Hollywood Drawing

~: 4.1-billion yuan club

At eight in the morning, Nina Klein knocked on the apartment door on time, and it was Naomi who opened the door for her. Nina knew her, she was the heroine of Wayne\'s last film, and after smiling politely with her, she walked into the living room with some newspapers.

"Boss, I bought some newspapers, a lot of news about you." Nina sat on the sofa and looked at the boss who was eating bacon.

"Oh, Nina, do you want some breakfast? Nami\'s scrambled eggs and bacon are good, you should try it. The news about me?" Wayne picked up the newspaper in confusion and motioned for Nami to give her a breakfast , the two of them get to know each other.

Naomi took out another plate from the kitchen counter and put it in front of Nina, saying that you\'re welcome and prepared her share. After filling her coffee, he sat next to Wayne and looked at the seven or eight newspapers on the coffee table.

\'Just yesterday, the young Hollywood director Wayne Greenberg ushered in the most important moment in his life. The global box office of "Happy Death Day" exceeded 100 million US dollars.

This small-budget thriller, independently produced by Wayne Greenberg, was released in North America yesterday, and the domestic box office totaled more than 70 million US dollars, reaching 70.12 million US dollars, which was very popular among young people.

Distributor Twentieth Century Fox then released the film overseas, and within a week it did well, grossing more than $40 million at the box office in 42 countries. Wayne Greenberg joined the billion-dollar club just after graduation. . . . ’—Los Angeles Times.

\'The youngest multimillionaire! Director Wayne Greenberg!

According to 20th Century Fox\'s internal staff, in order to buy the overseas distribution rights of "Happy Death Day" and the subsequent adaptation rights of the film, 20th Century Fox paid director Wayne Greenberg more than 20 million US dollars!

The youngest multi-millionaire in Hollywood was born. The film "Happy Death Day" is an independent production made by the director\'s personal investment. Some insiders pointed out that the production cost will not exceed one million US dollars. The fairy tale of the American dream was staged and entered the ranks of the rich. . . . ’—The Hollywood Reporter

"My God, Wayne! Are these newspapers crazy?" Naomi looked at him in surprise after scanning the two newspapers. "Are they waiting for the film to drop in North America before focusing on reporting? Did you really sell this film for that much money?"

Swallowing the food in his mouth, Wayne took a gulp of coffee and lit a Marlboro before saying in a hurry, "Yes, Nami, it did sell at that price, and there are not many chances to beat Hollywood vampire giants. , is almost impossible in the future.

I am also amazed at the sensitivity of these media, maybe they are all waiting for the box office to exceed 100 million. After I sold the copyright, I didn\'t pay attention to the box office, and overseas box office statistics were relatively slow. "

"ohmygod! No wonder you\'re changing houses and moving to Beverly Hills? That\'s my dream. Make sure you save me a room and live in the Beverly Hills villa, that must be a wonderful feeling!"

Naomi\'s eyes widened, and she hugged his arm excitedly. She thought that Wayne made a lot of money, but she didn\'t expect a movie to make so much money!

"Hey! Hey! Nami, the house hasn\'t been found yet. If you really buy the right one, there will be a house for you." Wayne quickly appeased the woman and continued: "Look at any other reports? Is there anything about the film other than this kind of touting me personally?"

"Let me see, yes, do you want me to read it to you?" Naomi flipped through the newspaper, took out the New York Times and asked him.

Wayne shrugged and leaned on the sofa, saying it didn\'t matter.

"Without special effects and brain holes, there is also a big market for low-budget thrillers!

Hidden in this month\'s lifeless film is a film with an uncomplicated plot and a tight rhythm, which is perfect for passing the time. It is the low-budget thriller "Happy Death Day" by young director Wayne Greenberg. This production The million-dollar movie has already grossed $100 million at the global box office.

If you regard Happy Death Day as a horror movie, you may be disappointed; but if you regard it as a chicken movie, this is definitely a chickflick that combines horror, suspense, funny and **** elements, and will give you many surprises.

The most successful part of Happy Death Day is the creation of the heroine. The IQ is online from beginning to end, and the logic is perfect. After realizing that she was caught in an infinite death cycle, the heroine Teri did not sit still at all but was fully motivated, implemented various plans to try to find the real culprit, and even took the initiative to enter the next cycle in order to save innocent people.

Some people may criticize that the plot of Happy Death Day is too simple and has all the problems of low-budget movies, but the excellent performance of the heroine Naomi Watts makes up for all the deficiencies. I haven\'t been so amazing on the big screen by an actress in a long time, who truly has both beauty and talent. . . "

"Oh, Nami, I suspect that you only saw reports praising you." Watching her read more and more excitedly, Wayne reluctantly interrupted her!

