Hollywood Drawing

~: Forty - Personal Assistant

There were three servings of Baked Pasta with Rich Cheese Bolognese on the table. When Naomi sat down with her mother, he rarely took out half a bottle of champagne from the refrigerator.

After pouring them both, Wayne officially lifted the cup, looked his mother in the eyes and said, "Mom, thank you for calling Mr. Townsend Rothman, I don\'t know how you knew I was in trouble, But I admit that I thought it was too easy to make a film! Thank you and Dad for everything you did for me, Mom!"

"No, baby, you\'ve done a good job." Anna looked at her son who had matured a lot in half a year of work, and said proudly: "Trust me, Wayne, you are already proud of your mother! You will do it in the future. The better, the opportunity is your own hard work."

Wayne looked at the relief on his mother\'s face, but he didn\'t think he was anything special. He still underestimated the darkness of Hollywood and the difficulty of making a film. This success was largely a fluke.

If it weren\'t for the funds of his father in the early stage, the affection of his mother and father in the later stage, and without the support of his family, he could be said to be a complete failure.

Having had this experience, he has learned a lot of knowledge that cannot be learned in school, which is more effective than staying in an ivory tower for four years. Sure enough, what the instructor said was not done. A movie has never been made by one person. It is the result of the efforts of countless people and teams.

"Hey, Wayne, come on, let\'s have a drink, congratulations on getting your degree successfully." Naomi raised her glass after watching the mother and son exchange, and proposed to have a drink together.

"Come on, baby, congratulations on your successful graduation." Anna also raised the cup, and the three touched on the small dining table. "The pasta is great, Ms. Watts, and you\'re good at craftsmanship."

"Ah! Thank you, just call me Nami."

After lunch, Wayne pulled his mother to sit on the sofa and handed her the script. He hoped that his mother could give him some advice, just like when he first made a movie.

Anna took the script and watched it quietly for half an hour. After flipping back and forth twice, she leaned back on the sofa and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Wayne, I remember that your father and I gave you a lot of love when we were young. Why do you always like to write this kind of story? Like your first script, my mother didn\'t like this story, which is better than your last script. It\'s dark, no, it\'s just chilling."

Anna looked at her son seriously, and seemed to be thinking about whether her child was stimulated and why she always liked to create this type of story.

Wayne was looked at as awkward, and he considered the language and said, "Mom, I have been studying these since I was a freshman. I like to use the evil in human nature to convey some ideas."

"It seems that you are still preparing Nami for the heroine of this film? Well, I don\'t know if your current ability can handle this kind of film, and the choice of actors is also a big problem.

Especially this woman in the script, who doesn\'t have many roles, but needs acting skills. Don\'t think it\'s easy to laugh and cry. This can be regarded as a small group portrait film, which is much more complicated than Happy Death Day.

Of course, the benefits are obvious. Simple scenes do not need special effects to set off, and the shooting techniques should not be too complicated. You need an experienced photographer. Most importantly, from the perspective of the script description, the production cost is very low. "

Anna said some of her own opinions. Like she said, she didn\'t like the story at all. Just reading the script made her back shiver.

"Yes, I\'m going to let Nami play the heroine, I hope she can do the job. It\'s easy to talk about the actor question, I\'m not in a hurry, Hollywood has some people to choose from, and I\'ll change the settings if it\'s a big deal."

Wayne and his mother discussed the production of the film, and Naomi brought them coffee and sat and listened silently.

"You\'re not going to invest in your own independent production, are you? Listen to Wayne, all Hollywood directors know one thing, that is, no matter how confident they are, they won\'t use their own money to make movies." Anna is serious She reminded him that she was afraid that her son would taste the sweetness and continue to spend money to gamble.

"No, Mom, although the investment for this film is very small, I have already submitted the project proposal to Fox, and they are reviewing it. I promise not to gamble on my film again." He promised like his mother.

Every film can be said to be a gamble, and no one knows what the outcome will be. Big companies have specialized market forecasting departments, and there are still movies that hit the street at the box office. The audience\'s taste is the most fickle. .

"Well, you\'re sober Wayne, well, let\'s be here today, I have to go back early, otherwise no one knows what your dad will be doing at home, if I don\'t go back sooner, maybe he\'ll turn the house into a weapon Processing factory!"

After speaking, Anna picked up her bag and said goodbye to Naomi: "Thank you for the pasta, Nami, I called a car, you don\'t have to send me Wayne."

Watching his mother get into the car, he looked away. The project had been delivered to Twentieth Century Fox for a few days. He was a little worried, but there was no news at all.

After thinking about it, Wayne picked up the phone and dialed Jimmy\'s number.

