Hollywood Drawing

~: ninety-five-sugar daddy

Tim Burton\'s Batman Gothic show this time has directly ruined his reputation in the previous work. Fans are not very impressed, and even the box office obtained depends on Batman\'s own popularity.

This makes Jonathan Keller of DC Comics become a lot more cautious about comic characters, and the role of the Joker, also from Gotham, can be recognized by the audience is very difficult to determine.

At Warner Bros.\'s regular meeting on Monday, a copy of the project plan was placed in front of every executive, and everyone was looking at it, but no one spoke first.

If this kind of project with the villain as the protagonist is sent by someone else, it is estimated that there will not even be a chance to review it. It can be discussed at the meeting just because the director has just created a brilliant box office result.

The most popular commercial films in Hollywood nowadays are by no means such a literary style that discusses social issues, but popular action films. Only large-scale productions that stimulate the eyeballs are the mainstream.

"Knock, knock."

CEO Kevin Tesuhara knocked on the table, attracting everyone\'s attention in the quiet conference room.

"Jeff, tell me what you think about the project that Director Greenberg\'s agent submitted to you."

Jeff is actually not sure about the prospects of the project. The production cost indicated at the end of the plan is as high as 50 million to 60 million US dollars, which is already considered an investment in Hollywood\'s first-tier commercial films.

Just as Jeff was still thinking about how to speak, Thomas Mendes, who was sitting across from him in the film and television production department, waved the plan in his hand, looked at the people around him and said first:

"As far as the script and plan are concerned, the feasibility of this project is indeed not low, but it must also take into account the production style of director Greenberg. His first two films have been very enthusiastic among young people. The biggest reason is the production style.

A million-dollar investment can allow him to unleash his directing talent, but this is a first-line production of tens of millions of dollars. No one can guarantee whether his directing experience can control a big production. "

This is the most fundamental problem, the director\'s steps are too fast. He does not have any experience in directing tens of millions of investments, and he has succeeded twice in a row, both with a small and broad sense.

It\'s not like Hollywood has never produced such a director. Small-budget productions can get good results every time, but when they reach large-scale productions, they will face inexperience and can\'t control a huge crew, and the final film will not meet the requirements.

The composition of the crew of a first-line project is by no means comparable to a stall with dozens of people. It requires the director and producer to have strong ability and experience.

"This project is very suitable for Director Greenberg, there is no doubt about it." Jeff leaned forward slightly on the upper body, and put his hands on the conference table. "The style of the film can be said to be tailor-made for him, and his past commercial achievements are also very convincing. I suggest that you talk to director Greenberg before deciding whether to enter the review process."

Thomas Mendes shrugged and looked at CEO Kevin Tesuhara with everyone.

"Jeff, ask him to come to Warner Building sometime, let\'s talk to him, that\'s all." Kevin Tesuhara put down the plan in his hand and picked up another one.

"You also submitted the project of Gannet Assassination Order, um, the director is Allen-J-Pakula?"

Jeff was relieved to see that he had agreed to his proposal. Although he still had doubts about the project, he was willing to trust the director. Wayne\'s past achievements were enough to support him in doing so.

Jeff submitted a total of two project plans today, and the second one is this one. In his eyes, this project is as important as "joker".

"The Gannet Assassination project has been pre-investigated, the prospects are very good, director Alan J-Pakula is trustworthy, he is ready to invite Julia Roberts and Denzel Washington to star, all of these It\'s not a problem..."

At the same time, Wayne, who is walking with the Golden Retriever in Greenberg Manor, is not aware of the controversy caused by his project at Warner Bros. After taking this step, there is no room for regret, and he can only try his best to push the project to pass the review. .

Just as he walked to the side of the garden near the gate with his two dogs, the manor welcomed an old friend who drove in a red Ford from outside the gate.

The car braked and stopped in front of Wayne, and Naomi Watts walked down with sunglasses on.

"Hey, how\'s this time going? I heard that you found another hot little wild cat and became her \'sugar daddy\'?"

Wayne let go of the two dogs and hugged her. As if he hadn\'t heard the joke about "Sugar Daddy", he pouted and said, "The theme of this time is vacation, the new project was submitted to Warner Bros., and the Waiting for their news."

After letting go of the blond beauty, she looked at her cool dress, as if she had just returned from the beach, and asked, "Where did you just come back from vacation? Why did you think of visiting me?"

