Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and fifty-nine-twelve dead, tsk tsk tsk, the conscience of the capitalists!

The plane flew smoothly over the Pacific Ocean, and only Wayne and his team came back urgently. But with the simple narration of the agent Jimmy, the atmosphere of the first-class cabin became colder and colder.

Reaching out his hand and tapping lightly on the armrest of the chair, Wayne just wanted to light a cigarette to calm himself down, but he still suppressed his thoughts.

In this "Joker" prospect is very good, ready to hit the threshold of 300 million box office in North America in a short period of time, but this unexpected accident occurred, if not handled properly, it is very likely to cause "Joker" Waterloo.

The influence of the social environment on the film is self-evident. This is the same as after the trauma of 9/11, when Marvel superheroes began to become popular. After Black Lives Matter, the main characters of the film must have African Americans. If it is because of social problems, the public will take responsibility Blame it on "Joker", then the North American box office is basically here.

Others may just think that because of this incident, it is a pity that "Joker" has stopped reaping the box office. After all, Warner Bros. has already made a profit! But Wayne understands very well that the box office of "Joker" is far from peaking, and this is not a loss.

Now it\'s the 1990s, the era of universal entertainment has not yet arrived, and people\'s entertainment is mainly through movies and TV. Unlike more than 20 years later, when there are so many entertainment options for the public, movies have long been not the first entertainment choice for people, and there are at least hundreds of other entertainment options!

Although movie tickets are much cheaper now than in the future, even if they can offset each other, in Wayne\'s forecast, the box office of "Joker" is likely to be higher than twenty years later.

If you don\'t handle it well, it\'s all over!

"The specific situation will have to wait until I go back. I just got this simple news right now." Looking up at his client\'s gloomy face, Jimmy lay down after speaking.

No one has more empathy for his clients than Jimmy, who signed with Wayne as a junior. This was originally a film that could make Wayne consecrate a god, and any accident would definitely not come out.

This film is unprecedented in terms of its incitement to public feelings, its influence on all walks of life in North America, and even the artistic achievements in the film.

Especially the commercial achievements of the film, "Joker" is running towards the number one in film history. The combination of all these things will definitely push the young man Wayne to the altar!

Rubbing the center of his eyebrows, which were about to be twisted together, Wayne let out a long sigh. "After the plane landed, we went straight to Warner Bros.!"

It is useless to think too much now. Only by knowing the specific situation can we assess how much this incident will affect "Joker". At this time, he was already prepared, and it was impossible to think that there would be no impact at all, and it would depend on how the follow-up events developed.

The plane landed at Los Angeles International Airport, and before the group entered the lobby, it was stopped by Sergey who was waiting outside the runway. He led a few people directly to the prepared car.

He didn\'t explain until the car drove out of the airport. "The lobby of Los Angeles International Airport has been blocked by dozens of media reporters!"

"Damn, how did they know the news of our return?" Jimmy asked angrily. Now Wayne is like sitting on the crater. Before things are unclear, he must not make any remarks easily.

"Okay, Jimmy, don\'t be nervous!" Patting the manager\'s shoulder, Wayne\'s face was still ugly, but he really calmed down. "It doesn\'t make sense to care about that, a lot of Spanish media saw it before we got on the plane."

Silence resumed in the car, and it drove quickly all the way to Burbank, the capital of the media.

After all, some things cannot be avoided. In the parking lot of the Warner Building, the group was surrounded by reporters from all walks of life as soon as they got out of the car.

Since entering 1993, after the stunning appearance of "Joker" at the Super Bowl, Wayne and the film have been on the cusp. After the time entered May, he and the film became a hot topic in North America.

Now that there is such a horrific attack, Wayne has become a favorite in the eyes of these media reporters. As long as anything can be dug out of him, it will definitely be the headline of tomorrow. This kind of temptation is right The media is too big.

"Director Greenberg, because of your film, you set a good example for the thug, and now there are more than a few dozen people affected by..."

"Wayne, do you think you are a chopstick hand?"

"Just a few words, Director Greenberg, what do you think of this sensational attack?"

"Wayne, I\'m a reporter for NBC Universal, what do you have to tell the public..."

Seven or eight security personnel rushed out of the Warner Building in an instant, and they protected Wayne in the center. Facing these reporters from large and small media, he walked in without saying a word, until he entered the building and became quiet.

After nodding and thanking the security guards, they hurriedly got on the elevator and went straight to the president\'s office.

