Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and fifty one - you madman who worships darkness!

The movie that is being shown resonates with countless people, but it also hits these people deeply. How many people in real life are playing the role of "clown" all day long, and how many people will be ridiculed and ridiculed by the world behind them?

The outburst of the clown Arthur Fleck is not an impulse, but a long-repressed emotion!

This emotion makes every ordinary person involved explode with Arthur. In reality, they face multiple pressures from work, life and family every day. emotions are released.

Just like the silent applause that just passed, that is all ordinary people cheering for themselves, who can say that this is not a bowl of alternative dark chicken soup?

Arthur has a good day in the movie, and when he gets home, he finds that his mother has written another letter. His mother insisted on writing letters for decades but never received a reply. He finally couldn\'t help his curiosity and opened the letter that his mother was about to send.

This time, a shocking secret was placed in front of Arthur\'s eyes! According to the letter, the mother worked for Thomas Wayne\'s Wayne Group 30 years ago, and she even had a relationship with this Thomas Wayne, and chose to hide it so as not to affect the other party.

Then Arthur, a child without a father since childhood, is the illegitimate child of Thomas Wayne.

Seeing the letter, he suddenly realized that he had a father! Moreover, the father did not explain or compensate their mother and son for so many years of hardship.

Although there was an indescribable sadness in his heart, it was always because blood was thicker than water. Arthur felt that he should talk to this irresponsible father and make it clear.

Taking advantage of the night, Arthur ran a long way to the Wayne family\'s mansion. The first thing he saw in the yard was a carefree child playing. This is the future heir of the Wayne family. Bruce Wayne!

"God! Lord Wayne!"

"Hey, it\'s little Batman!"

All audiences have seen comics more or less. After all, the three giants of justice are the most famous superheroes in the world. As we all know, this is Batman who will punish evil and protect Gotham in the future!

Not only the audience couldn\'t help but say it softly, but when this kid appeared, Jonathan Keller, the head of DC who has been silently being invisible, couldn\'t help leaning forward in excitement, staring at the kid on the big screen. .

"Mr. Greenberg, what are your ambitions?" Every time I silently watch the filming and production! But never giving his opinion, Jonathan Keller knows better than anyone the unintentional foreshadowing left in this film.

"It will be so exhausting to tell the origin of the clown, but it will permeate the comic style that is neither too deep nor too shallow, but it will not add any superpowers to the whole movie of the clown! It also carefully leaves a foreshadowing!"

Jonathan Keller, who was sitting in the corner, suddenly turned his head towards the center of the first row of the theater. He took a deep look at the director\'s seat. At this moment, he really wanted to rush over, grabbing the director\'s collar and questioning him fiercely.

"Wayne, what are you trying to do!"

In the light and shadow transformation, Arthur thought that this Bruce Wayne was his younger brother, not only did the kid play a clown trick to make him laugh, but also made trouble with him for a while.

Then Arthur decided to teach him how to be happy! He put his hands into the child\'s mouth, lifted the corners of his mouth up, and exclaimed, "This is so much better!"

This picture of the Joker holding Batman\'s mouth to teach him happiness stayed on the screen for a long time, making all fans feel Arthur\'s funny and heart-wrenching kindness.

At this time, the big housekeeper of the Wayne family rushed over and stopped little Bruce Wayne from contacting him. And tell him that your mother is paranoid and that she has nothing to do with Mr. Thomas Wayne.

Arthur couldn\'t accept his remarks, and grabbed the big butler\'s neck through the iron fence, but since little Bruce Wayne was still watching and didn\'t want to affect the child, he finally let go and ran away.

In fact, Arthur\'s nature is really a very kind person. When he returned home, he did not expect that his mother was being questioned by two police officers to investigate the murder in the subway that night, and he was sent to the hospital because of his emotions.

The two policemen were still questioning Arthur relentlessly. Fortunately, he was accompanied by the heroine in the hospital, so he would not be too desolate and lonely.

At this time, in the ward, Riasser saw on TV that Murray-Franklin\'s new talk show was launched again. Unexpectedly, the one named and mocked in this show was Arthur\'s scavenger hunt.

Murray-Franklin entertained the audience with the awkwardness of his poor performance, anyone can make fun of him wantonly, Arthur can ignore it, he has long been used to it.

But Murray Franklin was the father-like person in Arthur\'s mind, but he turned his face ruthlessly! It\'s like the person you trust the most stabs you in the back, the blow is like the collapse of belief, and Arthur can\'t sleep in bed.

