Hollywood Drawing

~: Ninety Eight - Huge Income

In the Warner Bros. President\'s Office, several executives present looked at each other. Several people have long had a tacit understanding. Warner will definitely invest in this project. The main consideration is such a large production cost. Can the market accept the production of such an alternative film as his first two films.

As they discussed at the regular meeting, with Wayne\'s successful business achievements and million-dollar investment, Warner Bros. can even cast with his eyes closed. With his directing talent, there is no possibility of overturning at all.

But the cost of this project is tens of millions of dollars, and it is a large sum of money no matter the age of the money. Which company needs to invest so much money will seriously consider the gains and losses.

Jonathan Keller reached out and tapped the script on the table. "DC Comics will authorize your characters. If the film is officially prepared, we will send staff to participate in the production of the film."

"No problem!" Wayne nodded in agreement. "There are professionals from DC, if there is something wrong with the production of the film, we can communicate at any time."

This is also impossible. Since Wayne wants to use other people\'s cartoon characters, he has to accept their supervision.

He is very clear about the concerns of DC Comics. They are afraid that the film will be completely separated from the character setting and affect the company\'s revenue.

Kevin Tesuhara and Jeff Robinoff glanced at each other, and they both understood that the project was basically set, and even if there was still a review to be done, it was just a passing scene.

Everyone in the audience has seen the script. If Warner Bros. is unwilling to invest, just change the background setting of Arthur the Clown in the script, and it will immediately become another film.

This method is very common in Hollywood, and you don’t need to make too many plot changes. It’s very simple to change the name of the clown and change the background. It’s impossible for Warner Bros. to push the director to a competitor like 20th Century Fox. side.

"Director Greenberg, in addition to the $50 million investment, your plan also calls for shooting in New York?" Jeff Robinoff asked, squinting.

"Yes, everyone knows that New York is Gotham in reality, but this requires communication between Warners and the New York City government. If filming starts, there will be many scenes that need to be closed."

For this, Wayne obviously has some headaches, but New York is the best choice at the moment.

This world\'s financial capital, city of wealth, and an international metropolis composed of chaos and order is naturally suitable as the background of the film.

Wayne thought about it for a while, and then emphasized: "What is Gotham? My understanding is that this is a modern New York that magnifies all negative emotions and exaggerates. A metropolis that makes people at the bottom breathless, a glamorous surface. , but a rotten city that has rotted to its roots."

Jeff Robinoff frowned tightly. "Wayne, even if Warner Bros. came forward and communicated with the New York City government, they would definitely not let you close the road for a long time to shoot, there is New York!"

Of course he thought of this. If he couldn\'t follow the plan, he would have other plans.

"I\'m not a stubborn academic!" When Wayne heard the other party\'s tone, he knew that he had achieved his goal. "I\'m not a techie either, as long as it\'s good for the film, it doesn\'t matter whether the picture is shot on location or a model shot.

However, in the film\'s settings, there are many scenes that cannot be bypassed, and must be shot on location. For the remaining alternative shots, CG can be considered. "

After listening to his shooting plan, several people nodded their heads. As long as you don\'t have to be obsessed with shooting all the real scenes, there are many methods available, not only CG, but also many methods such as prop models.

"Warner will push the review of the film as soon as possible, you can go back and do some preparatory work in advance." Kevin Tesuhara said with a smile.

"We will notify your agent when the review is approved, and when your personal treatment issues are settled, Warner Bros. will hold a media meeting to announce the approval of the film."

These are unavoidable. Wayne is not the later James Cameron. Even if the later King of the World starts, he cannot avoid all media.

After the business was over, several people relaxed, and Wayne politely bid farewell.

"Director Greenberg, I\'m with you." When he went out, Jonathan Keller of DC Comics stopped him, walked over to him and whispered.

"Let\'s go down and have a chat alone."

The three went downstairs to the lounge area of ​​the Warner Building and sat down. Jonathan Keller looked at Wayne and said with a smile: "If this film can still be successful, you will become one of the most unusual first-line commercial film directors in Hollywood."

"I\'m just trying to do my job well." Wayne said modestly, thinking about the other party\'s purpose in his mind. As an executive, time is very precious, and he couldn\'t just want to chat a few words.

"Well, actually, I still have some doubts about the Joker project." Jonathan Keller stared into his eyes, trying to see through his true thoughts.

