Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and eighty-five - you are the king of the world!

Not only Nikki Marvin thinks this way, but Morgan Freeman, who has always been an elegant old man, thinks the same.

To say how much I hate Wayne Greenberg, he really doesn\'t have those thoughts. The performance of this young director over the years is almost like a hang-up. This child in Morgan Freeman\'s eyes has accomplished what most people in Hollywood can hardly achieve in a lifetime in three movies.

For such a fast-rising character, it is the existence that the old school like him is the least willing to see. From their fame to their current status in the circle, which one has not spent most of their lives? But let a young man achieve the same achievement in three or five years, or this is not the end.

This is part of the emotions that exist in human nature. Even the friends around you will want you to have a good life, but they don\'t want you to have a good life.

In fact, Morgan Freeman did not say something. In his heart, he was full of absolute confidence in the film "The Shawshank Redemption", which was also the pinnacle of his acting career for so many years.

Just like the producer said, in the end, it depends on the film and the market to compare the winners and losers. He believes that this film will shock everyone, and he also believes that "The Shawshank Redemption" will easily overwhelm the horror film "Joker". .

Now he hopes that Warner Bros. will announce the release date earlier. No matter which weekend in September, it will be affected by "The Shawshank Redemption". He has this confidence that this film will become the representative work of his career.

Just after Wayne was discharged from the hospital and returned to the hotel, before he could learn about the situation of the crew, two African-American women from the North American Minor Protection Organization rushed to Hope City, Toronto.

After informing the crew, they immediately interviewed a few young actors. This matter was not communicated with the crew at all. They are a non-profit social organization, which made the two black women fearless.

But the result was not as bad as imagined. No children were implicated in this poisoning incident, which made it impossible for the two women to talk about it. In Warner Bros. executive Jeff Robinoff Under the protests, the crew finally started filming again after a week of suspension for investigation.

In the abandoned town of Hope, there are more than a dozen cameras of different heights surrounding a few children. They are preparing to jump into the water one by one. The sooner this scene is shot, the less suffering they will suffer. After all, the weather here is colder every day.

Farther away, outside the isolation circle of the crew, there are a large number of media reporters. After the poisoning incident, in addition to the news of the incident published in the Los Angeles Times, Wayne and the crew did not accept any media interviews until the crew resumed work a week later.

"The Clown Returns to the Soul, Scene 42, Act 3, start!"

With the "pop" of the game board, several children of the Losers Alliance thudded into the water and happily enjoyed their childhood.

The main purpose of this play is to show the beauty of boyhood. Everyone will have a period of boyhood before puberty. This period is a particularly beautiful memory in one\'s life.

Just like Stephen King\'s original book "", Wayne not only tried his best to stuff horror information into the film, but also showed the true beauty of youth through the simple performances of these children.

In fact, several children in the film are more or less, with the unfortunate side of life, but even after the horror and destruction, Wayne will not let this become a cruel story of youth.

Those who have watched the film will find that this is a journey to regain the beautiful elements of youth.

"OK! This one is over!"

It didn\'t take long, when the scene was called out by Wayne, several employees of the props team hurriedly wrapped the children with thick coats.

After a long-shot scene was filmed, the crew entered a break. Wayne carefully watched the replay of the finished footage, stood by the monitor with coffee, and observed Zach Snyder directing the props and the set crew for the next one. Preparing for the game.

"We haven\'t been interviewed? Will those reporters always surround the crew?" Li Guohao, dressed in a clown costume, walked over to Wayne and looked at the reporters in the distance worriedly. "This will definitely have an impact on the shooting."

"No." As if he hadn\'t seen those people, Wayne took a sip of his coffee. "Those people who don\'t get what they want for a long time will leave by themselves. We can\'t let this matter continue to be hyped, and that will bring unpredictable effects."

"Wayne was right."

Bruce Rosenblum was also brought down before, but his condition was not serious and he recovered in less than a day. "When this ghost place enters winter, it will snow someday. We must hurry up to complete the shooting task, and it is right to be silent to the media."

"Congratulations, Wayne." This is the main purpose of Li Guohao\'s coming here, just to congratulate the other party. Although many people in the crew have already said this sentence today, he still hopes to say it again in person.

"You\'re already number one in the world, Wayne, it\'s like a miracle!"

