Hollywood Drawing

~: Ninety-six - party

Under the leadership of the waiter, the two walked along the wide gravel road, bypassed the corridor of the main building, and entered the huge backyard.

On the brightly lit backyard lawn, dozens or hundreds of people chatted with each other in different circles, beautiful and handsome men dressed in cool clothes shuttled among them, and waiters brought trays to continuously bring running water drinks.

Seeing them come in, Nicole Kidman, who had been entertaining guests, greeted them.

"Hi, Nami!"

"Good evening, Nicole!"

Naomi Watts let go of Wayne\'s arm, crossed him and hugged Nicole Kidman, just like she said, no matter how privately they were, they were really like two good friends at this moment.

"Good evening, Director Greenberg!" Nicole Kidman let go of Naomi Watts and extended her hand to Wayne. "I\'m glad you could come to the party."

"Good evening, Ms. Kidman." Shaking lightly with her, Wayne carefully observed the woman.

In the early 1990s, Nicole Kidman was simply white and glowing. She was very tall and looked very oppressive, and her queenly temperament was undoubtedly revealed.

Putting aside her chances, this beauty is indeed the most resistant group of Hollywood actresses, and can be comparable to the new generation of actresses after a few decades.

"I\'ll lead you in!" Nicole Kidman led them to the pool, beckoned two waiters, and toasted with Wayne before returning to the villa to continue entertaining the new guests. coming guests.

"Very confident woman, isn\'t she?" Naomi Watts said in a weird tone, seeing that he had been staring at her fellow Australian.

"Nami, you\'re not going the same way." Wayne looked back, he just sighed that the goddess she used to be was so beautiful when she was young. "Mrs. Cruise is a shortcut, but it also has very big hidden dangers."

"Huh?" Naomi Watts looked at him puzzled.

Wayne picked up the champagne, looked around, made sure no one was paying attention to them, and continued: "This is indeed the fastest shortcut to fame, and it doesn\'t mean there are no hidden dangers. As long as Tom Cruise is still a superstar, she will It will always be Mrs. Cruise, and she will never have a second character, no matter how good she is!"

If later generations evaluate the least favorite woman in North American movie fans, Nicole Kidman is definitely at the top. This woman is a typical box-office poison, except for the first two years of her divorce from Tom Cruise.

In particular, none of the films starring with her husband have made a big hit at the box office. This is a teammate that Tom Cruise can\'t bring. Few films, from "Ambition" to "Eyes Open," have been successful.

However, as long as Tom Cruise is not partnered with his wife, his box office appeal will become extremely strong, which is actually quite embarrassing.

Of this woman\'s box-office success, some of them were North American fans who were influenced by her divorced vulnerable character, no one is sure.

"You know? She\'s the smartest one." Naomi Watts sighed in her tone. "If I hadn\'t met you, I\'d probably have been playing tricks until I couldn\'t stand it, and then flew back to Australia in despair. Her choice is the smartest way, and others can\'t learn it if they want to."

Naomi Watts is also a very brainy woman. She knows very well why her road to fame is so smooth. If it hadn\'t been for Wayne to use her as the heroine in two consecutive films, all the films would have been very successful. So far, She is still nothing, and she must still be working in a convenience store, constantly auditioning for roles.

She knew that this man meant more to her than any other name like her boyfriend. She was just lucky, fortunately, in that old apartment, she met the equally down-to-earth Wayne.

"Ha, Nami, you have to thank yourself for your efforts." Wayne was reluctant to mention these, some people are always special. He can be sure that there will never be another woman like Naomi Watts by his side in the future.

"The master is here!" Naomi Watts patted his arm lightly and nodded behind him.

Wayne looked back and found Tom Cruise in a neat suit, holding a glass of champagne and walking towards him.

"Hi, Director Greenberg!"

"Hi, Mr. Cruise."

The two shook hands and were polite to each other.

Tom Cruise looked at Naomi Watts beside him and said, "Find a quiet place to chat?"

Wayne shrugged and patted the woman\'s hand. "Go play first, I\'ll chat with Mr. Cruise, and I\'ll call you later."

Tommy nodded to Naomi Watts, led Wayne to the edge of the backyard, and sat on the white chair under the palm tree.

"Director Greenberg..."

"Call me Wayne, Tom."

"Well, Wayne, there was a little misunderstanding between us, you know." Tom Cruise raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

Wayne raised his glass and gestured to him. "It\'s over, this is Hollywood, I understand, there is no personal conflict between us."

