Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and fifty three - I want to try to get out of that quagmire

After more than ten seconds of silence in the theater, the applause sounded like thunder, which lasted for a long time. As these audiences have done before, they are generous with the praise of the film, but there is still no screaming and cheering.

Watching Wayne lead the entire crew, stand in front of the screen and start the curtain call. George Lucas followed the crowd around him again and again, tilted his head and said to the old man beside him: "How do you feel, this child\'s performance has inspired me a lot!"

"This is the best comic book movie I\'ve ever seen!" Spielberg also looked at the crew ahead with emotion, and the applause didn\'t stop. "Dark, deep, and heavy, almost all social issues in North America are included in it. The narration is not rushed but does not rush the audience. From the first minute of the film, the film uses emotions to guide the audience to feel the illusion of empathy..."

Listening to the constant praise from the old man, George Lucas didn\'t think it was too much. If there are no accidents this time, their little compatriots will definitely be consecrated!

"I\'m going to talk to that kid later." Staring at Wayne\'s too young face, George Lucas suddenly felt a little weird. If he only watched the film, no one would have thought that the director was so young, he directly Skip the stage of accumulating life experience.

The applause lasted for at least five minutes. To be honest, the atmosphere was not very good. There was no sound except for applause in the whole movie hall.

It was not until the third curtain call of the crew that the fans lined up and started to leave quietly. Wayne took the main members of the crew and stood in the front row to deal with the congratulatory crowd.

After the guests who came to the film station sent their blessings, they would go out through the VIP channel of the theater. Rush to the Hilton Hotel reserved by Warner Bros., and attend the celebration reception afterwards. Socializing is the purpose of most people\'s arrival.

After everyone went out, the crew also came to the pre-arranged press room through the VIP channel of the theater. After the film is shown. Warner Bros. also scheduled a small launch event.

In this film that can be called a one-man show, Nicolas Cage is the protagonist who does his part, but at the press conference later, all the media focused their attention on the director.

The reporters who can come to various media here are more or less engaged in film-related work, and almost all of them are professionals who report Hollywood or movies. They all see that this is a unique work.

"Joker" is not like the superhero films that have appeared at all, and it is also different from the increasingly homogeneous popcorn films in Hollywood. It is so special and meaningful, and the whole film reveals an elegant dark temperament.

"Director Greenberg, we\'ve just witnessed the birth of a great film, a masterpiece that reimagines DC values. The Joker is as different as Warner\'s earlier Batman and the original Joker in the comics. ."

Bella Grant, a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, stood up impatiently. "Then can you talk a little bit about why you want to create such a character?"

Wayne reached out and tapped the microphone in front of him twice. After confirming that there was no problem, he said, "First of all, let me make one point. The Joker is not a superhero. You can even think of this as a crime thriller!"

I adjusted the height of the microphone and looked at the news reporters in the news hall. He continued: "The original intention of creating this film is to be able to use this story that is not in the comics to show some of the problems that have arisen in our society!

Everyone should know that in the last film, I made some attempts on racial issues. Of course, the feedback from the audience was also very good, and this film has almost joined all social conflicts. "

Speaking of this, he thought about it, and then said: "Using the origin of a villain to reveal the various problems that really exist around us is to give a hint to everyone who has watched the film that this kind of social contradiction is evolving. very dangerous!"

Regardless of whether Wayne was a sanctimonious alarmist, or the young man really thought so, all the reporters present applauded politely.

In fact, most people are very clear, don\'t look at the director\'s debut until now, the film seems to be full of art, in fact, he is a Chi Luoluo commercial film director.

Hollywood makes all films for only one purpose, that is, the box office, or Chi Luoluo\'s interests. Wayne Greenberg may have made a stunning enough film, but he definitely can\'t escape this primary goal.

A reporter for "Premier" stood up and asked, "What do you think of Nicolas Cage\'s performance?"

"It can only be said to be a perfect performance!" Looking at the "Clown" sitting beside him, Wayne\'s words of praise were not stingy. "Nikola\'s performance in \'Joker\' is definitely at the forefront of all the actors of the year."

This is not a commercial tout. Wayne really thinks that Cage in the literary and artistic period is definitely a very malleable acting school, especially the long shot at the back of this film.

