Hollywood Drawing

~: Ninety-three - new project

In addition to occasionally paying attention to the summer fights from the news, Wayne has also been thinking about new projects on the farm. This will be his first major investment film.

In July 1992, Wayne left his farm in Ventura County and returned to Los Angeles, where after a break, he couldn\'t wait to start a new job.

He was still young, and he had enough energy that Wayne didn\'t want to stop for a moment. Only by maintaining continuous success can his status in this circle continue to rise.

The Greenberg Manor has not changed from before he left. The housekeeper, Hela, is as reliable as ever, and arranges everything in the house in an orderly manner.

When Sergey parked the car in the small square in front of the main building, Wayne got out of the car and saw Hela and Jimmy waiting for him at the door.

"So early?" He and Jimmy hugged and walked into the living room together.

"Of course, how is your new project going?" Jimmy came to wait for him early in the morning, mainly because of the new project. Not only was Jimmy worried, but Warner Bros. was also more concerned.

"Warners called me a few times. They should have received the news that "Happy Death Day" 2 is going to start filming. They are afraid that you will drop the new project and go to direct that film."

Wayne took off his suit jacket, threw it to Hela, sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

"The new project was planned very early. There is no problem with the script. I have already made a note at the Screenwriters Guild. The plan will have to wait for two days, and I still need to ponder some areas."

Jimmy nodded, raised his hand and waved him, exhaling plumes of blue smoke. "You\'re getting more and more addicted to smoking. You have to control yourself. This thing is no less harmful than leaf smoke. Can I read the script first, this time is not a horror thriller, right?"

"Of course." Wayne pointed to Nina\'s briefcase, and the assistant took out a stack of printer paper and put it in front of Jimmy. "This film needs the authorization of DC. If you can\'t get it, you need to change a lot of settings, which is not worth the loss."

Jimmy picked up the script, turned to the first page, and mumbled softly.


There was only Jimmy\'s voice slowly turning the pages in the room. The script was very thick, which was very different from Wayne\'s first two projects, and the story was much more complicated, which made Jimmy feel a little dizzy.

After a cursory reading, he raised his head and glanced at his client with amazement. Then turn the script to the first page and read it again from the beginning.

It wasn\'t until half an hour later that Jimmy made a "huh" and let out a long breath.

"Wayne, do you have to step too far? This script is much more complicated than your first two films."

Seeing the agent\'s reaction, Wayne asked with great interest, "How is it? How do you feel after watching it?"

Jimmy narrowed his eyes, thinking back to the story. "I still have a lot of things I don\'t understand. From now on, the dramatic tension is so great that such a freak who is at the bottom of the society and is out of tune with the surrounding environment makes me feel inexplicably shivering."

Said he shook his head. "I can\'t comment on such a script. There are too many elements in it. Almost all the dark sides of North American society are deeply depicted, except for racial issues. It\'s too people..."

"Hey, hey! Jimmy!" Wayne interrupted his emotion and tapped the script on the table with his finger. "Don\'t over-complicate things, this is a film. Do you think if the project was handed over to Warner Bros., would they let DC license it?"

Jimmy raised his hands and searched his face vigorously, then glanced at the thick script on the table with complicated eyes. "As long as you impress them, authorization is definitely not a problem. I\'m just afraid that you are going too far. There is no director for this kind of film, so you dare to do it easily."

You don\'t have to think about the final film. Jimmy just read the script and was deeply touched. Such a movie with a villain as the protagonist has almost never appeared in this era.

Hollywood now has dozens of ticket warehouses in North America and overseas. The most-selling films are undoubtedly the heroism of a tall individual saving the world. All the protagonists of these films are positive characters.

One can imagine the difficulty faced in creating a commercial film with such a neurotic and hysterical villain.

No one has ever done this in the field of large-scale production business, and this story only needs to read the script, without having to read the plan. Jimmy knows that the investment must be low, and there are too many things to show.

"When I finish the plan, I will talk to the top management of Warner Bros. to promote the operation of this project." Wayne knows how risky it is to take out this film directly, and he is ready to lobby one by one. (shui) The preparation of Warner executives.

According to the career path he planned for himself, he should have made one or two more successful films, gradually accumulated the trust of the production company in him, and gradually exercised his shooting ability.