Tom Cruise also raised his glass and took a sip. "To be honest, I admire you very much. You are a genius in a certain way. I have hardly seen a director like you since you became famous, who can make a film like that look good and box office."

People love to hear compliments, and Wayne was no exception, and he said, "Hey, you know what I\'m most proud of? Not those **** box office numbers, but my win over Tom Crewe. Sis, it\'s a miracle."

Wayne\'s tone was self-joking, and Tom Cruise laughed when he heard it. Just in the business exchange between the two, the unfamiliar atmosphere between them melted visibly.

Tom Cruise shook his head with a smile, and asked casually: "I heard that you submitted a new project to Warner Bros.? When are you going to start preparing, this time I should pay attention, don\'t run into you. "

Sure enough, there are no secrets in this circle. Wayne sighed in his heart. He just submitted a new project to Warner Bros. two days before the other party received the news.

"The specific time is uncertain. It seems that Warner Bros. has doubts about my new project and has not officially entered the review process."

"Stop joking, Wayne." Tom Cruise felt incredible when he heard this. "Hollywood examines a director\'s project. The most important point of inspection is the director\'s business performance within three years. They can\'t block your project. That\'s pushing you to the opponent\'s side."

"The investment this time is very high, which is different from the previous small-cost and small-scale production." Wayne also understands this. The commercial achievements of the past two films are his biggest reliance, and he believes that Warner Bros. will eventually accept it.

"Your film is very thoughtful. If I hadn\'t taken the "Sugar-Coated Trap" directed by Sidney Pollack, I would have participated in your male lead audition."

The other party\'s words reminded him that Tom Cruise did not cooperate with his wife in this "Sugar-Coated Trap". He had an impression of this film, Tom Cruise, Gene Hackman, Jenny Terry Prihorn\'s combination seems to be the top bomb of the year.

Even if the filming of my own film is completed, I have to stagger with the other side when shifting gears. It is not because I am afraid of competition, but when I encounter this kind of film, it can only result in a lose-lose outcome.

Wayne said with a smile: "Tom, there will be opportunities to collaborate in the future! To be honest, your style is not suitable for my films, unless you are willing to play a lunatic, that is not in line with your positioning in the hearts of fans."

"There will be opportunities. Your shooting style is naturally close to the awards. We always have the opportunity to cooperate."

Tom Cruise stood up, and the two embraced again, ready to end the conversation. Both of them have achieved their goals, especially Tom Cruise.

No one wants to befriend a director who is constantly successful, and this director is not the kind of director who will be laid off after filming the material. This is a director with real power and talent.

Even as a Hollywood superstar, his status represents a scarce resource, and this is no exception. Tom Cruise is very proud, but not stupid, most of the time his mind is clear.

The two returned to the center of the party, Tom Cruise pointed to the beautiful girls around who were watching them~www.novelhall.com~ Enjoy, Wayne, it\'s very safe here. "

Wayne shrugged and was about to find Naomi Watts, his purpose of coming here today has been completed. After staying with her for a while, I\'m ready to go back.

By the pool not far from Wayne, there was a certain gaze staring at him.

"See, it\'s that child."

"Mel, don\'t be angry with the kid, his movie not only won you over, he also had a good chat with Tom just now." Sitting opposite Mel Gibson was a big man with facial paralysis, and it seemed that the two of them had a good relationship.

Mel Gibson is very contradictory. He doesn\'t have many friends in his circle. Because he is an alcoholic, he makes a lot of inappropriate remarks after drinking too much, but he can always make some friends.

Sylvester Stallone is reluctant to get involved in this topic. He and Wayne both have Jewish ancestry, and they are even more reluctant to discuss this topic.

"Mel, I hope to have the opportunity to work together, I still have something to do." Stallone stood up and walked towards the party host Tom Cruise.

Wayne found Naomi Watts, she was chatting with a group of actors who were also from Australia, and even Nicole Kidman was involved. It was obvious that the center of the group was these two women.

"Nami, won\'t you introduce us to Director Greenberg?" In the roar of everyone, Naomi Watts just smiled, took his arm, said sorry, and brought He left here.

"This bitxh!!"

"Rely on men\'s bitches."


Originally, Nicole Kidman was still smiling and listening, but her face became cold when she heard this. This sentence also applies to her.