Pushed the door and entered Kevin Tesuhara\'s office. Several executives in the room were already waiting for them. Before they could say hello after sitting down, Jeff Robinoff pointed to the moved TV, which read The abc news channel is broadcasting a special news report on this matter.

“…When the young people of Aurora, Colorado, gathered at the movie theater at 3:50 pm on Tuesday, May 31st, to watch the movie Joker, they had no idea that an unprecedented nightmare was about to happen!

At 4:22, when the film began to be shown in the ninth theater for about half an hour, a person wearing a red suit, a yellow vest, and a clown mask entered the theater from the emergency exit.

He first threw tear gas at the crowd, creating chaos in the crowd. Then he laughed wildly and started shooting at the crowd with his fully automatic AR15 rifle! After emptying the magazine, he took out his shotgun and pistol, and continued to pour all the bullets into the crowd.

At first, the audience thought it was a movie promotion event, but when blood splattered and people fell to the ground, they found out that it was a real and brutal massacre! "

When the host said this, the screen on the TV switched to the theater where the incident took place, and there were still a lot of bloodstains and brass bullet casings in the theater scene.

Although the yellow police isolation belt has been pulled around, many things can still be photographed outside, including blood-stained shoes and clothes, littered popcorn buckets, and the most dazzling ones are the clown masks!

Then the screen was transferred to a local hospital, where you could see a body covered with a white cloth and a doctor busy in the emergency room.

"27-year-old Sullivan happened to be celebrating his birthday on the same day. He was going to watch a movie to celebrate his birthday, but he ended his life on the first day of the 27-year-old; female sports reporter Jessica was a survivor of the recent Toronto Eaton Centre shooting. , This time, he failed to get the favor of God and unfortunately died.

——As of now, it has been confirmed that a total of 71 people were shot, 12 people were killed, 59 people were injured, and the youngest person who died was only 6 years old!

This morning, the commander-in-chief and the White House spokesman held an emergency press conference in front of the commander\'s mansion. The commander-in-chief Zardon, who has just been in office for four months, expressed his condolences to the victims and strongly condemned the murderer.

At the same time, Zipton also said that we may not be living in the best of times, but this is not the worst of times. The White House will work hard to change people\'s economic situation. Only by increasing the number of jobs can we effectively reduce such anti-social lunatics. Appear.

At the same time, the commander also emphasized that film directors, producers and film companies need to be more cautious and pay more attention when dealing with violent scenes! But such a tragic big order as 12 lives, a movie can\'t buy it, and it shouldn\'t buy it! "


The secretary turned off the chattering TV, and all the executives of Warner Bros. were waiting for Zardon\'s last sentence. As long as this sentence was said, there was no need to watch the news.

Hearing the familiar commander say the last sentence, Wayne pointed his finger up and asked, "Time Warner?"

"Wayne! His words are enough!" Kevin Tesuhara stared at him seriously, his tone full of warnings. "The dirty level of politics is definitely far beyond your imagination. Don\'t generate more curiosity. We don\'t need to know why, as long as the result is enough!"

Fingers scratched the stubble on his chin lightly, and Wayne nodded lightly. In fact, everyone here knows clearly that this great leader has always had gossip with the media tycoon.

Wayne had to admire Warner Bros. for this matter. Before everyone could react, they made the most awesome public relations in North America through the parent company Time Warner.

With the commander-in-chief endorsing this matter~www.novelhall.com~ the rest of the trouble is just trouble, and Warner Bros. can solve it by its own ability.

It can only be said that the benefits that "Joker" will bring are too great, far beyond the problem of hundreds of millions of dollars. It can be estimated that the revenue will be hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars, and this is not counting the subsequent global operations of Warner Bros.

"What do you need me to do?" Urgently called themselves back, they must have a related plan.

Publishing director Thomas Mendes clapped his hands, caught his attention, and said, "High profile, Wayne! We need you to be high profile to those victims! Warners will spend millions for proper fix this."

He said and picked up two sheets of paper to show him, on which were Wayne\'s itinerary for the past few days and the implementation plan of the whole plan.

"Who said this is a bad thing? So many people died, and it happened that "Joker" was completely detonated among all the people in North America. It used to be just a hot spot, it was just a carnival for movie fans, we have to take the opportunity to put it Turn it into a social movement and let passersby walk into the theater!"

tsk tsk! The conscience of capitalists!