Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and eighty seven - Me Too

This interesting news made Wayne and others in Toronto, Canada feel a burst of sigh.

The North American public is very clear about the virtues of Hollywood stars. I am afraid that no matter the lower limit, everyone will take it as a surprise, but this incident has indeed touched the sensitive nerves of many people.

As Bruce Rosenblum said, it\'s just the beginning! Since Warner Bros. has made a move, it will never be a light-hearted exposure.

Wayne took the time to shoot the remaining shots in Hope Township, and wanted to get the few remaining real shots before the cold completely cooled down. After all, the weather in Canada in January makes it impossible to work outside at all.

But this does not affect their understanding of the progress of this matter. On the first day, it was only a good relationship newspaper, such as the "Los Angeles Times", "Los Angeles Daily Entertainment News", "Entertainment Weekly" and other entertainment panel reports. Two days things can not stop the car!

The first is Morgan Freeman\'s assistant, who was interviewed by the media, and she boldly shared her experience with the camera.

"I was the life assistant on this year\'s film "The Shawshank Redemption" starring Freeman. Freeman often touched me inappropriately and made comments about my body and clothes every day. He kept trying to lift my skirt and asked me Are you wearing underwear? Our fellow actor Alan Arkin told Freeman to stop, and Freeman was terrified and didn\'t know what to do."

And if there is one, there will be a second and a third. Another woman, who approached the reporter, also claimed to have been sexually harassed by Morgan Freeman.

"That\'s what I did on the set of Unforgiven, and my coworkers and I were sexually harassed by him many times. He did like to comment on our bodies, and we knew if he was coming over, we couldn\'t wear anything that would show our boobs. and hips! And don\'t wear anything that fits!"

This is just the beginning. In the CNN news report of Warner Bros., a commentary survey program was specially customized for this elegant African-American "gentleman".

The news first broke down his inappropriate behavior, including staring at women\'s breasts, massaging an intern\'s shoulders, asking a woman how she felt about sexual harassment, and asking women to run circles for him.

Of the 16 women who spoke to CNN, including the two women interviewed earlier, eight said they had been harassed, and the other eight witnessed Freeman\'s inappropriate behavior.

This is just all kinds of information a few days ago. When the "Shawshank Redemption" crew, and Castle Stone Pictures and CAA Brokerage Company started emergency public relations, a follow-up report from the "Los Angeles Times" detonated public opinion.

"A few days ago, our reporter reported on the ethical incident of Hollywood star Morgan Freeman. Recently, our reporter finally got in touch with the person involved, the granddaughter of this African-American star, Adina! She personally admitted the injustice with her grandfather. relationship, and explained that he was all tempted by huge pocket money..."

But this time, this report was not placed in the entertainment section, but in the social news section.

Subsequently, many TV stations followed up. In news programs, videos and recordings of Edina\'s interviews with reporters were released. The news instantly ignited public opinion and caused an uproar.

"Faced with allegations of sexual harassment by multiple women, veteran Hollywood star Morgan Freeman issued an apology through the media yesterday. "If someone feels uncomfortable or is not respected, I apologize to them, that\'s not my intention! Regarding my granddaughter Edina, it was purely our family conflict that led to that rebellious child talking nonsense, and I never had an unethical relationship with her! "..."Los Angeles Times"

"This old man is finished!"

Li Guohao let out a long sigh of relief and put down the newspaper in his hand. In just half a month, a group of crew members who were far away in Canada saw with their own eyes how a Hollywood star became discredited in a short period of time.

A "gentleman" with a very good reputation in the past, in just half a month, became a pervert that everyone spurned.

Looking up at the few people who were listening to him reading the newspaper, Li Guohao saw that the director was like nothing, talking softly about the film with Bruce Rosenblum with a cigarette in his mouth. He didn\'t take the news he just read to heart at all.

This situation has been going on for half a month, and the public opinion in North America is believed to have been turned upside down, but this young director has devoted himself to shooting. It seems that all this has nothing to do with the crew, as if Morgan Freeman and "The Shawshank Redemption" were condemned by the whole people, it was an accident...

This is the power of the media group, and this is the power that big capital wants to target a person!

"Is this Hollywood?" Li Guohao accidentally said what was in his heart.

"Lee, this is Hollywood!" Zach Snyder next to him said solemnly: ""Joker\'s Return" is not a crew of those small companies, you don\'t really think that others are targeting Wayne Greenberg, Warner Bros. and Time Warner will watch, right? He\'ll be taking a stake in the group soon!