Regardless of whether his acting skills exploded or he was brought into the state by the old actor Robert DeRoney, the premise is that he needs to reach the corresponding level first.

A chubby female reporter in the front row took the microphone, with the "Entertainment Weekly" sign hanging on her chest. "It can be found from the film that the clown has become the leader of the rebels at the end, and the city is being attacked by crowds. Will this film incite those with ulterior motives and cause unnecessary social chaos in North America?!"

After her question was finished, everyone in the entire press room froze. This question is actually a bit outdated. If the producers of Warner Bros. have a bad temper, it may directly end the conference.

Fortunately, Wayne did not hesitate and said directly to the microphone: "A movie is just a movie, this is an R-rated movie that only adults can watch. If an adult acts and thinks, it will be because he has watched a movie. And being affected, that\'s abnormal, there are more bloody, violent, anti-social films than "Joker", and I haven\'t seen anyone become anti-social because of this, right?"

Whether the previous problems were difficult or relatively normal in relation to the movie, Wayne handled them all very comfortably. It was not until the press conference was about to end that the reporter seemed to think of other people.

A reporter from the Los Angeles Daily Entertainment News suddenly asked: "Ms. Halle-Berry, as we all know, you and Director Greenberg had a romantic relationship for a period of time, and this film was made with your ex-boyfriend. , are you ready to get back together?"

"No, we are very good friends now." Halle Berry thought he would be ignored forever. "The separation is simply because of incompatible personalities, but this does not affect our friendship, and I haven\'t thought about getting back together for the time being."

Finally, there is a reporter who interviewed him, but the question has nothing to do with the film, which makes Black Pearl a little helpless.

The appearance of a film that is different from mainstream commercial films will inevitably bring controversy, questioning and criticism. The reporters not only saw the freshness brought by the change, but also saw the possible possibilities behind the film.

At least many people can be sure that there will definitely be a large number of people arguing with each other because of "Joker" in tomorrow\'s report.

Unlike the press conference, the fans who are walking out of the theater have a more unified view of the movie. Those who can come to the premiere to watch the movie are either lucky DC fans or diehard Wayne fans.

There has never been such a type of film in the previous Hollywood summer season. He did not win with special effects from perspective, nor did he win cheers with thrilling actions. He only used a story that was neither rushed nor slow to infect all fans.

Tonight, the investigators randomly dispatched by Warner Bros. faced a silent and polite audience, and even the recovery of the investigative report became comfortable.

"A+, there is no doubt that this is a masterpiece that influences the filmmaker!"

"My, A+!"



Regardless of the expressions of the previous fans, they all gave the movie A or A+, and even a score below A- did not appear. This situation is simply a miracle!

Until a black couple walked up to the investigators, the girl said loudly: "A+, Wayne is the best!"

She first gave a rating, but she didn\'t rush home like the others. "This is not a happy film, but Wayne has made the film to another level. The dark and heavy nature, the analysis of the problems around us, before watching the film, I never thought that DC characters can be so heavy! "

The girl was about to continue talking, but her boyfriend Schroeder gave her a hand, and they had already delayed the audience from coming in.

Jennifer and Schroeder had just left the theater when they were stopped by a TV station reporter. Before the reporter asked any questions, Jennifer took the initiative to say again:

"Wayne gave Arthur a gloomy and gloomy life~www.novelhall.com~ but also gave me the illusion of empathy. This is a dark epic that cannot be missed. Both my boyfriend and I found our own in the hero. Shadow, also found the shadow of our community in Gotham..."

"Okay, thanks, ma\'am!"

The reporter was obviously unwilling to continue to accompany her in a long speech, holding the microphone and taking the cameraman to the next audience.

The black girl Jennifer obviously didn\'t care, she hugged her boyfriend and walked back together. "Schroeder, I\'m going to watch this movie again when I go back, just for Wayne to hug me today!"

A weak voice came from her boyfriend\'s mouth. "Whatever, maybe I should think about my life after that too! Jennifer, if I don\'t join gangs anymore and don\'t sell those powders and stuff, would you like to leave the city center with me?"

"What?" The excited black girl obviously couldn\'t hear it.


Schroeder felt that compared to Arthur, there was still salvation, and he wanted to try to get out of that quagmire.