Hollywood Drawing

~: One Hundred and Sixty - Lovers of the Masses, Friends of Women!

What kind of film is easy to be myth? Dead! What kind of films are easy to win awards? Dead! What kind of film is easy to obtain political correctness? Dead!

Warner Bros. is a for-profit production company, so it will certainly not miss this natural explosion.

Of course, some public opinion must be reversed first, but isn\'t that what Time Warner, a media giant, is best at?

Why did the previous commanders have to be ambiguous with the media group? It\'s not because these big capitals hold crucial propaganda channels and hold public opinion weapons that can directly influence the people!

"CNN cable news channel will report your help and comfort to the victims throughout!" Thomas Mendes pointed to the plan on the printed paper and explained to Wayne one by one! "When this matter is settled, we have arranged for you to be featured on the covers of Time Magazine and People."

The other party\'s series of methods is nothing more than to try to increase the popularity of any film related to the film as much as possible while "Joker" still has a screening scale, and drive all fans who have not seen it into the theater.

"No problem, you decide these things!"

Wayne nodded happily and agreed. The benefits of facing him here are even greater. To put it bluntly, Warner Bros. is carrying out a god-building campaign for Wayne, so he will not know what to do.

Thomas Mendes continued: "Also, don\'t give interviews to the media yet! Wayne, some things are more powerful when they are done than when they are said!"

"I see!"

After discussing everything temporarily, Wayne returned to the car under the siege of reporters again, ready to go back and have a good sleep.

Just when the car turned into Mulholland Drive, the assistant lady who was reading all the newspapers for the past two days suddenly put a magazine interview in front of her boss.

"Boss, look at this."

After taking over the magazine that has been turned over, the first thing that catches Wayne\'s eyes is the **** photo of Cameron Diaz. This small magazine called "Entertainment World" made an exclusive interview with Cameron Diaz.

The general content here is all inseparable from the gossip about this beautiful woman and Wayne, which is obviously an act of hardening the popularity of "Joker", but these are understandable, and the media\'s popularity is understandable.

The reason for Nina to show him is what Cameron Diaz said. It\'s almost a complete retelling of the process of XX with Wayne, including all kinds of details, Wayne\'s data, and even the way he likes!

After seeing this, I couldn\'t help but sigh. "Kami is mature!"

This woman has also become aware of the popularity, and answering questions is always inseparable from her relationship with Wayne, just like Nicole Kidman, who did not get along well with Tom Cruise after her divorce. Rubbing exposure.

However, she still knew the size of the topic, complimented Wayne on his abilities, and called him the perfect "bed partner". And at the end of the interview, his generosity was repeated more than once, and two bags were also shown...

"It is estimated that the producer gave her an idea!" With a turn of his mind, Wayne can think about the same thing. "The Geek in Disguise uses the relationship between Kami and me. I want to start the promotion in advance, and there must be other news in the follow-up."

Shaking his head, Wayne never cared about these hype, not to mention Cameron Diaz didn\'t say anything bad about him, on the contrary, the whole article was "compliment".

"More than that!" The assistant handed over another magazine reluctantly, this time even Wayne felt embarrassed.

On the cover of the magazine "Premier" is a **** photo of Naomi Watts, and even the interview content inside is exactly the same as the magazine just now.

"Boss, you\'re going to be a friend of women, a lover of the masses! They\'re praising your technical abilities!" Nina rolled her eyes and started teasing without hesitation.

It seems that Naomi Watts starred in "Skinny Daddy", which was released earlier, and everyone started a plan to force the popularity. Now as long as you can relate to Wayne, there is absolutely no shortage of audiences to pay.

At this time, he felt fortunate in his heart, fortunately, Harry-Berry had been following him to promote the publicity, otherwise, it is estimated that this woman who was more cruel to herself might have said something to the media!

"Boss, sit down!" The partition panel in the front row was suddenly opened, and Sergey\'s voice came out. "The door is blocked by those **** paparazzi!"

After saying that, when the security guard who saw them coming back opened the door, he directly accelerated and rushed in. The extended version of the Rolls-Royce silver thorn makes him feel like he has driven a military off-road vehicle.

After the car entered the manor, these security guards trained by Sergey did not close the door, and just stared at the group of paparazzi reporters, as if waiting for them to come in.

The crowd, who had just been excited and carried long guns and short guns, immediately became honest. Looking at the strong men who are staring at them with malicious intentions in the door, none of these people are stupid, and they dare to take a step into this door. Those thugs who have returned from overseas battlefields will definitely shoot without hesitation.

