Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred - I'm too young

Irwin-Martin directly ignored Jimmy\'s disgusted gaze, and with a decent smile, he stretched out his right hand.

"Hello, Director Greenberg! I\'m sorry, I should say hello in advance and visit again." He shook hands with Wayne and shook it gently. "It happened that I happened to pass by here, so I came to try my luck."

His words almost amused Jimmy, passing by? Greenberg Manor can be said to be at the end of Mulholland Road, the highest point of Beverly Park. Where are you going from here? Jump off a cliff?

Wayne also praised in his heart, \'Interesting\'.

"Hello, Mr. Martin, sit down. If you have something to say, I\'m here..." He pointed to Colin Howard and the stack of documents on the coffee table.

Alvin-Martin glanced at everyone in the room, sat opposite Wayne, and silently observed his attitude.


Taking a cup of coffee brought to him by Hela, Alvin Martin opened his mouth and went straight to the subject.

"I\'ve read the script of your new project, you know..." He reached out and drew a circle, indicating that there are no secrets in this circle. "If you would like to hand it over to CAA for packaging and production, I can assure you that preparations can be started within half a month at the earliest!"

Wayne was listening happily at first, but when he mentioned the packing service, his eyes narrowed immediately. "Mr. Martin, Warner Bros. has not been approved, it is too early to say."

"They\'ll pass, because you\'re Wayne Greenberg!" Alvin Martin licked his lips and complimented him, his words changed again. "Even if they fail the audit, CAA can help you find other investment channels and distribution channels!"

Looking at the other party\'s sworn expression, full of self-confidence, Wayne got tired of it for a while.

"Speak straight." Wayne didn\'t want to go down in the ink, there was no room for discussion on this matter. "Mr. Martin, I signed a contract with CAA\'s agent, and I have no idea of ​​changing, and I am not interested in the packaging service you provide!"

What is the packaging service? To put it nicely, it is a full-scale service for the convenience of directors and producers. To put it badly, under this kind of service, all directors, actors, and crew members are puppets.

This kind of service can really save a lot of time. He also believes that CAA is fully capable of starting preparatory work quickly and with high quality, and prepares all the crew types and actors needed for the film.

But these are the opposite of Wayne\'s production philosophy. Why did he set up a core production team? It\'s not because he didn\'t want to be disturbed and separated from power when shooting.

"Director Greenberg, don\'t you want to hear about the conditions we can offer?" Ivan Martin is still making his last efforts, and there is a glimmer of hope that he is not willing to give up.

"No, I\'m still busy, let\'s talk next time." Wayne stood up and extended his hand.

The development of things obviously exceeded Iwen-Martin\'s expectations, but he was also a decent person. Although his expression was full of stiffness for a moment, he shook hands with Wayne, turned and left the living room, and walked out the door.

Wayne looked at his back and didn\'t want to listen to the other party\'s conditions. Irwin Martin\'s purpose is obvious, to pull himself to their side through better conditions, so as to not only fight against competitors within the company, but also to promote packaging services to Warner Bros.

Don\'t think what he said is nice, if he really agrees to his conditions, the main purpose is to use himself to put pressure on Warner Bros. to implement their group\'s packaging service.

"Maybe you should listen to the conditions he gave you!" Jimmy would resume his smile, with obvious ease in his tone. "That\'s definitely a condition that people can\'t refuse, otherwise he wouldn\'t be able to come directly to the door with confidence."

"Jimmy, go get busy, I can\'t be a puppet."

In this sentence, Wayne shows his attitude. He needs the service of the agent, but it is absolutely impossible for the agent to control his work.

Now he is very satisfied with Jimmy and his boss. They belong to the more moderate type of brokers. All their work is to serve clients and help clients plan their careers.

And Irving Martin, who came from that manager, the emperor Michael Ovitz, and even inherited that strong style, will never get the slightest favor from Wayne.

He can guess what he will get by joining the other party. There must be some of them. They will change their position in front of the film company, from a disadvantaged group to an existence that can have almost equal dialogue.

Although I am a disadvantaged group in front of Warner Bros., Warner Bros. is different from them. The two parties are purely business cooperation, and there is absolutely no intention to control myself as a director.

"You don\'t know what you missed." Jimmy walked to the door, but couldn\'t help but turn around and said something. "It\'s Oscar, Wayne, that\'s their biggest condition and the biggest source of confidence for Alvin Martin."

After speaking, Jimmy walked out. Why did he look ugly? Just because he guessed their conditions. Is there any director or actor in Hollywood who can resist the temptation of Oscar?