"Oh my God, I didn\'t expect any film critics to like my performance! This film critic named Ed Ford has such a good eye!"

Hearing Naomi\'s words, he forcibly resisted the urge to roll his eyes. I don\'t know if the other party has received Fox\'s public relations. According to the rules in the circle, it is estimated that it must be Fox\'s co-movie critic, otherwise he would not say such a good thing about Naomi.

The heroine of this film can be said to be a face-sucking person. Although Naomi performed well, she does not have much room for development in this film.

"Okay, put away the newspapers and see here, we still have a lot of things to do." Picking up the newspapers on the coffee table, stacking them together and putting them aside, Wayne is ready to start the official work.

He was also very happy when he saw the touts in the newspapers, but just look at these things. The bottom line of North American entertainment media is surprisingly low, second only to Fleet Street in the United Kingdom.

Today they can tout Wayne as a representative of the American Dream, and if his next project fails, they will stomp him into the mud without any hesitation.

With the knowledge that he has lived for two lifetimes, he is really happy, not as excited as Naomi. The media could not make his project successful, and the film still required him to shoot and learn.

At the same time, Fox Tower is also holding a regular meeting, CEO Jeff and the executives are looking at the project plan in their hands.

"Townsend, you brought the plan, tell me what you think." Jeff only spoke when everyone put down the materials in their hands.

"Wait, I\'m sorry Jeff, I have to ask." Tim, the director of the film and television production department, interrupted Townsend who was about to speak. "I remember that the project proposal should be sent to the film and television production department first, and we should review it first, not the distribution department. What do you say, Townsend!"

"What\'s the difference? Tim. No matter which department submits the review, the purpose is to bring a lot of revenue to Fox. As long as it doesn\'t cause losses to the company like this year\'s Alien 3." Townsend Rothman also Don\'t back down, just say slap in the face.

Alien 3, as this year\'s head project, was promoted by Tim, the director of film and television production, but the results were not ideal. Fox\'s investment faced the risk of not being able to get it back for a few years.

Jeff didn\'t want their conflict to affect the work, so he interrupted them directly: "Okay, Townsend, you continue to talk about this project, Tim, if you have something to say after the meeting!"

"As we\'ve seen, it\'s a new project directed by Greenberg, or it\'s a thriller genre, which is what he\'s good at. It doesn\'t require a lot of investment, the scenes are relatively simple, and the script is better than his The previous one is also much more refined.

My opinion is that for such a director who is on the rise, he deserves our investment, and the box office of Happy Death Day can explain everything. "

After Townsend Rothman finished speaking, he looked directly at CEO Jeff. He knew that as long as Jeff passed here, basically other executives would not object.

"Well, the production cost of 5 million US dollars does not require much funds. In this way, you can contact Wayne\'s agent to negotiate as soon as possible, and I will push the project to pass the review as soon as possible." Jeff looked at the plan and felt that the film was invested in Not much, not high stakes, as tempting as Happy Death Day.

"Okay, I will contact his agent as soon as possible." Townsend Rothman smiled and agreed~www.novelhall.com~ He carefully studied the plan and script. The seemingly complicated story was actually more difficult to shoot than mainstream commercial films. Much simpler.

And a film of this nature, Wayne has successfully done it once, relatively speaking, the risk is minimized.

After receiving the call, Wayne waved his fist excitedly and finally started his second project. I hope this time will go smoothly.

Jimmy responded quickly and came to the apartment after a while, got to know each other with Nina, and went straight to the topic.

"Wayne, I need to know your bottom line so I can talk to Fox."

"Jimmy, tell them that in order to balance the rights of the crew, I want to be the producer of the crew, so that my age won\'t overwhelm the crew, which is a prerequisite for cooperation.

Also, the director\'s salary doesn\'t need to be too much, but I want to participate in the later stage, not the profit sharing, but the North American box office share. In this regard, you can negotiate an incentive ladder contract with them.

The project proposal and script were provided by me, and they asked for a project buyout money. Most importantly, I needed the right to participate in post-production, at least the right to make editing suggestions, which should be reflected in the contract. The rest can be discussed in accordance with the rules of the circle. "

Hearing his request, Jimmy rubbed his temples with his fingers with a bitter face, and said with some pain: "It\'s hard, Wayne, your request is hard. They are 20th Century Fox, and you are not a first-line director, even Not even three lines.

Participating in post-production is expected to be discussed, but it will not be easy. But it is basically impossible for the film to be divided into box office, and these vampires will not give up this part of the profit until that coffee spot.

Wait patiently, it is estimated that the negotiation will last for a long time, and these conditions need to be honed word by word. "