Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and fifty - applause for the self seen in Arthur

The rhythm of this film is not as fast as fans imagined, it is just like an art film, with long takes abound.

But such an unhurried narrative rhythm has driven everyone\'s emotions, allowing all fans and audiences to experience his imperfect life with Arthur.

In fact, it didn\'t take long for the film to start, and the first shocking picture appeared on the big screen.

Arthur went to work the next day and was fiddling with his ill-fitting shoes in the locker room, but in the camera from behind, he saw his bony, painfully twisted body.

Everyone knows that the formation of such a scrawny and deformed figure can only mean that Arthur has been malnourished for a long time, and there are still scars on his shoulder blades that he was beaten by those gangsters yesterday.

Colleague Lan Dao is also the role of the clown. He mysteriously handed Arthur a paper bag. After opening it, there was a revolver inside, and told him that he could use this to protect himself in the future.

After the work started, Arthur\'s boss didn\'t believe the reason why he was robbed of the billboard, and his salary was deducted because of the loss of the billboard, which made Arthur angry, but he still pretended to smile and could only In the downstairs junkyard, vented against the garbage bag!

Arthur has always been an obedient child, his mother told him to keep smiling.

When he came home from get off work at night, he met a single mother on the same floor as him in the elevator, the heroine played by Halle Berry. The single-parent girl chatted with Arthur for a while, which made him feel much better.

On the big screen, Harry-Berry smiles like an ordinary girl next door. Her overly delicate face has been retouched by makeup and post-processing, but it can still be seen through a quick glance of a few pictures that this is an attractive one. girl.

"Darling, I\'m out, it\'s finally my turn!" Black Pearl leaned on Wayne\'s shoulder excitedly and whispered in his ear, it was obvious that there was not only surprise in the voice, but also full of reward Desire choked up.

Withdrawing his gaze from the big screen, Wayne tilted his head to look at the black pearl. She went the wrong way at first and was at risk of being kicked out of the circle.

However, by virtue of his ruthlessness towards himself, he not only agreed to Warner\'s publicity plan, but also won himself the promise of a film contract. With the dedication of his beautiful and **** body, he successfully won the heroine of the film from him.

For more than a year, Halle Berry\'s patience is undoubtedly the main reason why she can persevere. Although her mind is sometimes not clear, and it is easy to think too much because of her cleverness, this woman can rely on herself. Her ruthlessness made Wayne look at her more than once.

Reaching out a hand to gently stroke her hair, Wayne\'s voice rang in her ear. "You will be famous for this, Harry, all your hard work will pay off after today!"

Tears flowed down inadvertently, and no one could know how Harry-Berry felt about Wayne. She felt that this man was a perfect boyfriend when he was gentle, and he was bruised and bruised when he was tyrannical. He was simply a moody tyrant. .

On the big screen, Arthur returns home and is helping his mother who has a disability in the bathroom to take a bath. He is showering her while chatting with her mother, which means that he doesn\'t want her mother to worry about money or him, one day he will be in the big club. Performance.

Although there is a little bit of **** scenes of the mother in this scene, there is no excessively misleading plot, and it will never let the audience think of Oedipus.

Arthur is a very filial and sensible child. He has no wife to help him, and he can\'t afford a carer, so he can only help his mother take a bath.

Out of favor with the hostess on the same floor, Arthur quietly followed her while she had time before going to work, only to find out that the hostess was working in a bank. After learning about it, he went to the talk shows of other colleagues, and learned the experience while making records.

It is obvious from this that Arthur is a very hard worker, and he is not a person who is poor because of laziness.

"The core of comedy is tragedy, but comedy is never based on tragedy!" Spielberg said softly to the father of Star Wars beside him. "If you\'re in a bad environment, it\'s hard to really experience happiness! Wayne Greenberg, a kid, has sent us a lot of information through the camera!"

His eyes never left the movie screen. George Lucas nodded lightly in the dark, agreeing with his old friend\'s point of view. The movie was not even halfway through, but he had already received enough information.

When the time came to the evening, the heroine played by Halle-Berry actually came to the door and asked Arthur if she was following her. The girl revealed the meaning is very obvious, I hope Arthur can take the initiative.

This incident made Arthur so happy that he went to work full of fighting spirit the next day, and he accidentally dropped the revolver while performing for the children.