Wayne shook his head with a smile. With his own IQ, couldn\'t he guess? That\'s why I don\'t let Alvin Martin speak.

"Let\'s continue, Colin." Wayne pointed to the documents. "You don\'t have to explain it to me in detail, I don\'t understand it, just tell me how much money I made."

Colin Howard was stunned for a moment, then picked up a piece of printer paper and couldn\'t help but look up and ask him, "Is what Jimmy said true? That person can really make you go to the Oscars?"

Looking at the accountant burning the fire of gossip, even Nina on the side was full of curiosity. Raising his eyebrows, he touched a cigarette and lit one.

"They do have this ability. If CAA does its best to lobby those judges and film critics, they can indeed make me a candidate for some awards."

Speaking of which, he couldn\'t help showing a mocking smile. "But I\'m too young, this is a fact that no one can change. Will those old men in the academy give that golden statue to a young man in his early twenties?

It\'s just to accumulate qualifications. What\'s more, the funds needed for all key research activities during the award period will definitely be provided by me. what is this? Want me to spend money on a qualification and get nothing? "

In this matter, apart from Wayne himself being extremely awake, even Jimmy was confused by Oscar\'s name.

"Okay, that\'s about it, Irvin Martin and the others want to seduce me with Oscar, and I\'m not naive!"

Nina and Colin Howard both showed expressions of sudden realization, and the accountant sighed.

"In the Hollywood circle, the water is too deep!"

Since Wayne handed over the funds to Colin, he hadn\'t cared any more, but these stocks didn\'t stop growing because of his indifference.

Microsoft and Oracle are both giants in the Internet. After Colin bought it, both companies have undergone one or two share splits, and then the stock price will be quickly pulled back.

The total value of the original shares with a total price of almost 10 million US dollars is more than 14 million US dollars according to today\'s market price. This is only a conservative estimate. If there is no rush to sell, the selling price can be increased by at least 10%.

This strengthened Wayne\'s idea. Most of the more than 20 million US dollars in Greenberg\'s studio will definitely continue to invest, even if the speed of buying these two stocks is relatively slow.

"Actually, you can consider other Internet companies, their stock prices have also risen..."

"Don\'t think about it, Colin!" Wayne interrupted his persuasion with a wave of his hand. Who would leave the off-the-shelf official uniform plug-in and not log in, and go to charge money to play some unsecured private server?

After sending Colin Howard away, Wayne put on loose clothes, brought two golden retrievers, and lay down together on the deck chair on the lawn.

The bright sunshine in California has given a large number of white people the habit of sunbathing. Many of them want to have wheat-colored skin, but after all, they are a minority.

Most of the Anglo-Saxon races will turn red when they encounter strong sunlight, like a steamed lobster.

Wayne likes to lie down here or on the third floor, but he doesn\'t like to sunbathe. He just greedily enjoys the scenery and the tranquility of emptying his head~www.novelhall.com~ For two years, he is like a clockwork wound up all the time. I\'m working hard, I can\'t wait to fall asleep thinking. Rest time is a luxury for Wayne, and he must seize this gap. As soon as the preliminary preparations begin, he will be surrounded by pressure and busy work.

For him on the Pacific side, what is the best way to release stress and relax? That\'s right, it\'s the girl who came in front of you.

Cameron Diaz is wearing an ordinary short-sleeved T-shirt and sky blue skinny jeans. Even such ordinary clothes can\'t hide her very attractive figure.

The most important thing is that face with a sweet smile, she didn\'t put too much makeup on, maybe only a little lipstick. This year, I have grown like this with pure nature. As long as I find a professional makeup artist to fiddle with it, I will definitely add 20 points to the big screen.

"Hi, Wayne." She greeted with a smile, picked up a glass of juice from the table, sat cross-legged beside Wayne, and the large reclining chair immediately made a "squeak" protest.

"Daddy! I hope those reports didn\'t cause you any trouble."

Hearing Cameron Diaz\'s naughty name, Wayne understood that she was referring to those gossip tabloids, which might not be without the woman factor. If he didn\'t say something, it didn\'t mean he didn\'t know.

No matter what way she uses to hype herself, at least she has gained some popularity. In this circle, actors are never afraid of being discussed by others, even if it is negative news, what they are most afraid of is that no one is talking about it.

Otherwise, Nicole Kidman would not have suffered successive failures in the movie after the divorce. Every time she appeared, she would have to give up her husband. Tom Cruise was whipped over and over again by her, and it became a matter of maintaining his own character and discussion. The best tool man.