The crowd\'s strike outside has become a protest against Thomas Wayne\'s "poor man\'s clown theory". The crowd surrounded the door of the theater where Wayne was, and Arthur sneaked in through the side door quietly while taking advantage of the chaos.

There are two worlds inside and outside the theater. Outside is a depression and hot water, while the rich inside are watching comedy movies and laughing. The movie playing in the theater is Chaplin\'s "Modern Times"!

The biggest metaphor or hint here is a danger sign in the lower right corner of the big screen, obviously warning everyone in the field that the crisis is coming!

Seeing Thomas Wayne\'s chance to go to the bathroom, Arthur spared it directly, and started talking when they met. "I don\'t want money or fame, maybe just a warm hug is enough!"

But Thomas Wayne completely denied all this and told him that you were adopted by your mother while she was working.

Arthur couldn\'t help laughing again. Of course, Old Wayne didn\'t know his illness. He threw his fist and hit him directly, and warned him not to touch his son!

When he got home, Arthur locked himself in the refrigerator.

Here, the lens Wayne did not deliberately give an explanation, but let the fans diverge their thinking and come up with a reasonable explanation. Basically, the audience will only have two ideas. One is that Arthur shut himself in the refrigerator, and that the Joker was bred in his mind.

Another can be explained that Arthur thinks his father doesn\'t recognize him at all, he hates himself, hates a bad life, and wants to abuse himself in this way.

The phone rang the next day, and Arthur jumped up to answer. It turned out that the talk show that Murray Franklin laughed at him was very well received, and he simply wanted to invite him to the scene as a guest.

This is undoubtedly an opportunity for the audience to know himself. Arthur, who is inspired to become a talk show actor and brings joy to everyone, has no reason not to agree.

John, who was concentrating on watching the movie, suddenly heard Wayne muttering softly beside him. "Talents come out of Arkham!"


He just wanted to ask the film director what those words meant, but the screen that was playing gave him an explanation.

In the screen, Arthur ran to the Arkham Asylum and snatched his mother\'s medical records from thirty years ago from the hands of the staff. Only then did I discover that my mother was really delusional!

And the reason why the mother was locked in that year was officially because of abusing her own child, that is, Arthur. The case was also wrapped with an adoption paperwork, proving that he was indeed adopted.

The mother\'s boyfriend has serious violent tendencies and often abuses them. It was the long-term beating on Arthur\'s head that caused him to suffer from mental problems, but the mother never stopped all this.

Knowing the truth, Arthur burst into laughter again. Whenever he felt pain, the mental symptoms of this laughter would flare up, and it would even be accompanied by dissociative amnesia, a repulsive amnesia for childhood trauma.

Arthur, who learned all the truth, walked back to his girlfriend\'s house in a hurry, but surprised the heroine who came in. It can be found from her inquiry that she is not familiar with Arthur, and asked him if he went to the wrong door.

Arthur made a suicide gesture that his girlfriend had made while chatting with him in memory, but the other party didn\'t understand it at all. At this time, he really realized that it turned out that the heroine was with him because of his own fantasy!

The audience fans in the back row of the theater also exclaimed involuntarily at this time.


"God! Don\'t do that to him."

It turns out that the only warmth of Arthur in the film, the sunshine that exists in life, does not exist at all. It turns out that the story is only cold, hopeless, depressing and realistic, which makes many viewers feel sad for the hero!

The two famous film critics sitting together, Todd McCarthy and Kenneth Turan, looked at each other with inexplicable smiles. When they watched it for the first time, they were also shocked by the director\'s cold and ruthless approach.

"Where did this go? Look at it~www.novelhall.com~ Wayne Greenberg, a madman who worships darkness, will definitely make you more desperate!" Kenneth Turan said as soon as the old man beside him The guy nodded involuntarily and immediately agreed.

"Wayne Greenberg, you lunatic who worships the cold and dark!" Right in front of them, the famous New York film critic, David Denby of The New York Times, also said this sentence. This scene Let his whole body tremble!

"From this suicide gesture, to plucking up the courage to kiss the heroine, to participating in his own talk show, and the success of the performance, to holding hands and shopping with him in the hospital.

Even when Arthur was on a Murray Franklin talk show, everything was Arthur\'s paranoia, just as pathetic as his mother. The tragedy of Arthur\'s life was caused by his mother, he was never happy, but his mother asked him to be happy!

Fascinating and darkly twisted world, Wayne, I really want to see how many more surprises you have at the end of the movie! "

Excited and trembling, David Denby stared at the screen, thankful he didn\'t miss this "Gotham Floating Drawing".