him!"

"He\'s a good guy and shouldn\'t be like that."

At this time, many fans felt that a kind and good person should not be treated like this. This kind of social environment and life is simply too unfair to the male protagonist!

The film continues, and Arthur checks his mother\'s mailbox every day when he comes home, but every time it\'s empty. His mother regularly wrote letters to Thomas Wayne, the chairman of the Wayne family, whom he had worked for, asking for financial assistance, but he never heard back!

And every week, the mother and Arthur will do it together and watch the talk show of Murray Franklin. This is the happiest thing for a mother and son. Murray Franklin is a well-known veteran talk show host. Once, Arthur was fortunate to go to the scene to participate in his show once.

He was also accidentally named by Murray Franklin~www.novelhall.com~ to share his story on the spot. Arthur has no father since he was a child, and lives with his mother. Although he is getting older, he has never been married, and now he is still huddled in a dilapidated small apartment to take care of his mother.

Murray-Franklin was very moved after hearing this, and invited him to the front desk specifically, and told him some words of encouragement like a father, which made Arthur feel fatherly love for the first time in his life, and he blurted out this in his heart. The host of the show has become his spiritual father.

"What the **** are you doing? Wayne!" Bella Grant saw this. Even though she was a woman, she was deeply drawn into it by the movie. If she hadn\'t maintained an absolutely rational mind, she would still be in deep trouble. In empathy, it made her feel a chill on her back.

"How can you play with people\'s feelings like this, the world is never as cold as in your film!"

Because of her emotional fluctuations, Bella Grant\'s voice became a little louder. This sudden voice obviously affected the fans around her. The middle-aged man who was disturbed by her gave her a fierce look, and then quickly hurried. Turning his eyes back to the screen, he obviously didn\'t want to miss a second of the movie.