Hollywood Drawing

~: Ninety-nine - the assistant director flew away

Colin Howard has also tasted the sweetness. During this time, he watched the stock prices of Internet companies rise like crazy, even if these companies have no profitability or profit model at all.

"Wayne, the most powerful myths about making wealth now all come from Internet companies." Colin Howard had a longing look on his face, and his tone was full of envy.

"These Internet companies, even if they have only one concept, dare to go public and make money. And most of them have achieved good results. Now those investors are very keen to invest in stocks with this concept."

"We only buy Microsoft and Oracle, Colin!" Wayne doesn\'t believe in things beyond his memory. Since there are safer options, why take the risk. "It\'s like an extra-large balloon being inflated, and all the investors are filling it together until one day..."


"On the Twin Towers in New York, dumplings will be dropped again!"

Wayne\'s description is very vivid. It has not been two years since the last dumpling.

"It\'s just that these two stocks are hot stocks, and the buying speed will be very slow." Colin Howard picked up the water on the table, raised his head and took a sip. His boss\'s speed of making money also made him dry.

"We are not in a hurry and buy slowly. My first goal of investing is to preserve value and take risks to gain greater returns. It has nothing to do with us."

Warner Bros. was able to settle his share so happily, which definitely gave Wayne a surprise. You must know that the film industry has a long time to collect money, and the production company has a long time to recover its investment, and it will take longer for them to pay the director a share.

Generally speaking, a film can be paid off within a year after the film is released, even if it has a conscience.

It\'s not uncommon for longer periods of time, and in the end, there are many malicious defaulters and refusal to pay remuneration. Peter Jackson, the fat man in New Zealand, made a new line several times because of the director\'s salary for The Lord of the Rings.

Warner will happily pay Wayne\'s director share within half a year of the film\'s second release. This is also a kind of sincerity and attitude. After all, the willingness of the two sides to cooperate is still very strong, and it is in the honey snow stage.

"Boss, your phone!"

Before the car returned to Beverly, Nina received a phone call with a weird face, and after listening to it, she handed it to Wayne.

"Who?" Looking at the expression on her face, Wayne obviously had a hint of playfulness. After taking the phone and putting it to his ear, a sweet voice came from the opposite side.

"Wayne, are you busy? Can you come to your house as a guest?"

"Cameron Diaz?" Wayne asked suspiciously.

The opposite side obviously paused, and then said, "It\'s me. You haven\'t contacted me for a while, so you won\'t forget me, right?"

"How is it possible, Greenberg Manor welcomes you as a guest at any time, where are you? Do you want me to pick you up?" Thinking of this passionate and unrestrained hot girl, Wayne\'s mouth slowly turned up.

"I thought of a new trick again, you\'ll like it! Don\'t pick me up, I\'ll drive over by myself."

"That\'s it, bye..."

Hanging up the phone, Wayne looked at the people in the car, pretending that he didn\'t hear anything, and looked at the things in his hands.

He shrugged helplessly. The current phone basically can\'t achieve the radio effect, and if you get a little closer, you can hear it.

"Ok, Jimmy, please help me contact Luke and Steve in advance to get them ready. New projects may start preparatory work at any time."

Obviously, talking about business is the best way to cover up a little embarrassment. He guessed that these people in the car know the joke of "sugardaddy".

As for his private life, Wayne has nothing to hide. He doesn\'t have a family, let alone any moral issues. Most media give him nicknames like "Playboy" and "Sugar Daddy".

Hollywood\'s private life is chaotic, and even more corrupt. Compared with them, Wayne is simply like a white lotus.

Speaking of the question of the core team, Jimmy patted his thigh and said:

"You have to find a new assistant director."

"What?" He didn\'t quite understand the agent\'s words.

"Luke may not be able to participate in your new project. The success of the first two films is not only recognized by Hollywood for yourself, but also for Luke."

Jimmy explained to him patiently. "Harbour Entertainment has a small-budget horror film and invited him to be the director. It is estimated that the preparations are almost finished now, and it will start shooting soon."

Wayne suddenly remembered Luke Simmons. He studied silently during the work of the first two films, and he kept his notebook in his hands every day. From the director\'s arrangement of the shooting plan to the concept of post-production, he was working hard. Absorb everything you see.

His efforts finally paid off, and he had the opportunity to direct. It\'s a common thing in Hollywood, no one wants to be a participant all the time, most people are trying to be a leader.

