Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and eighty-six - a fool would take the media group seriously.

With "Schindler\'s List" in place, Wayne will never have the slightest illusion that any director who encounters this year\'s Steven Spielberg will bow his proud head.

In terms of commercial achievements, the Jewish old man has "Jurassic Park", the No. 1 box office in North America, and "Schindler\'s List" is a big killer for all Jews.

Hollywood or the industries related to the media industry, the controllers and most executives and practitioners in North America are composed of this group. This is a fact that everyone acquiesces.

"So, Luke, don\'t have any illusions about this." Wayne picked up the director\'s notebook and began planning the afternoon\'s shooting. "Warner Bros.\'s promotion is for the offline distribution of "Joker", and we must not take it seriously."

With the publicity resources of Warner Bros. and Time Warner, does Wayne have a chance of winning the statue? Absolutely, but anyone with a discerning eye can understand that the chance is definitely less than 10%, which requires Warner Bros. to mobilize all public relations resources.

The truth of the matter is so cruel, Wayne is too young, although he is also a so-called "own man", but compared with Spielberg, he is obviously disadvantaged.

And in the Jewish circle, everyone has a consensus that Wayne belongs to the future, and he will definitely have a golden statue of his own. It depends on whether he is willing to make an Oscar "homework" after a few years and so on. ".

The purpose of Warner Bros. is also very obvious. If there is no hope, it will follow the plan, get more nominations, and take the opportunity to release video tapes, sell TV rights, and sell various licenses to make money.

As usual, Zack Snyder took the shots in the afternoon shooting, and Wayne hid behind the monitor, watching the crew work expressionlessly with a cigarette in his mouth.

After the crew finishes work, go back to the hotel and watch the scenery with Naomi Watts, or simply hide in the room and don\'t come out, look for the memory of when you were in the small apartment, and roll the sheets all night.

Time passed slowly, and the Australian beauty returned to North America in mid-November. After participating in the premiere of "Skinny Daddy", the crew started a busy publicity campaign and began to fly around the United States.

As soon as the film "Skinny Daddy" was released, just as Wayne expected, it dominated the November schedule and earned more than $65 million in the first weekend, easily winning the weekend box office rankings.

Chris Columbus\'s family fun, especially the younger family fun movies, has always been bought by fans. Wayne has always felt that this director is one of the most underrated commercial film directors.

It seems that for the little wizard after Warner Bros., it is the safest way to invite him in the opening work.

The filming progress of "The Clown\'s Soul" is very smooth, which is related to Wayne\'s low requirements and the skillful cooperation of the crew. When the first snow came in December, they had finished about a quarter of the filming. For the third lens material, Wayne is sure to finish the shooting as soon as possible and complete the shooting of all the lens material.

"Clear the field now, everyone backs up, keep quiet!"

Looking at the dead body of the prop hanging in the hole, Wayne personally took the megaphone and directed the work of the crew. "Robert, the main camera is following Li Guohao, and the medium shot has been filming. We need to widen the fight. Tom, you three cameras are aimed at the children, and close-up shots are taken!"

This week, the props team has been busy arranging this venue, which is where the children mustered up their courage to fight the clown. Especially the hanging corpses, one by one, are so lifelike that they make people sweat.

After two months of getting acquainted with each other, several children also have a tacit understanding. In the face of more than a dozen cameras flying up and down, there is no initial tense feeling, which is one of the biggest gains.

These little actors have not been regarded as basically qualified actors until now. Although they will make some stupid mistakes from time to time, they have already understood what filming is all about.

After getting a signal from Luke Simmons, Wayne yelled into the loudspeaker again: "Everyone who is not involved backs up, keep quiet for me, Robert, pay attention to the main camera angle!"

When the scene was all ready and the cave was quiet enough, Wayne announced the start of filming.

Faced with the fear of the clown, several young actors raised their courage and began to show their solidarity, and began to fight the clown together.

Each of the seven teenagers has their own fears in their hearts. When the fear appears and the clown appears, they can finally face their fear and are willing to fight against it and overcome it.

The biggest significance of this drama is also here, which is the emotional point specially designed by Wayne. Here, the audience will face the horror illusion together with the teenagers. Whether it is the evil ghost in the painting, or the leper, the decapitated ghost, the ghost in the fire!

The audience that the teenagers see can also be seen systematically, and everything that the teenagers feel can also be felt by the audience.

After a series of terrifying bridges, the ones in the middle are not boring plots, terrifying for the sake of terror, but the real encounters of teenagers in their cruel youth.