"I went back to Australia, rested for a few days, and went in to talk."

Naomi Watts patted the car and sat in the driver\'s seat. After Wayne tucked both dogs into the back seat and got himself into the car, she restarted the car and parked in front of the main building.

The two sat in the living room before Naomi Watts revealed the purpose of coming here. "Nicole Kidman invited me to a party and I want you to come with me."

"What time?" Wayne wasn\'t interested in these per se, but it didn\'t matter if he went with the blond beauty.

"Tonight." Naomi Watts looked at him awkwardly. "There will be a lot of us in the Australian circle at the party. It\'s a country party, right at Cruise\'s house not far from your place."

"Hey, Nami, don\'t look at me like that, I\'m yours tonight." Wayne looked at her long legs that were exposed. "But you\'re mine tonight after the party!"

"No problem!" Naomi Watts never refused to do this. The two had a very high tacit understanding, and the process was full of enjoyment for her.

"sugardaddy! I also want a full set of new Chanel products. When will you take me to the Avenue of Stars to scan the goods?"

Hearing her mention this again, Wayne asked suspiciously, "Where did you hear the news?"

"Don\'t you read the newspaper?" Naomi Watts rolled her eyes. "The tabloids are full of pictures of you shopping with that girl, and yeah, you never cared about that. But now there\'s speculation in the tabloids that you dumped Harry for that Cameron Diaz- Berry, you now have a new title, sugardaddy! How is it, do you like it?"

"We\'re just having fun, well, if you like, you can go shopping for clothes at any time." Wayne really didn\'t care about those gossip tabloids, his daily routine was very regular.

Especially after the new project was handed over to Warner Bros., Jimmy hardly ever left the manor. He was either walking the dog or thinking about shooting problems at home.

This film is different from the previous two films. It is too complicated. He wants to go to New York to shoot all the scenes on the spot, which is also a big problem. This requires Warner to communicate with the New York City government later.

The actor of the Joker is also a big problem. How old is Joaquin Phoenix? Hollywood has almost any type of actor, and it is very difficult to find this kind of coffee, and the current solution can only hope that the audition work will bring surprises.

"Are you going back? Or go directly at night?"

Naomi Watts pointed to the car outside. "I brought clothes. You accompany me directly at night."

Wayne nodded and looked at the long legs curled up on the sofa. "No one has touched the layout in your room. Would you like to go up and take a look?"

Naomi Watts watched him roll her eyes and understood the meaning. She knew this man very well.

Licking her lips lightly at Wayne\'s gaze, she stood up and walked directly to the second floor. "You\'re an animal, Wayne!"

The hot afternoon passed. Just as it was getting dark in Los Angeles, Wayne got into a Rolls-Royce with Naomi Watts in a formal suit, and Sergey stopped the car five minutes before he drove out of the estate and opened the Front and rear partitions. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Boss, here we are!"

After getting out of the car, Naomi Watts took Wayne\'s arm lightly and handed the invitation to the security guard at the door. The two entered the mansion.

Unlike Greenberg Manor, Tom Cruise\'s house does not have a garden in front of it. After entering, a gravel road leads directly to the main building. Instead, there is a large space behind the main building, and the party is on the grass behind.

The entrance of the mansion is full of luxury cars, which is different from Wayne\'s taste. Bentley, Cadillac, and Mercedes-Benz are only a few here, and more are all kinds of supercars. Seeing them in a row is like a luxury car show.

"Although you have had unhappiness and competition." Naomi Watts took his arm and said softly. "But at your level, it\'s impossible for Tom Cruise to tear up with you. Even if they hate each other, they will maintain a superficial relationship."

Wayne understood what she meant and didn\'t want to make enemies everywhere. Tom Cruise should think the same, otherwise there would be no meeting at the last party to ease the relationship.

This circle is like this. Everyone is a well-rounded person. Even if they cannot cooperate, they will basically be calm after the competition. No one can guarantee that there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

"There are a lot of Australian actors who don\'t have a good relationship with Tom Cruise, like that one." Wayne followed her gaze forward, and Mel Gibson was chatting with Sylvester Stallone.

"Tom Cruise not only dislikes Mel Gibson, he even dislikes it, but since he and Nicole Kidman belong to the same Australian gang, he still acquiesced to the other party to come to the party."

Not only Tom Cruise, but even Wayne himself doesn\'t like the Australian wild ass, and some of his remarks have been controversial.