Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and fifty-two - damn, I wasn't trained to act!

The film is shown in a silent atmosphere, which is completely different from the atmosphere in a normal movie hall. There is no sound of popcorn eating, nor the sound of the audience whispering about the plot and drinking Coke.

This story is neither rushed nor slow but realistic and cold and ruthless. The duration of the film is obviously longer than that of a normal commercial film, but after such a long period of screening, the story gradually comes to an end.

Knowing all the truth, Arthur, determined to end all the pain, killed his mother with his own pillow in the hospital. He always thought his life was a tragedy, but he didn\'t expect it to be a comedy, a comedy that everyone would find funny when they heard it!

Returning home after killing his mother, he began to prepare for the talk show, imitating the appearance of all the guests he had seen before, and rehearsing everything on stage.

If he was asked to tell a joke on the spot, he decided to kill himself on stage with this revolver. Show everyone through live TV, your own lively joke!

Arthur carefully groomed and dressed his hair into the green that everyone is familiar with as clowns. Just when he painted his face with white clown makeup, two colleagues from the company knocked on his door. .

Colleague Randall took his naive dwarf colleague Gary to his residence with gifts. The big fat Landau actually came to troll him. Regarding the subway murder case, the gun was the one that Lando gave to Arthur.

He hoped that Arthur could make a confession with him and not be involved in this matter. But the "clown" at this time didn\'t care about this at all. Thinking of the way Lan Dao framed him before, he took out a sharp weapon and stabbed him to death!

\'If it wasn\'t for the gun you gave me, I lost my job because of the report, and now you have the face to ask me to hide it for you? ’

These two sentences constituted the voice of all movie fans. As Arthur stabbed one after another on the screen, one could clearly hear a happy gasp in the theater.

The dazzling red splashed on the camera, but no one felt that Arthur did something wrong. This character who was supposed to be the villain made the fans on the scene understand what he did.

In the film, his dwarf colleagues have always been nice to him, and Arthur didn\'t hurt him, because Gary the dwarf was not tall, and helped him pull the latch to let him go back.

Life is like a super tough game! In the past, I might have to take care of my immobile mother, and I was worried. And now there is no burden to quit early, Arthur is relieved!

The bright red suit jacket, the yellow lined vest, the green hair, and the thick white clown makeup on the whole face, these contrasting colors showed all of Arthur\'s thoughts at this time.

On a flight of stairs to the talk show recording site, he let go of all his worries, released the "clown" he had been hiding in his heart, and danced gracefully and cheerfully!

The strong rhythm of the background music, combined with his reckless body language, and a few crows flying up by chance, constitute this set of contrasting shots like oil paintings.

At this time, two police officers who were investigating the subway murder came up again and stopped Arthur\'s dance. But they didn\'t draw guns to arrest them directly, indicating that Gary the dwarf did not call the police after he left.

Arthur was going to end his life as planned today, but they couldn\'t let them mess up. He ran all the way and quickly escaped into the subway station, but the carriage was full of people wearing clown masks. After a riot, the police couldn\'t find where he ran.

Two cops were also targeted, pinned to the ground by the chaotic clown masks...

Backstage at the show, Arthur took out his revolver again for a rehearsal. For him who had nothing, it was like that sentence. "I just hope my death is worth more than my life!"

After a round of applause, Arthur danced, and did not pretend to be calm as he had practiced before, but sat really relaxed. For the first half of his life, he lived under the rules and expectations of others, and it wasn\'t until these few days that he found his true self!

Arthur, who was dancing, forcibly kissed another female guest. After a while, Murray-Franklin really asked him to tell a joke on the spot. I saw that he took out his notebook, which was still the same sentence, but he turned it over!

I tried my best to tell a joke, but in exchange for Murray-Franklin\'s constant sarcasm, even the female guest who was kissed by her told him that it was not funny.

Unexpectedly, Arthur confessed to the live broadcast camera that he was the clown of the subway murder case, and emphasized: \'This is not a joke! ’

Murray Franklin: \'You\'re telling the truth? Did you shoot those three young men on the subway? ’

Arthur Fleck: \'Hmm! ’

As a famous talk show host, he is a media person with a keen sense of smell. This kind of first-hand news will undoubtedly make his show popular.

Continue to ask Arthur for the details of this matter, and then Murray Franklin was on the side with a high-sounding, sanctimonious denunciation of "justice", but this angered Arthur.

