Hollywood Drawing

~: Ninety-four - Gudao Hot Sausage

Cameron Diaz sat in the back seat of a large Rolls-Royce, and everything in the car made her curious. The car is spacious, with a black leather sofa, a wine cabinet full of bottles, and even a small refrigerator.

This kind of arrangement full of capitalist luxury will give people a false sense of intoxication.

When the car turned into Mulholland Road, through the car window, she saw various mansions on the road, each of which had a different style, but when approached, they were all hidden behind deep trees and walls.

It happened that Greenberg Manor was at the highest point. From the entrance gate, the car passed through the huge garden and grass, and finally stopped on the small square with the fountain in front of the main building.

Cameron Diaz was still intoxicated even when she got out of the car, she kept shouting in her heart, this is the **** charm of money!

As soon as she got out of the car, she saw Wayne, just on the grass by the garden, there were two deck chairs under the huge parasol, he was lying on the deck chair with a glass of lemon juice in his hand, and the other chair was lying on his stomach Two lazy golden retrievers.

Looking down at her outfit, she was very confident before coming here, but her cheap dress made her feel out of place here.

Sergey smiled at her, pointed to the owner of the umbrella, and motioned for her to go over.


Cameron Diaz whispered and walked towards Wayne under the umbrella.

"Hey, Mr. Greenberg!" With a sweet smile, she came to the reclining chair and yelled at this young rich man, yes, the rich man. At this moment, no director, producer, etc., have no money this way. Made her feel deeply.

"Hi, Miss Diaz, you are so hot today!"

Wayne took off his sunglasses and looked at her figure carefully from top to bottom. A light blue low-cut skirt made her very sexy, with a sweet smile on her face, exuding a girl\'s unique youthful beauty.

Maybe it’s the precocious relationship between European and American girls. Their early twenties are their best years. As long as they are over 30 years old, their appearance will drop off a cliff, and Cameron Diaz is obviously at the best age. .

"Let\'s go in, what would you like to drink?" Wayne greeted her warmly. The woman\'s skills last time left a deep impression on him. It\'s just a pity that I couldn\'t communicate in depth, but today should be able to make up for the regret.

Rolling his eyes for a moment, Cameron Diaz took the initiative to lift the man\'s arm, and began to show his beauty intentionally or unintentionally.

"Anything with alcohol? I want to visit your wine cellar!"

"Of course, come on." Wayne felt the touch on his arm all the way, and praised inwardly, this **** deliberately didn\'t wear it!

He took her to the bottom wine cellar, chose a bottle of red wine at random, and then came to Wayne\'s favorite balcony on the third floor.

From the large balcony, you can see the panoramic view of Beverly at a glance, and even more than half of Los Angeles can be included in it. Everyone who comes here will be shocked by the beauty in front of them.

Naomi Watts is like this, Halle Berry is like this, obviously this girl is no exception, she is looking down at the mountain obsessively. "Oh my God, this place is so beautiful!"

"Here, the red wine you chose." Wayne poured the wine into two goblets and handed her a glass.

When the wine glasses collided, the girl\'s smile became even sweeter, and Cameron Diaz looked down after taking a gulp of red wine. "Good red wine needs to be paired with special dishes, which may be more intoxicating."

Wayne put down the bottle and sat on the lounge chair with the glass in hand. "How do you want me to cooperate?"

Cameron Diaz raised his face and licked his lips. "Just sit and drink."

He was very obedient, took a sip from his glass, and looked at Beverly Park in the distance. Cameron Diaz knelt to the ground and slowly crawled over.

She was very sure that this man liked this, and she was very sure from the reception that day.

After drinking the red wine in the glass in one gulp, Wayne looked at the two golden retrievers chasing on the grass and let out a sigh. "Mellon, I\'m very curious about one thing."

The girl raised her head and looked at him, because it was inconvenient to speak, her eyes revealed doubts.

"I\'m curious." Wayne looked at the girl. "Your neck is like an engine, do you have to put it on your waist?"

Cameron Diaz nodded hard with an eager expression.

It wasn\'t until after lunch time that Wayne walked out of the bathroom with this enthusiastic girl, ready to go downstairs to eat something to replenish his exhausted energy.

Cameron Diaz looked at the torn skirt and looked at him with some embarrassment. He couldn\'t go down in a bathrobe, right?

"Sweetheart, I\'m sorry, I\'m too rude, you are so charming!" Wayne patted his head, took the girl\'s hand and walked into the cloakroom.

"Here are some ladies\' clothes, you can make do with it, we\'ll buy you new ones after lunch!"