But the great success of "Get Out" dispelled most of Wayne\'s doubts. Since the audience of this era can accept such a film, even the acceptance is very high, he is ready to start his plan in advance.

"Dark, deep, serious, distorted human nature, and a depressing, breathless atmosphere, is this a fable? Or an accusation?" Jimmy muttered in a low voice, he couldn\'t forget the shock of the story in the script.

This is a character who seems to be very far away from him, but seems to be a part of his personality. Such a complex character is simply fascinating.

"Jimmy? Jimmy!" Seeing that the agent was still immersed in the story in the script, Wayne didn\'t know if he should be happy.

"Ah? Oh, sorry, I lost my mind!"

"The theater has already paid Warner Bros. "Get Out" the first box office share, right? You have to communicate with them as soon as possible to get them to pay my director\'s salary as soon as possible."

What did he try to make a film for? Don\'t talk about dreams and the like, Wayne\'s core idea is also Chi Luoluo\'s interests, which is the driving force that stimulates him to keep climbing.

Born in this country, money can definitely solve 99% of the troubles, and the remaining % is just because the money is not enough.

In addition to the possibility of high income from filming, there are other things, such as fame, power, life value, etc., and these are also inseparable from money.

"I\'ll communicate with them when I go back." Jimmy leaned on the sofa, trying to get the thoughts out of his mind. "You can rest assured that Warner Bros. will never default on your share. Since they want to cooperate more deeply with you, they will never offend you because of the money they have to give sooner or later."

"That\'s good, think about it, Jimmy, there\'s a part of you in it too."

The biggest part of a broker\'s income is the various remunerations of his clients. The two are tied together, so brokers will work hard to sell their clients.

According to the relevant regulations of the North American Cinema Company, 28 days after a film is officially released, the cinema will take the initiative to pay the film distributor for the first share.

The first payment is also the most divided for a movie. Except for some bug-level movies, there is almost no possibility of breaking this rule.

And the only one who can break this rule is the truck driver himself. The box office of the big ship has been stagnant from the beginning, and it has been rampant in the back, and it has never been relied on the weekend box office at the beginning.

After a lapse of more than ten years, that Avatar once again replicated the box office trajectory of the big ship, and this was done by the truck driver.

After the cinema chain pays the first share, the subsequent share of the film will change with the agreement and release time. Generally, all share will be paid to the distributor within one week after the film is released.

But this box office share is in the hands of the distribution company. It is unknown when they will pay the producer, and other directors and actors who participated in the share.

If it is an individual producer, a year or a half of delayed payment by the distribution company is a short period of time. Even for the six most reputable giants in Hollywood, unreasonable delays and defaults are common.

After Jimmy left, Wayne put away the script and the unfinished plan and went back to his bedroom.

Just lying on the deck chair on the balcony, UU was reading www.uukanshu. com Nina walked in with the phone. "Boss, you have to call your new sweetheart to ask if you\'re going back to Los Angeles!"


He took the phone and pointed to the bedroom door. After Nina walked out, he put the phone in his ear.

"Hello, this is Wayne Greenberg."

"Hello, Director Greenberg, I\'m Cameron Diaz. I called you a few times before and the assistant answered. Will you be in Los Angeles?"

Wayne\'s face turned up slowly, he could hear the surprise in the other\'s tone, and he was also very interested in her.

"Of course, I just came back today. Do you have time? I have a big wine cellar. Would you like to come to my house for a drink?"

The other side of the phone paused for a few seconds, as if thinking about something, and then came a sweet voice. "Can you come and pick me up? I don\'t have a good sense of direction. I\'m afraid I can\'t find your home by driving by myself."

"No problem, tell me where you are now, and I\'ll let the car pick you up, okay, just wait at the Four Seasons Hotel, okay, that\'s it!"

Life needs a new line of stimulation. The arrival of this phone call made Wayne feel good. He went downstairs to greet Sergey and asked him to pick him up at the Four Seasons Hotel.

Cameron Diaz, who had just hung up the phone, was now in front of the Four Seasons Hotel with a look of surprise. She had called the director many times, but the assistant always answered.

Originally thought that the line that was finally caught was broken, but I didn\'t expect surprises to come inadvertently.

Not long after, a silver-length Rolls-Royce stopped in front of her and dropped the glass under her somewhat cramped gaze.

"Ms Cameron Diaz?"

"Ye, it\'s me!"