A large group of poor people are struggling outside, but you are discussing with me whether the lives of these three scumbags are precious or not. Am I evading responsibility or something?

Arthur then complained about the rules the group had set for what was funny and what wasn\'t. Complain about the indifference of the powerful, the hypocrisy and ruthlessness of people like Thomas Wayne. Complaining about Murray Franklin\'s shamelessness and asking him to come here is nothing more than mocking him again.

After speaking, without any hesitation, he took out his revolver and shot the talk show star to death on live TV!

Nicolas Cage, who was indulging in his own movie, was suddenly photographed by his cousin next to him. Sofia Coppola\'s eyes were like looking at another person, and she was full of incredible performances of her cousin.

"Nikola, this part is an actor-level performance. This director Greenberg is simply amazing. He can train your acting skills so well!"

Originally, Nicholas Cage had a proud look on his face when he heard the rare praise from his cousin, but when he heard the back, it made him feel like he had eaten a dead fly!

"That part was my own inspiration. Damn it, that was the sublimation of my acting skills with old Robert DeRoney." Turning Sofia Coppola\'s head to himself, Nicolas Cage watched seriously cousin.

"This part has nothing to do with that **** Wayne. He just sat behind the director\'s monitor with an ice cube face. I wasn\'t trained to act! Understand!"

"Be quiet, Nikolai, don\'t interfere with other people\'s viewing of the movie!" She rolled her eyes at her cousin, pulling away the hand that was holding her head. "Well, anyway, your performance is definitely at the Oscar level! It\'s a pity..."

Nicolas Cage also nodded suddenly, turned his eyes to the screen again, and said, "Yeah, it\'s a pity..."

But Arthur still didn\'t hurt irrelevant people. This was a live TV broadcast. He originally just planned to end his life, and he didn\'t have any intention to take the lead or lead anything.

However, after being provoked, these remarks ignited the blood of the rebels in the city through live TV.

Arthur was arrested and escorted back to the police station by a police car, leaning his head against the window of the car along the way, watching the chaotic resistance crowd outside. This scene echoes the scene of taking the bus home before the film. One is full of sadness and the other is full of joy!

Everyone on the road waved to him and paid tribute to the heroes of their group of rebels!

Suddenly, an ambulance went straight and overturned the police car. The perpetrator and other chaotic clown masks carefully lifted Arthur out of the car, expecting him to wake up.

Behind it is a chaotic and rioting social bottom group. That night, the entire Gotham City has been set on fire.

At the theater on the other side of the city, "Pink Zorro" is being shown, and Thomas Wayne and his wife, with a little Batman, are drilling into the alley from the chaotic crowd.

---That\'s it!

Anyone familiar with the Batman series knows that Thomas Wayne and his wife will be shot and killed by robbers in front of little Wayne, thus leading to the entire Batman story!

"Hey, Wayne, this is what you brought on yourself!" The robber wearing a clown mask decisively shot and killed the Wayne couple, leaving only the young Bruce Wayne standing bewildered. land.

The movie shot returned to Arthur, who gradually came to his senses under the cheers of the crowd. He has been neglected like air all his life, but now he has become the leader of countless people.

Amid the cheers of countless people, he stood on the roof of the car and gracefully painted himself the clown\'s iconic, blood-red mouth!

He is kind-hearted, is this really the ending he wants? no! There is no turning back in his life, no way to go!

Arthur used to live by other people\'s rules, but was really bad at it! From now on, he will rule the dark side of Gotham City by his own rules! In the piercing siren ~www.novelhall.com~ Arthur opened his hands to face countless of his followers!

The camera flashed, and she returned to the mental hospital again. It was those procedural problems. This time Arthur didn\'t have anything to say to the doctor. She didn\'t understand it at all, and she didn\'t care at all!

Arthur, the person with the least sense of existence in the city, indirectly killed the most powerful person in the city. He just wanted to commit suicide, but inadvertently became the leader of the rebels. He thought his life was a tragedy, but But it has become a comedy, and countless accidents make people laugh!

In the end, Arthur dragged the bright red and dazzling blood marks towards the exit full of sunshine. With the opera-style background music, Arthur escaped from the hospital and started a new life!

The subtitles of the cast and crew began to appear on the big screen, and the lights in the theater also turned on one by one, and the extremely quiet auditorium was silent all the time.

"Crack, click..."

Whether it was the invited guests, or various film critics who wanted to have a sneak peek, or the fans occupying 80% of the seats, they all stood up, and no one was still sitting on the chair.