Have you ever been alone without friends and suffered school violence by delinquent teenagers? Have you also encountered the morbid protection of your mother? Have you ever been despised by a cold and harsh father? Sexually abused by a perverted father?

Yes, Wayne\'s methods are not clever at all, and he still plays with empathy and empathy, especially in this scene, Chi Luoluo completely releases the audience\'s emotions.

This set of Wayne has been playing with perfection, from the accumulation of attempts from "Happy Death Day" to "Escape from the Dead", to the superb application in "Joker", all he has been doing is to draw the audience into the story through the camera Bring it into the plot and experience everything designed by yourself with the protagonist.

The public fans and the media are only surprised by the dark wind in his films, but ignore the real core of his filming, which has always been this way.

Wayne\'s films don\'t have big scenes and special effects, they are used to attract the audience\'s attention and stimulate their adrenaline and dopamine secretion, but they can always achieve high box office, relying on these.

"cut! This one is ok! Everyone rests."

Several teenagers and Li Guohao were pulled up by everyone in dismay, and the assistants brought them hot wet towels.

Li Guohao is different from those heartless children. He took a towel and didn\'t bother to wipe his face. He rushed to the monitor as soon as possible and watched the replay of the long shot with the director.

"This shot did a good job!" Wayne looked at the dedicated actor beside him, and said a rare compliment from his mouth.

Compared with those teenagers, Li Guohao understands the importance of this opportunity better. His characteristic is that he has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he can easily master those difficult movements. And very different from the impression, his acting skills are very good, it must be more than enough to play this clown.

"Thank you, Mr. Greenberg!" He forgot that he still had ferocious fangs in his mouth, and slammed closer to Wayne and nodded his thanks, which startled his director.

"Damn it!" As soon as Wayne looked up, he saw the terrifying fangs like weeds, which were definitely no more than ten centimeters away from his face. The sudden face-to-face appearance shocked him. "fxxk! Lee, get away from me!"



The filming went very smoothly, and everyone was in a good mood, especially seeing the Joker frightened the director of the ice cube face, which made everyone feel even better, and everyone was booing together.

Even the always-invisible production manager, Bruce Rosenblum, joked. "Lee, you will definitely be a hit in the United States with this film. You can actually scare the director of the film. This clown will definitely become a nightmare for many people!"

Surrounded by good-natured laughter, Wayne glanced at Li Guohao and sat back on the director\'s chair. But it didn\'t take long, Li Guohao, who had taken off his fangs this time, ran over again with a playful look on his face.

"Is something wrong?" Wayne asked angrily.

"Our competitors have a good show." He held a piece of "Los Angeles Times" in his hand and gleefully pointed to the headlines in the entertainment section. "I just discovered it, you see for yourself, it\'s so interesting."

"Oh?" Not only did Wayne feel strange, but Zach Snyder and Bruce Rosenblum also looked over curiously.

Taking over the newspaper that Li Guohao handed over, I saw that on the entertainment section, it was written in bold and enlarged:

"The Shawshank Redemption star Morgan Freeman\'s gentleman\'s shell is shattered!

Recently, the famous Hollywood "gentleman" Morgan Freeman is busy with the production of "The Shawshank Redemption", but he still hasn\'t forgotten to date his lover. Some reporters photographed the hotel where he was dating, but the true identity of the lover makes people Surprise!

It is reported that the girl who opened a hotel room with Morgan Freeman is his granddaughter! This distorted relationship that violates ethics was exposed, and the coat of this famous "gentleman" in Hollywood and even North America was peeled off in an instant, and was condemned by people from all walks of life..."

This explosive news was read from Wayne\'s mouth~www.novelhall.com~ and several people around were shocked. Even Director Greenberg, who was holding the newspaper, was stunned by this explosive news!

"This old **** really has nothing to do with his granddaughter?..."

Nina\'s jaw dropped in surprise, and she asked involuntarily.

Only Bruce Rosenblum was smiling and confident. This scene fell into Wayne\'s eyes, his eyes narrowed, and he asked in a low voice, "Warner Bros?"


Bruce Rosenblum is not just a production manager, he was a former executive of the distribution department, so he must know more.

He snorted and said, "Don\'t think that no one knows about the little tricks of the producers of The Shawshank Redemption. Those two **** from the child rights organization will not come to Canada for no reason! Think that the project of Warner Bros. Anyone can do something? Don\'t be silly, the media group wants to investigate whose scandal, isn\'t it too simple?!"