Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and forty eight - majestic mind

Never doubt the enthusiasm of North American movie fans. There is no doubt that the two names of "Joker" and Wayne Greenberg, after the influence of the Super Bowl halftime advertising show, this dark wind itself has blown all over North America. .

Later, under the leadership of Warner Bros. and the parent company Time Warner, the audience was full of expectations for this film. Nearly a week before the release, Warner Bros. began to bombard at all costs...

"Wayne, I have never seen such a film that violates the laws of the market. You are very likely to create a miracle in an R-rated film!" CEO Kevin Tesuhara waited for him to digest the information and sighed sincerely . "I called you here urgently because we decided to increase the publicity and distribution funds and change the follow-up promotion plan!"

Hearing the good news of increased publicity funding, he immediately drew his attention back.

"How much?"

"$20 million!"

As the head of Warner Bros. said the number, Wayne almost couldn\'t hold back his fist in celebration. Wayne is very clear about how much the investment in the publicity and distribution of a film affects the final result. It can be said that this is a high-input and high-output business.

The publicity budget of "Joker" itself is as high as 20 million US dollars, and now the investment has been doubled, which can basically guarantee the second half of May. The film will appear in a variety of media outlets across North America anytime, anywhere.

"And the publicity plan has also changed, Wayne!" Thomas Mendes of the distribution department said at this time: "According to our original arrangement, you have to lead the team to fly to major cities in the United States immediately after attending the premiere. After the week, it flew to the UK, and then started the global publicity roadshow.

But now it seems obviously unreasonable, so you take Halle Berry with one group, Nicolas Cage and Robert DeRoney with the rest of the main actors, separate two groups to promote in North America, and a week later What do you think of flying to the UK with you? "

After the other party finished speaking, they stared at Wayne, and now they must consider all the feelings of the director. "I don\'t have any opinion, and the announcement and distribution will be arranged by Warner."

He doesn\'t care about the changes in this regard, it\'s just that the schedule is tighter, and it is for his own benefit to cooperate with the distribution company\'s promotion. He wants to take a share of the box office for this film.

After briefly discussing some situations that happened because of the unexpected explosion of the film, Wayne immediately brought a few people back to the manor. Today, he has a lot of things to do. He goes back to put on the prepared dress, and he has to rush to the Hollywood China Theater early.

Los Angeles, which has been noisy all day long, has fallen into the night, and the temperature in the air has been slowly taken away by the breeze. In front of the Hollywood Chinese Theater, a long red carpet has been rolled out.

On one side of the red carpet are a large number of media reporters and photographers, and on the other side are black fans. Some of them will be lucky enough to enter the theater and attend the premiere.

Wayne and Harry-Berry stepped on the red carpet very early today. As the host of the premiere, Wayne also has to meet the guests, so he took the black pearl to the red carpet first. .

"Well done Wayne, I\'m your hardcore..."

"Wayne, Wayne!"


From the moment he stepped onto the red carpet, there was a burst of screams from fans, and he also noticed that some fans were still holding the poster of "Joker" and the issue of "Vanity Fair" with his cover in their hands. is waving in this direction.

Originally, he was about to finish the red carpet at his own pace, but when he saw this, he took the black pearl and walked over to the fans, ready to sign autographs for this small group of **** fans.

Wayne\'s behavior immediately attracted the attention of the security, and Sergey ran over immediately. No one knows what these crazy fans will do. If there is something wrong with the director before the premiere starts, the fun will be great. .

"Thank you, thank you!" With a warm smile, he kept autographing the posters that came up, expressing his gratitude to the supporters incessantly. Until a black couple appeared in front of them, their dresses were obviously different from those around them.

The black couple dressed as a hippie, obviously from the bottom of the society, the girl had an afro, wearing nose studs, wearing huge earrings, and screaming with a copy of Vanity Fair in her hand.

"Wayne, we\'ve seen your movie dozens of times, sign us!"

When he took over the magazine autograph, the girl jumped directly on top of him excitedly and gave him a big hug. This moment caused confusion, and Sergey and the two security guards immediately dragged the black girl down, ready to take action.

"Hey, hey, man! Jennifer didn\'t mean it, she just loved Wayne too much, please let her go...please!" Her boyfriend kept explaining, sending Wayne a pleading look.

Seeing this situation, regardless of Harry-Berry, who was holding him in shock, he quickly stepped forward to pull the security, and picked up the black girl. "Sergey, let go of this lady, she didn\'t want to hurt me."