Not only will their bosses not fire them, they may even get bonuses. The castle law is in North America, but it has never been abolished. Breaking into private territory is definitely a risky thing!

"This is CNN news channel, our reporter learned that after the Colorado movie theater shooting that shocked North America, Mr. Wayne Greenberg, the famous Hollywood director, on behalf of the entire crew and Warner Bros. production company, sent a message to the families of the victims. Provides a full range of life assistance.

He also promised the 27-year-old victim Sullivan\'s wife and daughter that he would set up a special account for Sullivan from the Greenberg Charitable Fund for all expenses before his youngest daughter graduated from college. Mr. Greenberg promised to take a portion of the profits from "Joker" to help all those who died in the hardships of life.

At the same time, the White House spokesperson issued a resolution on behalf of the commander-in-chief that the entire North America will mourning for the innocent people who died, flying their flags at half-mast for six days! "

In the Sony Columbia office, in addition to director Paul Turner, there are also Nora Ephron, a rare female director in Hollywood, as well as Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, "Sleepless in Seattle". " crew members.

Everyone was watching the CNN news channel\'s special report, and no one else mattered. Only Paul Turner was depressed and wanted to smash the TV. He now feels that he and the director must have had a grudge in his previous life. It has been so long since this summer vacation, and his competitor is still "Joker".

"The other party\'s action is too fast!" The unhappy look hung on his face without concealment. "Our film will be released next week, and it seems that the main opponent is this film!"

There are some things he can\'t say. Sony is an outsider after all, and many things are too disadvantageous to compare with Warner. Fortunately, "The Hero of the Mountains" has performed very strongly, and has won a box office of 70 million US dollars so far.

But when he thinks of "Sleepless in Seattle" that will be released next week, he wants to swear, and the two executives and book executives who were forcibly resigned, the movie schedules are simply amateurish.

There are three weeks between the two films of your own? This is not a way of taking over the box office. There is a high probability that there will be one winner and one loser and one loss. Normally, it would be right to line up early in the summer season.

"I think you think too much!"

Nora Ephron has been able to do well as a woman in Hollywood, where male hegemony is rampant, because of her strong market insight and clear mind.

She pointed to Tom Hanks and said: "We have Big Tom, and even if Joker can stick to next weekend, it\'s totally different from our audience. I\'m not worried about the movie\'s opening weekend, because I believe in Big Tom\'s box office. appeal.

What you\'re thinking about now, Paul, is Jurassic Park, which is coming out two weeks after us! The combination of Spielberg and the top bestseller, I have a hunch that the box office will not be lower than the "Joker" bomb! "

When I mention this Paul Turner, I want to smash the cup and resign. There is the "Joker" of the dark madman in front, and the "Jurassic Park" of the Jewish old man in the back! The two films I led were caught in the middle!

People who dare to underestimate Spielberg have not yet appeared in this circle! What\'s more, this is a masterpiece made by a good man for "Schindler\'s List", and it is clear that he wants to make money to subsidize that movie!

At this time, with a simple and honest face, Tom Hanks, who can give people a sense of trust at first glance, said: "I agree with Nora, our film and the audience of "Joker" are completely different, and now we have to worry about the back "Jurassic Park."

It is clear that "Jurassic Park" is a family favorite. As the best-selling book in Random House all year round, the fan base should not be too large.

And "Sleepless in Seattle" is essentially a comedy, UU reading www. The audiences of the two films of uukanshu.com obviously overlap, and this is their concern.

"According to the planned announcement plan, our plan remains unchanged." Gritting his teeth, Paul Turner looked at the superstar. "I believe Nora will add your box office appeal! I will contact Warner Bros. again to put pressure on the theater chain to reduce the scale of the "Legend of the Sand" screening."

After several people left, Paul Turner watched the chattering TV, reached out and rubbed his face hard. Suddenly, he picked up the ashtray on the table, and with a bang, he smashed it into the TV angrily.

"You **** lunatic! A lunatic who worships the dark!" After venting, he adjusted his expression, picked up the phone and dialed it out. After the secretary\'s transfer, he said:

"Thomas! I think we cooperated well last time, and next week can..."

At the same time, the impact of the shooting is still expanding. The overseas publicity team sent a message that various large-scale events of "Joker" in Paris have been canceled, and European countries have increased the security of the theaters at the same time!