Wayne meant so much to Warner Bros., and so did his crew. Of course, Hollywood is full of competition at any time. You can use normal and abnormal means to compete, but you must be prepared for your opponents to use these means too!

It\'s a pity that the old man has worked hard for 20 years. Maybe the cast of Castle Rock didn\'t expect that Warner Brothers would attack directly! "

Zach Snyder\'s words made Li Guohao better understand the cruelty of this circle. Just like Warner Bros., they will never target anyone, but when they want to target a person, no matter what their identity is, they can easily dig through your bottom line.

To be honest, is there a clean insider in the Hollywood circle? Li Guohao himself didn\'t believe it.

"Why, do you think this is the end?" Bruce Rosenblum sneered. "Then you underestimate Warner Bros., wait, when "The Shawshank Redemption" is released, it will be the time when the old black man is unlucky, are they the only ones who will find non-profit organizations?

Now if the crew thinks that they can pass by issuing an apology statement like this, they are really naive! At that time, there will be a women\'s rights organization that will take the old "gentleman" to court, and there is solid evidence! "

This time, it was not only Li Guohao, but all the people around him, except Wayne, had chills on their backs for a while.

Everyone understands one thing, Warner Bros. is going to kill a chicken and show it to a monkey!

In particular, Li Guohao was very touched. Of course, there is competition in this circle. If you want to avoid that kind of fierce competition, you can only work hard to improve your value and status, and become as successful as Wayne Greenberg.

At that time, even if someone wants to target you, you don\'t have to think about it yourself, and the interest group **** behind you will beat the other party to death!

The few people around suddenly had a deeper understanding of this icy game circle.

"What the hell!" The director\'s cry woke Li Guohao, and Wayne was sitting on the chair with a loudspeaker. "Don\'t want to end this **** work early? Move me all, if you don\'t want to keep freezing in this shit-like weather, move me all!"

The crew seemed to have suddenly come to life. There were not many scenes left, and all of them were scattered shots. Everyone knew that they would end their work tomorrow at the latest and return to Los Angeles, which is sunny all year round.

Wayne heard the conversation between his assistant director and the actor just now, word for word. In his heart, he even felt that the black old man had found a bargain. Now, facing the final result, he is nothing more than losing money and losing money again. These are all issues that can be settled out of court with money.

Even if he becomes a pauper, he will face the problem of going to prison for a few years at most. If he encounters a role that happens to suit him, he might be able to make a comeback. There are many such things in Hollywood.

If this kind of problem is put in 20 years, the fun will be great, and it is absolutely impossible for people to get away so easily. The #MeToo movement that the whole Hollywood seems to be hanging on, but it will really kill people.

"Zach, you lead the shoot, speed up these scattered shots, it\'s better to get all the issues today, and tomorrow we fly back to warm Los Angeles, this **** weather!"

Wayne was wearing gloves and a pencil to continue designing the concept map of "Batman", but the cold weather made the gloved fingers not obey.

Zach Snyder is already very familiar with this situation, as are the crew and actors. After the main scene was filmed almost a week ago, Wayne has not been in the mirror, and has been training his assistant director ability.

Wayne opened another book of his own, which recorded all the preparations for "Batman", even the assistant Nina could not touch it.

He turned straight to the middle, where a neat row of names was recorded. Bruce Wayne: (Vacant, alternative condition: able to enter the group six months in advance for training.)

Alfred: (First choice: Michael Caine. Alternatives: Several)

Katie Holmes: (Naomi Watts~www.novelhall.com~Alternatives: none)

Henry Duka: (First choice:)

Wayne thought for a while, but temporarily filled in Liam Neeson, a man who can\'t be messed with. This man is the existence that saves the world and saves the air. Uncle Neeson, who has not yet started to save his career, should not be expensive, right? ? Sign him a few more movie contracts if it suits you!

Lucius Fox: (…)

When he saw the name, he couldn\'t help but think, the old black man who just got bad luck, this "gentleman" is definitely not Wayne\'s choice.

Maybe you can consider getting the "mother-in-law \'kick\' man" in advance to try? Well, write it down, go back and let someone investigate this SHIELD Director.

"Boss!" Zach Snyder cried when he saw that he had been working with his head down.


"The filming is over, everyone is waiting for you to announce, and then we can close the screen!"