Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and fifty-eight - the realistic version of the clown is coming

Wayne was thinking about it before the plane landed. Just as his parents would never tell him what happened in those years, they want to live a good life now.

Reuben, who likes collecting shotguns for hunting, and Anna, who likes cooking and Mary Sue TV series, all feel that their life is very happy and peaceful now, and they don\'t want to care about the old things of decades ago.

Wayne absolutely does not allow anyone to try to disrupt the peace of the farm. After much deliberation, it is estimated that it is because of the broken things of the year, so he wants to open a breakthrough from George Lucas. The bearded father of Star Wars admires himself so much that he might be able to ask something.

After the plane landed on the ground, several leading actors, including Nicolas Cage and Robert Deroni, went to wash their faces and put on make-up, ready to face the British media with the best image.

These journalists from the British Empire are not as easy to spend as their North American counterparts. From the moment they entered the airport lobby, countless tricky questions were thrown to the crew members.

"Fleet Street!" Taking advantage of the fact that the main actors were surrounded, Wayne, with his assistant and manager, deliberately fell behind and got into the car quietly. Now they\'re still surrounded in the hall, and the security doesn\'t work at all.

Taking advantage of the fact that no one noticed their director, a few people drove to the hotel first, and they all breathed a sigh of relief until they checked into the reserved suite.

Those reporters were crazy, and the questions they asked were few of them related to the film, and every sentence was inseparable from the gossip rumors of the crew. Before leaving the airport, Wayne heard a female reporter chasing Nicolas Cage and asking him about the contraband on his first day in the group...

"We should bring Sergey, boss!" The little assistant sincerely missed the Russian bear, but unfortunately he was put on vacation by the boss before leaving.

"He needs a vacation too, Nina. I remember you got a vacation too, but you can\'t do anything but walk the dog on the manor and watch TV!"

Facing Nina\'s emotion, Wayne disapproved and had a rare opportunity to give the driver and security guard a vacation. It\'s better to take the opportunity to let him rest for a few more days.

It\'s not bad to come to London at this time, and the fog is perfectly avoided, but the light rain of Lili Lala is unavoidable. As soon as they entered the hotel, they saw filaments floating outside the window.

Warner Bros. arranged the premiere of "Joker" tonight. At this time, it was too late to sleep, so Wayne sat at the window with a cup of black tea and watched the drizzle outside the window.

Such typical London-style weather, as in all British literary descriptions, gives people the illusion of going back to the last century.

"English literature? Ha!"

Putting the black tea on the small table on the balcony made him naturally think of the little wizard! Normally, Ms. Rowling should have started writing the Philosopher\'s Stone in 1989, and it will take a long time for this series of works to become famous.

But just thinking about it, Wayne is absolutely impossible to touch this matter. The explosion of the little wizard was created by Warner Brothers after acquiring the copyright and using the best distribution channels in the world. Personal ability is scum in front of this. .

It took Warner Bros. several years, starting with the bestseller lists in various countries, and slowly increasing its publicity over time, to create the familiar reputation of "Harry Potter".

Until this time, I started to adapt the book into a movie, and then there was an IP worth tens of billions.

This is not something that can be played by individuals at all. With such a large investment of resources and time, let alone a little wizard, if you change to another series of books, the ending should be no different.

"Boss, Jeff\'s phone!"

The phone call from the assistant interrupted Wayne\'s thoughts.

"Hi, Jeff. Any good news for me?" he said, picking up the phone and putting it in his ear, looking out the window at the drizzle.

"The big release this weekend is Disney\'s "The Witches Are Crazy," and 20th Century Fox\'s "Dreamless Heart." Jeff Robinoff\'s voice came on the other end of the phone.

Thinking back on these two films, he didn\'t even have the slightest impression. "What\'s wrong? Is it a threat to us?"

"How is it possible, I just had a phone call with Paul Knight from Columbia and started to pressure the theater company. No one can challenge the status of "Joker", at least not yet."

It\'s such a funny thing, two films that were rivals one week, start to join forces and start squeezing others the next week. The purpose of Jeff\'s phone call was not to talk about these release plans, but simply to connect feelings and test Wayne\'s attitude towards the next project.

Taking a sip of the black tea, Wayne said: "Okay. You are the professionals in these things, and it doesn\'t make much sense to tell me, Jeff. The weather in London is terrible, and I hope France can bring us some surprises. "

"It\'s the way it is, Wayne." The other party paused. "Then I\'ll be straight, I heard that George Lucas invited you to direct Star Wars?"