"I saw ambition in the film, not just ambition for the character Arthur, you left several foreshadowings in the script."

Wayne secretly sighed that the other party was indeed the head of DC Comics. He had already done something very covert, but he was still aware of it.

"You guessed it, there\'s nothing that can\'t be said. I hope that not only the Joker movie, but also the opportunity to make more DC comics characters in the future. Don\'t you think all your superheroes are very suitable for my style? ?"

Jonathan Keller recalled the superheroes and stories one by one, and was confused by his half-truth explanation. Wayne was right. All the characters and stories under DC are quite in line with the darkness of bitterness and hatred. style.

Regardless of Jonathan Keller sitting on the sofa thinking, Wayne saw the agent and the accountant go downstairs, greeted each other and got up and left.

"How\'s it going, are you all clear?" After the car started, Wayne began to care about his income.

Colin Howard took some documents out of his bag and pointed them to him. "Most of them have been checked clearly. There may be some shares stipulated by the director\'s union in the future, but that part is long-term income, and the proportion is very small."

The print on the document is clear and clear. The North American box office of "Get Out" is 165 million US dollars. Although there are still several remote theaters that have not yet released, those are meaningless, and the profits are all from the theater company.

The global box office has exceeded 300 million US dollars, but the overseas part has nothing to do with him.

According to the director contract signed with Warner Bros., if the box office of the film can reach ten times the production cost, which is 50 million US dollars, Wayne will receive 5% of the total box office in North America as an incentive share for the director\'s work.

The North American box office hit $100 million, 10 percent.

$150 million, fifteen percent...

Although Warner Bros. believed that he would be successful, it obviously did not expect the box office to explode so high.

So according to the signed contract, Wayne can get 15% of the film\'s total North American box office, which is a huge sum of 24.75 million US dollars.

This part of the income is stipulated to be dead. Except for filing tax returns before April 15 of the following year, he does not need to pay any extra cost.

"Look, Wayne, what a dazzling number." Jimmy flushed with excitement, waving his arms as he spoke.

He is the person who has the most reason to be happy besides Wayne. A large part of this income will be divided into the hands of Jimmy, which is much more than the salary paid to him by CAA.

"Tax avoidance, Jimmy, Colin!" Wayne was also very happy, but his first thought when he saw the money was distress. A problem that can never be avoided in North America is paying taxes. As a tax-resistant excess, only paying taxes and death is eternal.

With more than 20 million US dollars in cash, as long as he silently calculates the taxes to be paid, Wayne\'s distressed face twitches.

It has to be said that although his soul still bears the imprint of an oriental person, he has become a qualified Jewish capitalist.

"Colin, you need to help me register a charitable foundation as soon as possible~www.novelhall.com~Jimmy, you help him get this done as soon as possible."

There are many ways to legally avoid tax in North America, and the most effective one is charity, so almost all high-income groups in Hollywood have their own charitable foundations.

The practice of most celebrities is to pass the income to the account of the foundation, and for their usual food, clothing, housing, and transportation, all expenses also go to the account of the foundation. There\'s no way to check what\'s involved.

Of course Wayne will do the same. As long as the charitable foundation is registered, all his living expenses, including the manor\'s expenses, will go to the foundation\'s account.

Even if you really need to spend real money to do something, it is better than handing it over directly to the tax bureau, and at least you can get some reputation.

"The box office share will be credited to Greenberg Studios tomorrow by Warner Bros." Colin Howard said calmly. "I will register the charitable foundation as soon as possible, you won\'t worry about this."

Speaking of which, his role as an accountant and financial advisor is much more worry-free than his father\'s watching Howard. Much of his job is to keep an eye on Wayne\'s stock in New York without worrying about earnings.

Although this kind of work can\'t use his professional skills, who doesn\'t like a high-paying and comfortable job?

"Wayne, do you have a plan to use a lot of cash in the future?" Colin remembered the stock in his hand. Since he bought it, he, his own boss, hadn\'t cared about it.

"I suggest continuing to buy the stocks of Microsoft and Oracle, and other Internet companies can also consider. The market value of these two companies has been growing healthily, and now as long as the stocks related to the Internet are going up like crazy."

Colin\'s suggestion reminded Wayne that buying these two stocks is definitely the safest way to invest. He just needs to get out before the bubble bursts.