There are not many clothes for Wayne in the huge cloakroom, and two of the cabinets still have the clothes of Harry Berry and Naomi Watts, but this girl obviously did not dislike it, she took out a white skirt and His face was covered with pleasure.

When she came out of the cloakroom, she glanced at the custom-made clothes and toys on the bottom of the cabinet, and remembered that this man obviously had some special hobbies.

Sitting in the restaurant, Wayne was eating beef. Seeing that she only ate something like vegetable salad, he couldn\'t help but sigh. The model\'s good figure really came out of self-discipline.

"You\'re eating too little, sweetheart, you can try vegetarian bacon, it\'s not high in calories."

Seeing that she only ate half of the vegetable salad and put down the cutlery in her hand, Wayne couldn\'t help but say something.

"It\'s already a lot. My daily food is calculated by calorie calculation, which can fully provide the body\'s consumption." She watched the man eating beef, and she really wanted to eat unrestrainedly, but in order to maintain her figure, she still suppressed it. The idea of ​​continuing to eat.

Wayne shrugged and ignored her. After quickly destroying two large pieces of steak, he took two large sips of lemonade. "What\'s your plan for the afternoon? How about you tore up your clothes and take you to buy some new ones to compensate you?"

Seeing the girl nodding in surprise, Wayne asked Sergey to get the car ready and took her to the Avenue of Stars to buy clothes.

Since she came to Los Angeles to go to college, this girl is the most enthusiastic girl Wayne has met, and other girls are more or less different from her.

Cameron Diaz is very open, and his skills are very good, Gudao is warm!

After paying hundreds of thousands of dollars, Wayne sent Cameron Diaz back to her apartment, contentedly carrying a large bag. Before leaving, the enthusiastic girl quietly told him that as long as Wayne missed her, he could call her at any time.

As Wayne gradually devoted his energy to the new project, the girl was also forgotten by him. After the plan was completed, Jimmy immediately helped him submit it to Warner Bros.

Warners also attached great importance to his new projects. Wayne made a lot of money for them with a low-budget thriller. Such a successful director, no one will ignore his request.

After Jeff Robinoff read the project plan, he immediately asked Jonathan Keller, the president of DC Comics, to come to his office to discuss the feasibility of the project with him.

After Jonathan Keller curiously read the script, he was silent for a long time. Among Warner Bros.\'s signature movies, the most famous is DC\'s Batman series, but no one paid attention to other characters.

What\'s more, for such a villain, let\'s not talk about the quality of the script, it\'s just a big question whether the audience can accept such a movie against the trend.

And he knows a lot more about DC Comics than Jeff. The director\'s ambitions can be seen from the foreshadowing reserved in the film, but he is not going to say it. If the film can be a great success, it will make DC gets more attention at Warner.

"There is no problem with DC\'s authorization, but I want to talk to the director. This film reveals too many things. I want to see if he has the ability to make such a film."

Jeff raised his eyebrows, pointed to the plan beside the script and said, "This project will be discussed at the meeting on Monday, and the director needs a much larger investment this time than before~www.novelhall.com~ We need a comprehensive evaluation. There are risks in it, so come with you."

Such a film that covers almost all social issues in North America except for racial issues. Although there are no major action scenes, you can see that the investment in it is indispensable.

Jonathan Keller simulated a few scenarios in his mind and knew it would never be a small production.

"I\'ve seen "Get Out" directed by Greenberg." Jonathan Keller raised his hand and touched his chin. "Compared to his first two films, this project is clearly the one where he has invested the most in his personal style, and his ambition can be seen from the script alone.

He abandoned the funny scenes that appeared in his two films, and directly advanced the story with a deep, dark, twisted human nature. I don\'t know if you noticed, he even abandoned almost all the large-scale **** scenes. "

Yes, this is also what makes Jeff Robinoff most sigh. After this director has determined his dark production style, which will be accepted by the public, he immediately abandoned the humorous scenes he was not good at and focused on himself. advantage part.

"No, Jonathan, he did abandon humorous scenes, but the large-scale **** scenes were hidden, hidden in several points in the film."

Jeff opened the script and pointed to the places near the end, where Arthur murdered. "If these scenes were shot according to the script, the shock would be much more profound than the mad spray of ketchup."

Jonathan Keller thought for a moment. "Well, I hope to participate in the review of this project throughout the entire process. Batman\'s unsatisfactory several times have caused the audience to bring too much dissatisfaction to DC. I hope this film can reverse the public\'s perception of DC."