At the Children\'s Hospital, he was carrying a gun while performing for children, and it fell out. The boss called him immediately after receiving the news, and his colleague also made a small report to the boss at this time, saying that Arthur\'s gun was from his hands. If I bought it, the boss fired Arthur directly!

On the subway back home, he was very sad, and the three elite employees of Wayne Co. seemed to be drinking too much and began to tease the girl sitting opposite.

It just so happened that Arthur\'s laughter was mentally ill, and he suddenly burst out laughing uncontrollably in the carriage. This obviously misunderstood the three people who had drunk too much, and they thought that Arthur was just laughing at the three of them.

Three people came over and grabbed him, and it was a fat beating. Arthur wanted to take out a homemade card to explain, but the bag was also snatched away. In the midst of the chaos, he pulled out the revolver that had gotten him fired and shot two of them.

He chased the last person and ran out of the carriage, killed the last person on the steps, then fled the subway station in a panic and hid in the public toilet.

But at this time, a strange feeling emerged from Arthur\'s heart and slowly flowed through his body. This emerging feeling made him dance uncontrollably, as if killing scum was so wonderful.

As the camera swayed with his dancing posture, it focused in front of the mirror again. At this moment, it heralded the first time Arthur saw his true self.


"That\'s it, kill these scumbags!"

"Good job Arthur, you were right."

"Yes, beautifully done, child!"

All the audience let out a breath of oppressive air, and some fans who were too deeply involved in the play subconsciously applauded.

This is the transition from the kind-hearted Arthur to the Joker in the film, and it is also a channel that Wayne deliberately left for fans to vent their emotions. From the beginning of the movie, the audience\'s emotions were slowly accumulated. With Arthur\'s shooting, everyone seemed to put down the heavy burden in front of them.

Part of the reason why this film is rated R is here. Almost every bullet will bring a dazzling bright red, and the blood level is definitely not comparable to that of a horror movie, but it is very eye-catching in this scene.

As many fans thought, Arthur suddenly changed, or awakened. After returning to the apartment, he went straight to the room where the hostess was, knocked on the door and went up to a strong kiss, which directly pierced the layer of window paper.

Arthur now has unparalleled courage. When you do things that ordinary people have never done, your heart will become stronger.

After a wonderful night, Arthur returned to the company to pack up his belongings and take them away. Before leaving, he decided to play the card one more time.

"I forgot to punch in!" Arthur said with a smile, then raised his fist and slammed into the punching machine. "Hahahahahahaha" he laughed wildly and walked out!

It seems that Arthur becomes funny now after he is in a good mood.


At this moment, the unpredictable applause didn\'t know who took the lead and all the fans clapped their hands in silence. Except for the violent applause, the fans didn\'t make any other sound.

Looking back at the fans who had only seen half of these movies and started to applaud spontaneously, Wayne knew that the applause was given to Arthur, and it was also given to the self they saw in Arthur!

Murder on the subway quickly made its way to TV, but Gotham City\'s giant corporate mogul Thomas Wayne was bombastic in an interview on TV. Support the three deceased employees, strongly condemn the murderer, and then attribute the reason for their murder to "hatred of the rich"!

In his words, the idle poor are all clowns. The reason why he came out to run for mayor is to save the people of Gotham City. His arrogance has nothing to hide, but it makes Arthur on the TV side scoff. sneered.

Arthur came to the counselor again, just like at the beginning of the film~www.novelhall.com~ She would only ask those few fixed questions repeatedly, not caring what he said.

She told Arthur that because of the strike outside, the government was also cutting back on spending, and the place was closing soon.

And Arthur didn\'t care at this time, psychological counseling was never helpful, never helped him, never listened. Arthur, smoking a cigarette, now only cares about the real things, asking how she can get those medicines that she takes for a long time.

No matter what, life has to go on. Arthur found a place for acupuncture performances, but halfway through the performance, his laughter relapsed. But in the end, there is still good news. Because the heroine was there to watch him perform, the show finally ended successfully.

After that, Arthur\'s life was like ushering in his sunshine. The heroine accompanied him shopping and eating together, just like normal love.

There are even people in the market who are hyping that the clown who killed the three scumbags is the punisher of this city and a hero.

It\'s as if Arthur\'s life has changed for the better since the shooting, giving him a presence for the first time!