"Are there any other candidates to recommend?" The first assistant director who suddenly lost the tacit understanding of cooperation, Wayne immediately thought of finding a replacement. The most important thing here is talent, he just wanted to find an assistant director that fits his production philosophy. May need to touch slowly.

"Let\'s go in." The car turned into the manor, and several people walked into the living room of the main building together.

Losing the core team members who work well with me is a big deal, especially when the new project is very complicated.

You must know that Luke Simmons has never been a simple assistant director. He is like a big butler of the crew, and he also has the job of coordinating the crew. He is also a lubricant for himself, the director and the staff, to avoid communication problems.

As far as organizational skills are concerned, Luke is a genius. His affinity allows him to communicate smoothly with any type of work on the crew.

What I want to emphasize is that Luke was able to suppress all his inspirations to match Wayne\'s production concept. I don\'t know if a successor like this would be able to do it.

Wayne was sitting on the sofa, habitually holding a cigarette in his mouth, and lightly lit it with his left hand on the coffee table.

"Jimmy, the assistant director thing needs to be released as soon as possible. Help me release the news and see if there is a suitable one for me. This is different from other positions. I need to communicate with him about the shooting concept in advance."

Wayne was thinking and talking. After spitting out a mouthful of blue smoke, he continued: "This preparation is different from the past, the second, third, and even the fourth assistant director can be from Warner Bros. The first assistant director must be similar to my philosophy. .

When the film officially starts shooting, the crew will be much larger than the first two crew members. Someone must help me control the crew. I don\'t want to, nor can I put my energy into the struggle for power and resolving various personnel conflicts! "

"I will release the news as soon as possible and keep an eye on this matter." Jimmy understood his concerns. Warner\'s side will pass the review and start negotiations with the project planner (Wayne), and some things must be done ahead.

If it is still the same as the last project, with a production cost of several million dollars, Wayne is sure to take full control of the film. Both he and Warner understand that this level of investment is difficult to lose even if you want to.

But the investment this time is tens of millions of dollars. This is a Hollywood first-line production. The composition of the crew will never be simple, and it is impossible for the director to have the final say in everything.

The only two points he can fight for now are the first is to serve as a producer, and the second is to promote the second cooperation with John Gray.

As long as the first production manager is still John Gray, then you can let go of most of your heart. This person has a very good character. As long as it is good for the work, there will never be any producer authority on the crew.

"Talk about it, I have to rush back to Burbank to see if the company has any suitable candidates to recommend." Jimmy nodded to Colin Howard and Nina, and got up to go first.

Under the current circumstances, he, the agent in charge of Wayne Films\' production, was the busiest time. He could not be free until the contract with the production company was negotiated and the film was officially prepared.

Jimmy\'s office has been moved to the second floor of CAA. This is the greatest affirmation of his busy work. If Wayne continues to succeed as always, Jimmy is not without ambitions for the position of partner.

Colin Howard just took out all the documents, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com hadn\'t started explaining to Wayne the benefits of this period, Jimmy walked in with a sullen face again and followed Hela.

"What\'s wrong?"

Wayne and Colin raised their heads together and looked at them.

Hela walked up to her boss and whispered, "There is a guest who claims to be Alvin Martin from CAA."

He looked at his assistant and asked, "Did you say hello in advance?"

"No, at least I didn\'t say hello." Nina said with certainty without flipping through the record book.

"But..." Nina glanced at Jimmy before continuing: "Alvin Martin, one of the CAA giants, a partner, one of the earliest brokers when Michael Ovitz founded the CAA brokerage company. "

"Then what happened?"

"He and Jimmy\'s boss, Wright Lauder, are not of the same faction. It can be said that they are incompatible with each other." Nina glanced at her data book and whispered.

In this way, Wayne understands that no large company can be monolithic, and sometimes the intensity of internal struggles within the company is more intense than that of competitors.

"Invite him in, Hela." In fact, it\'s not hard to guess the purpose of the other party\'s visit. "Sit down, Jimmy, what have you to worry about? Don\'t forget, we\'re friends, the others aren\'t."

Jimmy nodded, and sat aside with an ugly face, staring at the middle-aged white man who came in at the door.

Irvin Martin is about forty or fifty years old. He looks mature and capable in a dark suit. The smile on his face is very easy to leave a good impression.

This kind of agent, who has been trained for many years, has its own set of ways to get along with star directors, which not only makes you feel comfortable, but also highlights your abilities.