After entering November 1993, there were less than 150 theaters in North America still showing "Joker". In the past six months, the North American box office finally managed to reach 350 million US dollars, second only to Spielberg\'s "Jurassic". The Park\'s 357 million, ranking second in North American box office history.

At the same time, it maintains the record of the fastest film exceeding 100 million US dollars, the fastest film exceeding 200 million US dollars, the fastest film exceeding 300 million US dollars, the highest R-rated film at the box office, and the highest box office in the first week.

Contrary to the North American box office, overseas screenings have always been ahead of "Jurassic Park". Just yesterday, according to the news released by Warner Bros.\'s media, the global box office of "Joker" successfully exceeded 1 billion US dollars.

Under the circumstance that the global screening is very good, "Joker" is the first to exceed 900 million US dollars in people\'s expectations, which is nothing, "Jurassic Park" also exceeded 900 million US dollars, but "Joker" is the world\'s first film to break the $1 billion mark.

At the same time, it is also ranked first in the global box office list and the first position in film history. Is there any hope for the follow-up "Jurassic Park" to surpass it, Steven Spielberg and the producer Universal Pictures, both expressed in interviews Not much hope.

This is the first film in film history to exceed 1 billion US dollars worldwide, and it is also the first time that more than 80 countries around the world have experienced the horror of the Hollywood film industry.

The reason why the media surrounding the crew was reluctant to go is largely because they hoped to interview Wayne.

The film itself belongs to a non-realistic theme. Everything is fictionalized by Wayne based on the DC world. Warner Bros. did not plan to achieve anything in the awards, but when the film box office exceeded 1 billion US dollars, let this situation , became confusing again.

"Joker" is not lacking in topicality as soon as it is released, and its social attributes are all full. Even if this film is released 20 years later, it will be the most influential and inciting group on society. The in-depth excavation of the characters is even more in line with the taste of the old men in the academy.

This forced Warner Bros. to change its strategy. Before entering 1994, when it announced the box office yesterday, it announced that it would declare multiple Oscar awards for "Joker".

It\'s hard to say whether it will win the award in the end, but it is undeniable that as long as Warner Bros. pay attention to public relations, a series of nominations are indispensable.

Now North American media film critics and even the general public are looking forward to the awards season, and they all want to know if the old men in the academy will break the most non-realistic film awards because of the unprecedented box office success of "Joker". A good director\'s routine for the Golden Man.

It\'s not that there is no hope. Except that "Joker" is not a realistic film, everything is very in line with the artistic aesthetics of the academic school. Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of this film is that the box office is too high. Oscar never likes high box office. Movies, they feel that the commercial attributes of such movies are too strong...

After the shooting in the morning, this short shot of a few children playing in the water was successfully filmed, and all the staff withdrew back to the town.

On Wayne\'s director\'s trailer, everyone who just had lunch is also discussing the Oscar trip about "Joker". The biggest debate among them is whether the Academy will watch Wayne and "Joker" for Hollywood. He made an exception and gave him a golden statue.

"What do you think, Wayne." Luke Simmons had been arguing with Zach Snyder for a while, took a sip of his coffee, and turned his attention to the real master.

"I think with your use of "Joker" in many countries in the world, you have greatly promoted the influence of Hollywood films and promoted the Hollywood film industry. Those old men will also make an exception and give you an Oscar for best director statuette! "

Luke Simmons is telling the truth, and everyone in the car agrees. I am afraid that all Hollywood practitioners will admit that in promoting the influence of Hollywood movies to the world, the relevant people in the circle should thank Wayne.

But no matter how excited they were and how heated the discussion, Luke Simmons even took the newspaper ~www.novelhall.com~ to read the critics for Zack Snyder and Bruce Rosenblum.

All of this seems to have nothing to do with Wayne, there is never an excited expression on his face, and he is not excited because of this, which is obviously abnormal.

"Don\'t think too much, Luke, don\'t take it seriously no matter how hot the outside media is talking about it!"

Halfway through, Nina saw what her boss was looking for in the car, she rolled her eyes, took a pack of Marlboros from her bag, and handed it to him.

Skillfully opened it and lit one, and after puffing out a puff of smoke, Wayne continued: "If it were placed in the first two years or the next two years, "Joker" may be able to rely on social incitement and return the merits you said, Let the old men be willing to make an exception for me, but this year, it is completely impossible!"



Several people asked together.

""Schindler\'s List"!!"