It suddenly dawned on him that Warner Bros. seemed nervous. "Yes, I\'m still thinking about it. You know how intensive the publicity schedule of "Joker" is, and I want to wait until it\'s over before considering whether to accept it or not.

I see what you mean, Jeff. I can tell you right now that Warner Bros. and I are pretty much tied together, and no surprise, Warner Bros. is still the producer and distributor of my new project! "

After hanging up, Wayne shook his head. No matter what his choice was, Warner Bros. would be the best partner. For Star Wars he tends not to take over, this series is a shortcut. It\'s also a huge sinkhole.

But it\'s still too early to make a decision. We have to wait until after we have talked about it. If Lucasfilm is willing to throw money at him and offer him a 20+25 global share contract, Wayne really doesn\'t care. Mind rewriting the prequel trilogy...

As time went on, the crew\'s overseas promotion was relatively smooth, and the UK premiere was very successful, which is the second largest Hollywood ticket warehouse outside North America.

This also started the overseas screening tour of "Joker". Every place the crew went, it would cause huge repercussions. Just like the performance of this film in North America, it was popular in dozens of countries.

Just when the crew was promoting a country in Europe, the North American theater market continued to experience the ravages of "Joker".

In its second weekend of release, the film saw a strong rebound on Friday, taking in $16.9 million. The box office continued to rise Saturday, closing at $22.13 million and Sunday at $16.81 million, a healthy downward trajectory.

In the second weekend, the film once again won 55.84 million US dollars and won the second consecutive weekend box office champion, with a total box office of 184.54 million US dollars, which has already ranked first in the 1993 annual box office.

Ranked second this week is "The Legend of the Mountain", which won $16.78 million. The joint pressure of Sony Columbia and Warner Bros. greatly squeezed Disney\'s "Witches Are Crazy" and Fox\'s "Dream Chasing". Innocent Heart", the two films ranked third and fourth, with $9.87 million and $7.56 million respectively.

"Joker" not only continued to swept the North American theater market, but it was screened overseas in the first weekend, causing a movie viewing craze in various countries.

The UK\'s first weekend box office was the best, with $30.8 million, successfully topping the British Isles box office. The book is 17.77 million US dollars, France 19.8 million US dollars, Mexico 18.7 million US dollars, South Korea 17.45 million US dollars, Russia, Italy, Spain, Australia, Brazil, etc. all exceeded 10 million US dollars...

According to a rough calculation by the overseas distribution department of Warner Bros., "Joker" has achieved a box office of more than 190 million US dollars in more than 50 countries and regions in the world in its first weekend.

The explosive box office results have caused this alternative Hollywood blockbuster to spark social discussions in more than 50 countries and regions.

Even the crew members who are being promoted in various countries can clearly feel that the "Joker" is getting bigger and bigger, and the fans and media who come to greet it are getting more and more enthusiastic.

And just when the film came to the third weekend in North American theaters, a video of the premiere of "Joker" in which director Wayne Greenberg flew and hugged black fans suddenly appeared in various TV media.

This was Warner Bros.\' last large-scale publicity program in North America, and the results were surprisingly good. Since the broadcast of this ten-second video, the already flat market performance has ushered in a big rebound.

Following the four-day working day, which made $8.34 million, $6.97 million, $4.91 million, and $4.2 million, the film once again won $8.58 million on Friday.

It continued to sweep the market on Saturday and Sunday, taking $12.44 million and $8.22 million in the third weekend after the summer release. With a score of 29.24 million US dollars, it won the third consecutive weekend box office champion.

At this time, the film\'s North American box office was as high as 238.2 million US dollars. The media directly called the wolf. Now this film is the fastest film in film history to break 100 million US dollars, and the fastest to break 200 million US dollars. The film that holds the highest first-week box office record, and the highest R-rated film\'s first-week box-office record holder.

Everything is as expected by Warner Bros. and Wayne. In terms of social impact, the film has surpassed many of its predecessors, and the impact has been perfectly translated into box office numbers.

And just when the film was released in three weeks and the global box office reached 500 million US dollars, a breaking news event, a call from Warner Bros. caused Wayne to abandon the publicity team and rush back to North America from Spain on a chartered flight.

The atmosphere on the plane was extremely dull, and only Jimmy\'s voice kept ringing.

"On May 31, 1993, in a theater where "Joker" was being screened in Aurora, Colorado, a maniac wearing a clown mask, holding an AR rifle that he had converted into a fully automatic, shot into the Aurora Mall theater The fans who were watching the movie launched a crazy shooting, and he was still laughing while shooting..."

"His marksmanship is not very good, but he threw a tear gas canister into the crowd before shooting...