"Hi, Jimmy, I\'m Wayne. Is there any news from Twentieth Century Fox?" As the call was connected, he couldn\'t wait to ask Jimmy.

"No, I called them, and Terry replied that they were discussing. By the way, there is news about the assistant you want, I gave her your address, and it should not be too long before she will go to you for an interview. "

"Okay, then let\'s do this first. You pay attention to Fox\'s news, and you can make a proper reminder."

Hanging up the phone, Wayne thought about the assistant, wondering what kind of person Jimmy was looking for.

Naomi took the script, sat on the balcony and studied silently, never disturbing his work. This woman is not ordinary, she always knows when to act like a spoiled child and when to be silent.

He hopes that Fox can give him news as soon as possible. If the project can pass the review, he will have to build his own production team. At least the assistant director and cameraman need to be his own people. If the lighting can get Steve back, it will be perfect.

But the premise of all preparations is that the project is passed, and the feeling of waiting for news at home is very uncomfortable.

"Someone knocked on the door, I\'ll open it!"

Seeing Wayne dazed with a cigarette, Naomi knew that this was his thinking habit, and took the initiative to open the door.

Entering was a white girl in her early twenties, about 1.7 meters tall, with a thin body and ordinary appearance, at least not annoying.

"Hello, Director Greenberg, I\'m here to apply for an assistant. This is my resume."

Seeing Wayne looking up, the girl hurriedly handed the resume to the other party.

"No, let\'s talk and introduce yourself, why do you want to do this job." He didn\'t look at the girl\'s resume, and he didn\'t need to care about education for his assistant\'s job.

"My name is Nina Klein, I\'m 21 years old, I just graduated from the Finance Department of New York University, and I have no work experience, but I believe I can do this job." Nina briefly introduced herself nervously, looking at the same person on the opposite side. young director.

"Nina, I have to say it\'s not an internship, I need a long-term and stable assistant. You should do an internship on Wall Street and work with numbers, not a nanny-like assistant." He shook his head, the other party too Young, many things need to be learned from scratch, and he is not an insider, he does not want to change assistants frequently.

Seeing that Wayne was about to refuse, Nina said urgently: "No, Director Greenberg, Wall Street always discriminates against female workers. Before I came here, I specially studied your information, and I believe I can handle this. I am not looking for an internship, I need this job, please give me a chance."

Opportunity, yes, opportunity! Looking at this mediocre white girl, looking at him earnestly and sincerely, he remembered that he once needed such an opportunity.

"Okay, Nina, can you drive?"

"Of course, I can drive!"

"Go back and pack up, get Jimmy to sign the contract, and there\'s a nondisclosure agreement in it. I\'m not a cheapskate, and if you can do a really good job, skip the internship, and your starting salary is $5,000 a month, provided you sign a nondisclosure agreement. If it\'s acceptable, you can come to work tomorrow."

The salary he offered to his assistant was quite high, and the starting salary was already very high. If the girl really needed the job, she would learn to do it quickly, and he wanted to give Nina a chance.

"Okay, I\'ll go to Jimmy to sign a contract in a while, and I\'ll come to work tomorrow." Although she didn\'t know what made the other party change her mind, Nina cherished this opportunity very much.

It\'s not always the woman who fell in love with her own face, the woman on the balcony, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is much more beautiful than her.

Wayne nodded, watching the other party open the door and leave his apartment.

"This girl should be having a bad time, Wayne." Naomi walked over to him and told him her observations.

"I don\'t know if you noticed her clothes. The clothes are very old but very clean. The shoes are also marked for more than two or three years. The cuffs of the top are badly worn. Like she said, she needs this job very much."

He really didn\'t pay attention to these details, but after thinking about it, it was true. "You\'re really watching, Nami. Anything else? Did you see anything else?"

"There are some." Naomi pointed to the balcony and continued: "She drove a very old pickup when she left, at least fifteen years old and maybe more, so I said she should have a very bad life. Well, at least the economy is tight, but the people are clean and decent."

"If she can do this job, it will change her financial situation." Wayne stroked his chin, thinking about the girl. "The job of a personal assistant is very important. As long as she is capable and strict, I will not be stingy to give her a raise. That expenditure is not much for me."

"Well, I\'m just telling you what I observed, do you want some coffee? Or keep thinking about work?" Naomi picked up the coffee pot and filled the cup in front of him with coffee.

Wayne suddenly stood up and pulled Naomi away: "Sweetheart, you can\'t have a good coffee." After saying that, he hugged her and went straight into the bedroom.

Naomi didn\'t reject his request. She also liked his strong body, and her hands were already skilled in undoing his belt.


Naomi\'s exclamation sounded in the bedroom, followed by a rapid gasp.