Returning the signed magazine to the girl, Wayne smiled and watched her being pulled back into the crowd by her boyfriend. After an accident happened, he didn\'t dare to continue being self-willed, he pulled the black pearl and hurried to the theater door.

"Bob, Bob, have you filmed it yet?" Bella Grant stared at the photographer on the other side of the red carpet in the media area, roaring loudly.

"Ok, I promise I\'m taking the clearest and most complete shots around here!" The photographer said with a sigh of relief as the photographer\'s glasses moved away from the lens. "Come on, Bella, that director has entered the interview area, let\'s hurry over there!"

As soon as Bob finished speaking, Bella ran up with the microphone in high heels and went straight to the interview area at the entrance of the theater. She wanted to grab the best position.

Last time, she made a detailed topic on "Escape from the Dead Town", which made this beautiful reporter a direct upgrade. This time, she is more motivated. "Joker" has caused a sensation in the United States before it premiered, obviously Much hotter than the previous video!

Bella and Bob adeptly bypassed everyone, and ran to Wayne first, not even taking a breath, she put the microphone and recorder directly in front of each other.

"Director Greenberg, I\'m Bella Grant, a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, what do you think of the box office of this film, and will it beat the premiere of "The Legend of the Mountain" next door to win the weekend championship!"

As soon as he saw this beautiful reporter, Wayne smiled. She was wearing a tight-fitting hip-packed skirt and a snow-white shirt. Xiong Wei on the chest was about to open the buttons at any time, but her slender waist showed her hip proportions. amazing.

This time without Nina\'s reminder, he recognized the other party. "Hello, Miss Bella, we\'re acquaintances, right? I remember you interviewed me several times! I\'ve also read your detailed guide to "Get Out".

Of course I am very confident in the box office of the film, "Joker" will undoubtedly be the champion of this weekend! "

Facing this director who wrote confidence and pride on his face, Bella asked again: "What do you think of this cooperation with Nicolas Cage?"

Taking his eyes back from his great mind, Wayne said to the recorder: "Nikola is a talented actor, he starved himself 30 pounds for this film, and now I can only tell you that his The performance is sure to surprise you!"

After the brief interview, Wayne took Harry-Berry into the theater and went directly to the VIP area on the second floor to receive the guests.

Along the way, Black Pearl was responsible for showing a delicate smile. After entering the second floor, she whispered: "That woman\'s towering chest fascinates you? Staring at that part of the lady recklessly is not what a educated gentleman should do. made."

Facing the accusation from his girlfriend, Wayne was not at all embarrassed. "As long as a man has such a reaction, Harry, I\'m also a normal man!"

After speaking, he let go of the woman and greeted Tim Burton and Johnny Depp who had just come in. These two good friends were inseparable, even coming to the premiere together.

After hugging Tim Burton, Wayne chatted with him. "How is the preparation for "Edwood"?"

"Very smooth." Speaking of the new film, the Gothic director seemed very confident. "Depp\'s performance is also very good. He is a genius. If there is a chance in the future, you can also try to cooperate once!"

Well, when he heard this, he knew how much Tim Burton liked his friends. This time he brought Depp here for the purpose of helping him expand his contacts.

Immediately he said politely: "Of course, if there is a chance, I am also willing to cooperate with a genius like him."

"Well then, I won\'t occupy you. You don\'t have to ask me to go to work. Let\'s talk when we have time."

As soon as Tim Burton left, Wayne heard the screams of fans outside, which were much bigger than the roars just given to him, and could be heard clearly in the theater.

As he expected, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com came in the good man Steven Spielberg and the father of Star Wars George Lucas, whether it is fame or money power, these two people are definitely the best tonight. Heavyweight.

"George, this is the kid I told you about. You must have vomited at his name during this time. The media is reporting on him every day."

After shaking hands with the two, the old Jewish man introduced them to them. "Wayne, doesn\'t he need an introduction?"

"Of course, who hasn\'t grown up watching Star Wars!" Wayne winked at the Star Wars father. "Mr. Lucas, you have been my idol since childhood."

The father of Star Wars looked easy-going, but what he said shocked him. "Really? Did your father mention it to you? He and I were old friends from a long time ago."

"Okay, young people, go get busy, don\'t worry about us two old men." George Lucas patted his shoulder kindly and walked into the VIP room with Spielberg.

He was left standing there with a thoughtful expression on his face.